Tuesday May 1, 2018 🌷

Good morning!

It’s MAY!!! Wow… it’s already May! Time really does fly fast and so does life. 4 years ago I graduated high school and in exactly 12 days, I will be graduating college.. wow. College was annoying, difficult, boring, fun, exciting, and in a way I will miss it. I won’t miss the exams and quizzes, but I will miss going to school with my best friend every day and just messing around and having fun, being careless about our surroundings, and laughing in class when we aren’t supposed to. When I look back on it, there wasn’t a time in class where me and Adisa didn’t mess around or send each other funny things and just start cracking up. Or if we’re both tired we just look at each other dozing off and start cracking up. I think if I didn’t go to school with Adisa, college would have been super boring, but I am SO glad that I had my best friend right by my side. And something I’m looking forward to even more is working with her full-time at our new company. From high school, through college, and now starting our first job together. So glad my best friend is here with me experiencing it all. And of course, my other best friend, my baby, was there through it all. I’m glad he had his own experiences and that he went to the college he wanted to. In the beginning, I was sad that we wouldn’t be going to the same school anymore, but I think it was a good thing for us to go to different colleges. I think it made us miss each other even more (sometimes LOL) and it really made us grow. Cheers to new beginnings! 

Right now, I am enjoying a cup of coffee and after I am going to make myself breakfast. Then I have class later on and after class me and Adisa will be working on our problem set that’s due Thursday! Our last day of micro and our exam is tomorrow!!! Not really ready for it, but I’ll study some more today. 

Also happy May 1st!!! 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

That’s all for now, see ya!

February 1, 2018 ♥️

9:27 AM

Good morning!!!!!

It’s February ♥️ ♥️ I’m excited that we’re one month closer to graduating and one month closer to moving into our new house!!! On the other hand, it means exams are coming soon lol.. not excited about that. But I guess I can be excited about the fact that we are almost on week 4 in my online classes, so 4 more weeks and I am FREE lol. I will only have 2 classes to worry about 🙌🏼

Drinking coffee currently, thinking about what makeup look I should do today?? Wish I had a good camera to take pics of my makeup but it always looks bad when I try to take a picture of my eyes and stuff. Maybe one day when I have better lighting. Can’t wait till I get to make my own makeup room, it’s going to have super good lights!! 😀 

I have class at 1:30 today and then I have to finish my investments assignment. I might go look for some heels for the concert (maybe). I kind of want closed-toed shoes but I have a lot of pairs so maybe I’ll choose one of those. I need to go to Elma’s to try on some pants to see if any fit me for the concert, too. 

Finished my marketing assignments last night at like 9ish…barely. Lol, took me forever to just sit down and focus on it. I did everything in my power not to hahahah 😂 but I’m glad it’s done and over with! I also need to workout today seriously ****

I’ll post outfit ideas maybe later tonight or tomorrow if I remember. That’s pretty much it, see ya!