Friday Feb. 9th, 2018

Helloooooo & good morning!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Happy Friday!! It’s a fresh new day, with some nice weather on the side which = me being extra happy. Imagine if I was in Denver right now, the happiness levels would be INSANE hahahaha. Wish it was the weather where I could go outside and tan, but the sun is not strong enough for that yet. But what it is strong enough for is going outside, reading a nice book, and soaking up some light sun. Think I’ll do that today, or maybe even go do my homework outside? OMG, yes! Genius! 

Downloaded Photoshop the other day when I was trying to create my vision board for 2018 (which I need to finish before this year is over lol seriously) and it’s pretty cool. Think I will take the time to learn how to use Photoshop like a pro this year, I think it would be a nice skill to have. They also had a bunch of other cool stuff like for editing videos, maybe I can create a cool video about Mirhad and I over the last 7 years?! That would be cool!!!

Have my CSIS homework due tonight and then I’m going to work on other homework due Sunday so it’s not all crammed up into one day. Later around 3ish, I’m going to go with Sejla (my sister in law) to deliver the rest of the bridal shower invitations. But for now, I will enjoy this beautiful day with no stress. It’s a chill day 😀

That’s it for now, see ya! 🙂



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Just a 23 year old living her life!

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