Sunday April 8, 2018

Happy Sunday Funday!!!!

Had a great night of sleep and woke up in a good mood. This morning I ate the usual – a thin everything bagel with an egg and mayo and then of course an orange afterwards. Now I am drinking coffee ❤ after I am done drinking my coffee, I am going to continue working on my homework and start studying for my test that’s in a couple of days. I need to get this finance math down so I can kill this test.

Yesterday we finished almost everything in the house, Mirhad’s parents will just go finish the rest of the basement today. My dad will look at the basement when he’s back to see if anything else needs to be put over the wall like cement or something and then we focus on the kitchen!

Tomorrow my parents come back, yay!!!!! I’m excited, I can’t wait to see them 🙂 🙂 🙂

Okay, so I am going to go study and do my homework, see ya!!! 😀