What I’m doing & what’s ahead! 🌻

Good morning!

Yesterday we went to get carry-on suitcases from Marshall’s and I ended up buying a really cute mug that says “Hello Fall” on it. It’s actually really big, I selected more coffee on the Keurig and it only got to halfway 😂 I also noticed this is the same mug my favorite Youtuber Casey Holmes bought the other day too!!! So I thought that was cool! 

So currently I am finishing up that cup of coffee. I feel good, I feel great. Woke up at 7:50 this morning and logged into work and I am now balancing my work stuff with blogging. The other day I bought Anastasia dip brow, I usually never do my eyebrows unless someone else does it for me for an event, but I’ve decided to learn myself so that I can fill mine in a little better. Maybe it’ll complete my makeup look, hopefully I don’t look scary lol. 

Today, Mirhad has to catch up on homework or I should say use this time to get ahead. He has an exam on Monday and then like 2 papers due after that and one of them is due on the 26th when we are in Seattle, so he’s going to have to finish that before. His teacher changed it last minute of course, but we aren’t cancelling our trip for that hahaha. 

We have a wedding to go to this weekend, but aside from that I’m going to be using this weekend to plan my outfits for the trip and plan pretty much everything so I am not doing it last minute like my trip to Dallas where I packed my clothes when I came from work 😂 We also need to deep clean the house this weekend so we don’t have to do that right before we leave. 

I was thinking about doing some yard work today, maybe cleaning out the weeds from my flowers up front and getting rid of any flowers that died. I am so bad at watering my flowers lol, but I swear I’ll get better especially now that it’s not scorching hot outside!

I need to book a nail appointment for next week, I am thinking about either doing black gel nails or a nude color. I am really feeling the black nails since it’s fall and it won’t get bad during my trip. About to get on Pinterest and just look for some more ideas! 

I think that’s it for now, see ya! 🙂 

Tuesday May 1, 2018 🌷

Good morning!

It’s MAY!!! Wow… it’s already May! Time really does fly fast and so does life. 4 years ago I graduated high school and in exactly 12 days, I will be graduating college.. wow. College was annoying, difficult, boring, fun, exciting, and in a way I will miss it. I won’t miss the exams and quizzes, but I will miss going to school with my best friend every day and just messing around and having fun, being careless about our surroundings, and laughing in class when we aren’t supposed to. When I look back on it, there wasn’t a time in class where me and Adisa didn’t mess around or send each other funny things and just start cracking up. Or if we’re both tired we just look at each other dozing off and start cracking up. I think if I didn’t go to school with Adisa, college would have been super boring, but I am SO glad that I had my best friend right by my side. And something I’m looking forward to even more is working with her full-time at our new company. From high school, through college, and now starting our first job together. So glad my best friend is here with me experiencing it all. And of course, my other best friend, my baby, was there through it all. I’m glad he had his own experiences and that he went to the college he wanted to. In the beginning, I was sad that we wouldn’t be going to the same school anymore, but I think it was a good thing for us to go to different colleges. I think it made us miss each other even more (sometimes LOL) and it really made us grow. Cheers to new beginnings! 

Right now, I am enjoying a cup of coffee and after I am going to make myself breakfast. Then I have class later on and after class me and Adisa will be working on our problem set that’s due Thursday! Our last day of micro and our exam is tomorrow!!! Not really ready for it, but I’ll study some more today. 

Also happy May 1st!!! 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

That’s all for now, see ya!

Sunday April 8, 2018

Happy Sunday Funday!!!!

Had a great night of sleep and woke up in a good mood. This morning I ate the usual – a thin everything bagel with an egg and mayo and then of course an orange afterwards. Now I am drinking coffee ❤ after I am done drinking my coffee, I am going to continue working on my homework and start studying for my test that’s in a couple of days. I need to get this finance math down so I can kill this test.

Yesterday we finished almost everything in the house, Mirhad’s parents will just go finish the rest of the basement today. My dad will look at the basement when he’s back to see if anything else needs to be put over the wall like cement or something and then we focus on the kitchen!

Tomorrow my parents come back, yay!!!!! I’m excited, I can’t wait to see them 🙂 🙂 🙂

Okay, so I am going to go study and do my homework, see ya!!! 😀

Tuesday March 27, 2018

Good morning!!!!

Happy Tuesday, it’s my brothers birthday today!! He’s 20! Crazy how it feels like we were just 8 and 10 years old a couple years ago, but it was way over 10 years ago 😦 Time flies!! So I woke up super tired today, but I am going to go to the gym after class today (maybe) or later tonight. I have to study for a while today for my test that is tomorrow (it sneaked up on me real quick) and whatever else I have on my agenda for today.

It’s raining again today which sucks because it just makes me even more tired than I usually am. Need some sun in my life! Everywhere I go it’s raining 😦

So I just left real quick to drop off Mirhad, class is in one hour exactly so I have some time to finish this quiz, write this last homework problem, and drink some coffee! I kind of have a headache from last night that never went away so hopefully this coffee helps.

We won’t be able to go to LA next week because school is crazy right now and we totally didn’t expect to both have tests within a couple days of us returning so that means it wouldn’t be as fun if we have to worry about and there’s just too much going on right now. So, we will go later, maybe in May or maybe sometime this summer. Yeah, we don’t get to go to the Ellen show, but maybe next time! Chicago will still be fun, at least that’s something to look forward to. A  little break from this place is just what we all need. Just really need to focus on passing these classes right now!

So yeah, that’s it. I may be able to blog again today, maybe not, we’ll see how this day goes.

Bye! 🙂


Monday March 26, 2018 🌼

Hey hey hey!!

Happy Monday everyone! I feel like it’s been the longest day ever. Set an alarm to wake up at 6 am to go to the gym and that didn’t happen… I’ll try again tomorrow. Instead, I went back to sleep until I had to wake up for class and going to class was basically pointless because it wasn’t much help for the study guide. But, it doesn’t matter, still went. After that I came home and ate 3 eggs and then went to go run some errands with Mirhad. Did everything except go move our delivery date of our appliances to a later date because we are not even close to being done with the kitchen. I have soooo much to do before I leave this weekend 😵

So in Chicago it’s going to be rainy and cold, which sucks, but when we went for Vildana’s birthday last summer it was rainy as well and we still had a good time even though it was much warmer. So the rain won’t be stopping us, we’ll still have fun! I need to plan my outfits since it’s going to be more winter type clothing, so I’ll be doing that probably Thursday after my class. I also need to change my windshield wipers before we leave since it’s going to rain and mine are so bad for some reason even though I changed it like 6 months ago I feel like. 🤔

I need to study for my micro test a little bit more the next 2 days and get that over with. I also have to finish the homework that’s due tomorrow & then make sure I’m caught up for next week since I’ll be gone. I wonder if my teacher would give me the problem set earlier?? Hopefully, I can just finish it while I’m gone because when I come back I have a test, ugh I feel like she flies through the material, but seriously we just had a test 2 weeks ago!!!! 😐

Anyways, it’s going to rain for the next 2 weeks and I’m already annoyed. But I guess this seasons saying will be “April showers bring May flowers,” so bring on the flowers!!!

So we came up to Washu and both of us forgot our computer chargers and mine is on 44% and his is on 20% 😦 so I can’t even use my computer for long to continue blogging 😦

But yeah, I’m going to go finish this homework and study!! Bye! 🙂

Sunday March 18, 2018


This is a super late post, but it’s been a long weekend and I needed to write! So spring break is officially over, back to school tomorrow 😦 I wish it lasted a little longer, I feel like I didn’t get the mental break I deserved (maybe just three more days would’ve been perfect) but I have to go back. On the bright side, there is only 8 more weeks of school and I only have 2 classes to worry about which means I get to focus on my blog a lot, YAY! March, April, and May will be great months because there is so much going on. 2 weeks until Chicago and 3 weeks until LA ( I can’t wait, it’s been too long since I have left STL) so I have something to look forward to this month still. When I come back from LA, my bridal shower will be like 2-3 weeks away and honestly I’m not crazy excited about it, but that will pass quickly and by then I should be decorating my house?! We’ll see if we can finish everything. Speaking of the house, we are about to start putting in the flooring. It’s going to be so beautiful – the flooring, not the part where we have to do it all ourselves 😦 but I think we will finish quick. 

I did some shopping in the last 3 days and was able to get some items that I have been wanting for a while. On Friday, I went to Ulta and Sephora to pick up some things I needed and have been wanting for a while now. 


From Sephora, I went and purchased Fenty Beauty foundation, I have been trying to buy this foundation for so long and every time I went to the Sephora closest to me, they were always out of my shade. They ended up giving me a small sample of some moisturizer and I had 400 beauty points so I picked up this Clinique moisturizing gel hydrant. I haven’t tried it out yet, but I love Clinique products so I am sure it will be nice. After that, I went to Ulta to buy my favorite Clinique moisturizer that I have been out of for over 2 weeks (it’s a shame I know, my skin has been sooooo dry) but I finally picked some up and my skin is thanking me 🙂 While at Ulta, I was able to get a sample of another Clinique moisturizer that was super expensive ($50) and I actually really like it, it’s super hydrating and I am layering it in with my other cream. I also bought a St. Tropez Gradual Tan Everyday Body Lotion. I usually use the foam one from that brand, but I haven’t had to use it since like senior year of high school. I wanted to try this out because it had a lot of good reviews and honestly within 2 days I saw some nice color. I skipped a day today and will just do it every other day so it doesn’t look bad. I feel like I just needed some color, I’m so pale. It just doesn’t look right with my dark hair and plus it’ll make me feel better about my upcoming vacations and the pictures I take. Ulta ended up giving me that sample size of St. Tropez Gradual Tan Glow Lotion, I haven’t tried it yet but thanks Ulta!!! Last thing I bought was the Purity Made Simple Face Wash. I love this face wash, I had it in a smaller bottle a while ago and it was a good face wash. It is a little pricey, but it’s good!

After my shopping, I headed over to Mirhad’s and we just hung out. I found this recipe for some wine/fruity drink and we decided to try it out. We made wayyyyy too much for two people and ended up dumping a lot of it down the drain, but it was pretty good. This would be nice for a backyard BBQ drink so I am going to save this recipe. Here’s how it turned out:


Yesterday we worked on the house and I literally did nothing the whole night besides laying in my bed and I guess it was fun to relax a bit.

Today, me and Mirhad went to go play tennis with Ermin and Dzenana, but it ended up being too cold for that so we decided to go bowling instead. After bowling, we went to eat at El Maguey’s and it was pretty good. I dropped everyone off at home and asked Sanela if she wanted to go shopping. I ended up buying white jeans which I haven’t had since high school, I’ve been looking for a good pair and I finally found one! I also bought this cute denim shirt, usually they look super weird on me, but this fit good. I bought this Real Techniques brush set, it’s pink and comes with 3 brushes for blush and highlight and with a beauty blender. Last thing I bought was a small book bag for my travels (for hiking in LA and just walking around, much easier than a purse) and it was only $25 and has plenty of space inside. It will be perfect to carry my stuff in on the plane, too. I think I might take it to Chicago as well since I will be walking around a lot. Here’s the book bag:


I might make a separate post about it since I want to go in depth about how much room it has inside. 

Tomorrow after class, I am going to catch up on my notes from micro so I can prep for my test next week (ugh already) and then I will do my micro homework. But before I do that, I am going to drink some coffee and blog 😀 I also need to email my teacher about not coming to Tuesday’s class because I will be getting my braces off!!!! 2 MORE DAYS!!!!

So yeah, that’s pretty much my whole weekend summed up, I’m excited for the next 8 weeks and can’t wait to blog all about it. 

Good night!!! ❤ 

Tuesday Feb. 20, 2018

Good morning!

Have class today and then going to do the homework I didn’t do yesterday. I literally didn’t open my bookbag back up after I got home from school lol. I feel so tired today, I really don’t want to go to class especially because it’s raining and I just don’t feel like dealing with it. It’s also almost 70 degrees outside with rain so it sucks that it can’t even be enjoyable because of the rain. 

Good thing I don’t have too much work this week because since it’s so gloomy I’m too tired to do anything besides lay in bed. I am watching KUWTK’s right now and thinking about my to do list for today. 

Yesterday we ran from Mirhad’s house to our house – let me calculate how far away that actually was hahaha. So it’s 1.9 miles away and we ran 80% of the time. Yay! I’m proud of myself for actually being able to do that because I haven’t ran in so long and honestly I felt good afterwards and I feel good now. Thinking about what workout I will do today and what I’m going to eat before I go to class…  🤔 

Don’t know if I want to continue the self-challenge thing I was doing, I’m really behind so I might just go delete them all or just leave them and just not post anymore… feel like when I have more time I’ll be able to do something like that.

But yea, I think that’s all for now. Byeeeee

Monday Feb. 19, 2018


I’m back, had a busy weekend, but I am back and ready more than ever to blog!!! Happy Monday, I hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to this new week that is ahead of us!

I’ve started using Spark to make some cool stuff and my featured image is something I created with the help of a cool background on Spark. It looks so pretty!

So this week I have the usual homework from all of my classes, but I think I am going to get a head start on some of my projects that are due in 2ish weeks.. since Spring Break is right around the corner, that means final projects and finals are coming for my online classes! I’m happy it’s almost over, I can’t wait to enjoy the other half of my semester just focusing on two classes, YAY!

I went to class this morning and then I drove Mirhad to school and went to pick up my sister so we could go to Forever 21. They are having a 50% off clearance sale and we grabbed some cute stuff. Think I will make a post later showing what I bought! Wasn’t much, but I know they will have another sale soon like this with all of their winter stuff so I’ll be waiting for that, too.

After I pick up Mirhad from school in a little bit, I am going to work out.. for the first time in like 2 months lol. I hate that I start working out and then I stop for a long time, I need to stop doing that. This time it’s serious, working out EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I’m excited to start though, I need something to wake me up and something to get me tired. Also need to focus on becoming more healthy physically because it’s super important at my age! After that, I am going to maybe work on some homework or I might not do any and save it for tomorrow and instead work on my video for best moments of 2017. I’ll see what I feel like doing!

It’s been raining all day and it sucks, it’s very gloomy. Think it’s going to rain pretty much all week, but at least it’s not super cold.

But yeah, that’s pretty much it forreal… seeee yaaaaaa!

Week of Feb. 12 – To-do list

Let’s see what I have to do this week!!!

  • Micro study guide
  • Study for micro exam
  • Micro homework
  • Financial Mgt quiz
  • Investment quizzes
  • Investment Week 6 Stocktrak Assignment
  • CSIS homework
  • CSIS quiz
  • CSIS discussions + replies
  • Marketing discussions (3)
  • Marketing Assignment 
  • Marketing replies
  • Make VDAY card
  • Work on favorite moments of 2017 video
  • Work on house
  • Check out places for SB 2018
  • Find a good camera to buy
  • Open up a Home Depot credit card
  • Start Keto next week – prep for it
  • Write a “How to stay organized” blog post
  • Go with Mirhad to buy a new phone
  • Finish all homework by Friday this week 

Friday Feb. 9th, 2018

Helloooooo & good morning!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Happy Friday!! It’s a fresh new day, with some nice weather on the side which = me being extra happy. Imagine if I was in Denver right now, the happiness levels would be INSANE hahahaha. Wish it was the weather where I could go outside and tan, but the sun is not strong enough for that yet. But what it is strong enough for is going outside, reading a nice book, and soaking up some light sun. Think I’ll do that today, or maybe even go do my homework outside? OMG, yes! Genius! 

Downloaded Photoshop the other day when I was trying to create my vision board for 2018 (which I need to finish before this year is over lol seriously) and it’s pretty cool. Think I will take the time to learn how to use Photoshop like a pro this year, I think it would be a nice skill to have. They also had a bunch of other cool stuff like for editing videos, maybe I can create a cool video about Mirhad and I over the last 7 years?! That would be cool!!!

Have my CSIS homework due tonight and then I’m going to work on other homework due Sunday so it’s not all crammed up into one day. Later around 3ish, I’m going to go with Sejla (my sister in law) to deliver the rest of the bridal shower invitations. But for now, I will enjoy this beautiful day with no stress. It’s a chill day 😀

That’s it for now, see ya! 🙂
