Ulta 21 Days of Beauty is here!

Hey guys!!

We are having some great weather here and to make it even better, Ulta has released their list for the 21 Days of Beauty! Every year, Ulta has their 21 Days of Beauty sale and I always get at least 1-2 items that are really good deals! Here’s the link to the event!

Now since it’s specific items each day, I like to go through each day and see if I want anything and then write it down so I remember to go that day or order online if I can’t make it in! For some of the days, nothing caught my eye, but here’s my list! 


  • Mario Badescu* Botanical Exfoliating Scrub on sale for $13


  • Urban Decay* Eyeshadow Primer Potion on sale for $12, this is one of my favorite eyeshadow primers and works great with my skin
  • Peter Thomas Roth* Hungarian Thermal Mask & Moisturizer on sale for $29.. a little pricey, but I’ve never tried it and it looks good


  • Anastasia Beverly Hills* Brow Wiz on sale for $10.50.. this is a STEAL! I would get one of these, but I have one brand new one at home and one I just started using recently so I don’t need it. If you’re looking for a light, easy brow pencil this one is great


  • Skyn Iceland* Eye Gels on sale for $7.50-15.. never tried these but they look like they would work well



  • Tarte* Tartelette Toasted Eyeshadow Palette on sale for $19.50.. have always wanted to try this one out and it’s a good price. Might be useful for traveling especially because it has a mirror


  • Mario Badescu* Drying Lotion on sale for $8.50.. my sister uses this and says it works really well


  • Clinique* Moisture Surge 72 Hour Auto-Replenishing Hydrator on sale for $19.50. One of my favorite moisturizers and it’s a great price on sale, will stock up


  • Mario Badescu* Vitamin C Serum on sale for $22.50. Vitamin C is super good on the skin and I have been looking for a good serum from a brand I can trust
  • M•A•C* Prep + Prime Skin on sale for $15.50.. I have the Mac fix + spray and I love it so maybe this will work as good


  • IT Cosmetics* Superhero Elastic Stretch Volumizing Mascara on sale for $12.. one of my favorite mascaras so I need to stock up! Also got my mom hooked on it, so I will grab one for her as well! 

So there’s my list, does anyone else have any favorites they stock up on from events like this? Might as well get it when it’s on sale, right? 🙂

Target Finds!

Hi all!

Went to Target the other day and found some goodies in the $5 and less section and let me tell ya I have been SLEEPING on this section!!!! Why didn’t I look here before?! Well, now I know and will be checking more often.

I was so inspired by this YouTube video where this lady goes to Target and finds all of these cute items, and that’s when I thought of the idea of making a coffee/cocoa bar. I was able to grab a few things for it and also something to start my picture collage in our bedroom. Since we moved our dining room set into the corner of our living room, we have this partially empty den and don’t know what to do with it yet. We know we want to add two sofa chairs or a couch eventually, but the space is a little awkward because we have that pretty window that goes out a bit. So it’s tough to set up two couches there which is why I think two nice sofa chairs would look good there. We also moved our living room table here. The goal of this den is for it to be a space where we can unplug, drink coffee, and read or talk. With no electronic distractions. Which is why I think it’s essential the coffee bar is perfect.

I bought two pieces of decoration to hang right above the bar.


I think it looks super cute and much better than before. The next things I want to find at Target are these glass jars that come with scoops. I’d love to put cocoa and marshmallows in two of them and sit them on the table next to the coffee machine. I also went this tier basket so I can use that to add some stuff in like cocoa mugs and make a few other decorations.

For our bedroom, I found this really cute 3 piece picture set which I will put in the middle of the pictures we already have in our room. It’s pretty empty in general, only one side has pictures. I still have some picture I want to print out, but I need to buy bigger frames since I want to make those a little bigger than the rest.


Update: Put these two pictures up, I think it looks adorable!


Hoping to go to another Target this week to see if they have anything the others didn’t. Hopefully I can find more of what the lady had in her YouTube video. There was a really cute picture that would be perfect for the kitchen. The quote said, “the dishes can wait… life won’t.” I thought that was sooooo cute! There was also this cute home sign, so I am super excited to go see what the other Target has!

Stay tuned for more Target finds and more of my home updates! 🙂

2018 Reflection! 🌟

2018 was filled with lots of love, happiness, and craziness. So many memories and fun things we did so I want to take a moment and look back on every month and write down something I did! And these might be some little things, but they’re good memories to look back on because I have a hard time remembering stuff! ❤


  • I rang in the new year as an engaged lady
  • We closed on our new home
  • Officially started buying renovation supplies for the house
  • Started my last semester of college
  • Tore down a wall in our house (for the first time) and it was super fun
  • Made a famous soup recipe from The Spaghetti Factory and it was 🔥
  • Started officially taking my blog seriously and committing time to it (I started in December of 2017, but just created one)
  • Got my bridal shower invitations made, printed out, and sent out to people


  • Bought a really cute pink purse combo (huge step because I only buy black purses so having a different color was new to me)
  • Saw Aleksandra Prijovic live in concert
  • Struggled with my finance classes (lol)
  • Booked my last appointment to take my braces off
  • Took my niece and nephew to Sky Zone and went to eat after – my nephew drank soda and was so hyper
  • Completed the tiles in the bathroom
  • Talked about our wedding and looked for wedding venues
  • Moved the gym from his parents basement into our garage


  • Took our niece to the movies to watch Peter Rabbit (such a good movie)
  • Painted our house
  • Put a new tub, toilet, and sink in our bathrooms
  • Someone stole our AC system outside at our new house (assholes)
  • Father in law got the kids new bunnies (we made sure to not attach ourselves to them otherwise we would take them home lol)
  • Added the flooring into our house
  • Got my braces off!!!!!
  • My dad left his power tool in one of the houses he sold so he was sad until they let him get it back lol
  • Went to Chicago with Ado and Nejla for a weekend (end of March, beginning of April)
    • They took us to a place called Steak 52 I think and it was super expensive but such a cool experience
    • Got drunk from a fish bowl at Sugar Factory
    • Visited the Nutella Factory in Chicago for the first time
    • Had a mimosa for brunch for the first time


  • Tore all the walls off in the basement
  • Made bosnian bread for the first time in a long time and it was delicious
  • Mirhad fell down the stairs in his basement and now has a huge scar on leg (lmao)
  • Started looking at furniture for our house
  • Had Husko’s chili for the first time (the best)
  • Made my party favors for the bridal shower and other decorations
  • Passed my second kidney stone – worst pain ever
  • Looked for my graduation outfit
  • Got my makeup done by my bff for my bridal shower
  • Had my bridal shower!!
  • Elma bought a snapchat geo filter made just for my shower ❤
  • Opened up gifts at home with the families instead of at the shower, it was more fun this way and my nephew had a blast trying to open all of the gifts before me
  • Put in our kitchen cabinets
  • Sanela’s fam bought us a TV
  • We picked the granite top for the kitchen
  • Dad installed a new door, but had to knocked down some of the wall to do it
  • Furnished our living room
  • Bought a bed set
  • Planted my first flowers 🌷


  • Searched for my Mosque wedding dress
  • Entered my last month of college
  • Had my graduation party (earlier bc we wanted to also celebrate my dads and sister birthdays)
  • Mirhad went to Boston for a couple of days
  • Went bike riding in Forest Park
  • Granite top was added to our kitchen
  • Ordered a graduation cap topper from Etsy and got it in the mail right before graduation
  • Got our kitchen completed including the appliances
  • Graduated college!!!
  • Got married a couple days later ❤
  • Mirhad walked the stage at his graduation, but actually just now graduated a couple days ago
  • My niece graduated pre-school, had a mini graduation
  • Went to Colorado with Mirhad, Ermin, Sanela, and Anel and had lots of fun
  • Mirhad had his eye surgery


  • We bought a puppy!
  • My sister went to a college prep camp for 2 weeks
  • We got a dining room set finally
  • Mirhad and Omer killed a wasps nest by our door
  • Celebrated our first Bajram as a married couple
  • Mirhad drove 4 hours to pick up our puppy
  • Had lots of fun, snuggles, and struggles with our pup and ended up having to give him away 2 weeks later
  • I started my new job
  • Went to a family picnic in St. James and fished


  • Mirhad was trimming the bushes in front of our house and accidentally trimmed the extension cord as well
  • Celebrated 4th of July in the park we’ve been going to for 3 years now
  • Went canoeing in Forest Park


  • Celebrated my birthday and went home earlier from work
  • Went to Dallas, TX for my birthday weekend
  • Tried Texas BBQ for the first time
  • Went swimming on a rooftop pool
  • Sat in a Tesla for the first time
  • Made my fall wreath
  • Went to a Card’s game
  • Made a coffee bar
  • Surprised my nephew with a birthday cupcake and a mini trampoline


  • Attended one of my best friends brothers wedding
  • Chilled on a hammock with Mirhad and ate fruit
  • Ate a spongebob ice cream
  • Attended another friends wedding
  • Went on our trip to Seattle, San Fran, Yosemite, and Vegas
  • Celebrated Mirhad’s birthday in the West Coast


  • Decorated pumpkins and put them in front of the house
  • Got a patio set
  • Took some photos in a pumpkin patch
  • Tried a pumpkin spiced latte for the first time ever
  • Watched our friends get engaged
  • Surprised Zana with a baby shower
  • Searched for fall leaves in every park and took lots of pics
  • Had a picnic in Forest Park


  • Put up my Christmas tree
  • Had our first sleepover with my niece and nephew
  • Dyed my hair dark brown
  • Heard a car crash into the river by our house (scary)
  • Parked our car in the garage for the first time (after it was all cleaned out)
  • First snow at this house
  • Had Friendsgiving at our friends house
  • Got this super cute purse from my hubs


  • Celebrated my nieces 6th birthday
  • Got to meet baby Adnan
  • Got Mirhad Airpods for his New Years present
  • 2 of my bff’s graduated college
  • Went to Chicago for a weekend to see the lights
  • Finished wrapping all presents and put them under the tree

And now as this year is about to wrap up, I wish everyone a very happy and safe New Years! Hoping for lots of happiness, love, and adventures in 2019! ❤


Long weekend + the flu 🤒

Good morning!

Last post I talked about my Thanksgiving and that Friday I took work off. Well, Saturday was a very pretty day with a high of 62 degrees so later that night we went to a bonfire with some friends and it was nice. It wasn’t too cold, but it got chilly by 10pm. By the time we left, I was FREEZING. I just thought that it was just because I was by the fire and half of me was warm and half of me was cold. But as soon as I got into the car, my spine started hurting. It was the weirdest thing! After 15-20 mins, I started getting aches everywhere. When I got home, I was shaking uncontrollably and I felt like it was zero degrees in my house. I had Mirhad wrap me up in 4 blankets and give me Nyquil. That night I ended up having a fever which turned into the flu. I’ve been trying to get rid of it since then and haven’t gone into work with fear of getting everyone around me sick. I would hate that. So I’m not going in until my symptoms are gone.

Besides that darn flu, I haven’t been productive at all and it sucks!!! I’ve been trying to clean up little by little which is working, but I can see how weak I am and it’s weird because I haven’t had the flu since like 5 years ago. That time I didn’t get out of bed for 2 weeks and I feel like that would be the case with this if I didn’t have to work! 

I’m coming up with my 2019 goals list slowly, there are some good stuff on there so far! I have lots of plans for 2019 and I am super excited! I think it’ll be a great year 🙂 Anyone else start coming up with their 2019 goals??

Today we will try to leave the house and go grocery shopping for some items and see if we can pick up something as a gift for my moms bday that’s in 2 days! We also have our nieces bday coming up next week so we need to find her a gift soon too.

But yeah, that’s my quick update.. until next time when I have a quality post and when I’m not sick 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving + weekend plans! 🦃


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Just wanted to write a quick post about my week/weekend! We had a nice Friendsgiving on Wednesday night, so we ended up not doing anything yesterday which was totally fine because I literally just relaxed. I took paid time off today because I wanted to have a 4 day weekend and just relax. So far, it’s been super relaxing and I am hoping to extend that to the next two days as well! 

We went shopping today and I got some good stuff and I also did some online shopping. I’ll have a post about everything soon and also when the rest comes in! I mostly went to two actual stores and the rest was online. I wasn’t looking for anything particular, but I did need some new stuff so the things I did get were perfect. I did wait for Ulta’s online sale to start at 5pm and their website crashed for a good 45 minutes before I was able to even access it. That was super annoying, but I’m glad the items I wanted didn’t sell out. 

Our Friendsgiving was so fun and the food was so delicious! We just chilled and hung out after that, so it was a nice night. I’m actually craving all of that food right now, especially the turkey!! Makes me want to cook now after seeing that picture. 

Super glad I took PTO today because after the last week and a half, I really needed a huge break from everything especially work. I’m looking forward to the next 2 days I’ll have off next month. Speaking of that, I cannot believe that in a couple days it’ll be December and then we’ll be a month away from 2019! Like holy crap!!!!! This year FLEW BY! Seriously, it feels like I only moved into my new house and got married like 2 months ago tops… time slow down plz 🙂

Also, I think I already mentioned this, but I HATE the new post thing for WordPress.. does anyone know how to get back to the old one? This one is too much for me!

Tomorrow it’s going to be 62 degrees surprisingly, so I plan to spend a lot of time outside (hopefully) and maybe get a nice workout in. But like I said, I just want to RELAX 🙂 

But yeah, that’s it for now! Black Friday haul post coming soon!!! 

My 5 favorite purchases from Amazon!

Hi all!

I love Amazon and I feel like my husband and I order from there quite often. So I thought it would be a cool idea to show you guys my top 5 favorite purchases in no order and why I like them!

#1: Camera & Phone Tripod

  • I really like this tripod because the last one I had was the type where you could pull these circles off and make it smaller or whatever and it was just annoying dealing with it. This one is sturdy and can’t break easily. It wasn’t super expensive either. It also comes with a phone mount thing where you could put your phone and it has a camera mount if you want to put your digital camera. One more awesome perk is that it comes with a remote shutter which is super cool! 

#2: Dimmable Fluorescent Ring Light

  • This is the first time I’ve purchased a ring light and I have to say that this changes EVERYTHING! Yesterday I was checking out my makeup in the mirror and had this light on – it made my skin look flawless. I could see every detail whereas on my regular mirror, it’s hard to see if I messed up somewhere. I bought this to use when I make Youtube videos or when I take pictures, so I think this was a good investment. I got the cheaper version of the two since I didn’t really care what color the metal was, works fine either way. 

#3: Mezzaluna Chopper and Knife

  • Okay this is one of the coolest kitchen tools we own! One time, we got a salad at Subway and they used some blade thing to chop the salad in a big bowl and literally the salad was amazing. So later on, we find out that this is the tool they use! We found it on Amazon for a great price and tried it the other day when making a salad. It chopped through lettuce, cucumbers, and chicken. It was so good! The blades are really sharp so I’d be careful around this one!

#4: Bed Head Deep Waver for Beachy Waves

  • This reminded me of a crimper from like way back in 6th grade. It makes beautiful beachy waves! My hair is medium length right now and it makes it look so wavy I love it. I can’t wait until it grows even longer, I’ll feel so tropical. I watched a Youtube video of someone using this on short hair too and it looks so pretty. If you look at the reviews, you can see how it looks on different hair styles. One of the best purchases for my hair lately. 

#5: simplehuman Rectangular Step Trash Can

  • My husband broke our trash can over the summer – I washed it and left it outside to dry and he ended up dropping it to the point where it broke and wasn’t usable anymore. We were thinking about just replacing a piece (the black can inside), but it was pointless to do since that wasn’t really cheap either. Also, it’s tough finding one that exactly fits yours when you don’t even know what trash can it is anymore! So we searched for months and decided to get this one. Best decision ever!! This trash can is great and it closes by itself slowly so it doesn’t slam on anything. They also gave us a sample of their trash bags that are like a true fit to our specific can and I think we’re going to purchase some more because they’re amazing. It’s so easy to pull the trash bag out whereas before it was a struggle. It’s also a good size for a not so big kitchen. 

So that’s my list, have you tried any of these items?? Let me know in the comments! 🙂

What products I’ve been loving lately!

Hi all!

So I have been trying out some new stuff recently and I have actually been liking everything. From skincare to haircare products, here’s my list:


  • Clinique Moisture Surge Moisturizer – my skin has been going through this dry phase for some reason and I ran out of my other moisturizer (which was also from Clinique) so I decided to go even further and try the moisture surge. So far, I LOVE this for my face. It really makes it soft, glowey, and hydrates it. I deff think this is my new go to face moisturizing product!
  • Nivea Soft – I really love this for my body. I usually put it on after I get out of the shower, but you can even use it when your legs or arms are feeling dry. It has a nice scent to it and it’s not greasy at all.
  • Thayers Witch Hazel – I tried the smaller version of this since I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, but it’s so nice on my skin. I like to use it in the morning and before I go to bed and so far I am loving it better than my old witch hazel toner. 
  • Mario Badescu Acne Facial Cleanser – So I only got this because it was $7 the other day at Ulta with their 21 days of Beauty sale. It’s been over a week since I have been using it and what this is supposed to do is not get rid of any acne you have prior to using this, but to prevent any future acne from occuring. I haven’t had any breakouts ever since I started using this so I’m not 100% sure it’s from this product, but I usually do get acne now and then so just knowing my face is looking so much better gives me faith in this product. Originally it is $15, so it’s a little pricey, but none of their products have ever disappointed. 
  • Up&Up Makeup Remover Wipes – Usually I use some makeup remover wipes from like Neutrogena and it burns my eyes when removing makeup. I finally found the perfect makeup wipes that don’t burn my eyes when using!!!! They are super gentle and soft to the skin so it causes no irritation whatsoever. I will keep purchasing these for sure!


  • Garnier Fructis Hair Mask – First time trying this product and so far it makes my hair smell good and it also makes it soft. They say you can use this hair mask as a conditioner, leave-in treatment or hair mask depending on what you need. It makes you hair less frizzy and more manageable. Loving it so far and will keep using it! 

  • Garnier® Fructis® Sleek & Shine Intensely Smooth Leave-In Conditioning Cream – I’ve used this in the past and forgot about how much I liked it. I mix this with the oil I am going to talk about next and it just makes my hair super soft. 

  • Garnier® Fructis® Sleek & Shine Moroccan Sleek Oil Treatment – Used this in the past also by combining it with the leave in conditioner above. It always worked good for me, made my hair smell amazing and made it super soft as well! 

  • Garnier Fructis Pure Clean Detangler – Used this up already, got it maybe 2-3 months ago and I LOVED it! My hair always gets tangled easily after I get out of the shower and this helped so much. It also smells amazing!

So these are the products I’ve been loving lately, I might do cleaning products next time – I’ve been trying to get into the “organic” cleaning products. 


Tuesday morning + updates!

Hi there!

It’s almost noon and I am having my first cup of coffee. Work started at 7:45am this morning (WFH) and I didn’t need coffee that early for energy, I’m surprised! I mean I don’t even need it right now for energy, I just love coffee lol.

Yesterday, we went to the gym at 6am and so we woke up at 5:45am which was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in a while. Waking up at 6 for work is hard enough, but that 15 mins early than usual was horrible lol. BUT I do have to say that I did feel better throughout the day and I wasn’t really tired. It’s much easier to go to the gym earlier when I am WFH, but on the days I have to go into the office it’s tricky because I like to go in at 7:30 so like when would I even make time to get ready + eat + go to the gym?! It would be crammed, so I think on those days we’ll just work out after work/school. 

We have been trying to get into the routine of working out daily, for multiple reasons of course, but mainly to get our heart pumping and blood running through our veins! Hopefully we can keep it going, it’s really hard to get into a routine, but anyone can do it! 

I made a to-do list for today and I am trying to keep it small otherwise I probably won’t get everything done. The good thing is that I can just move it to tomorrow and it’ll get done 🙂 

Our trip is pretty much done planning with the flights/cars/where we’re staying parts. The only thing left to do for me is to write it out in my notebook so it’s all laid out in front of me and I know what’s going on. Today I am going to go look at carry on suitcases for us – we literally only own one suitcase and my mom borrowed it for her trip to Bosnia. So we need 2 since this trip is 5 days long and I just want to bring my own stuff. We usually can fit both of our stuff together, but oh well.. what if we go to DSW in Dallas (the best) and buy some more shoes (LOL Mirhad) like where are we going to fit them if we don’t have two suitcases?! 😜

I also need to return my diffuser because it’s way too big. I liked the old one I had, but I gave it to my sister – she still needs to buy essential oils for it since I took mine with me. This one is good because of the size, but it’s too much work flipping it upside down to remove the water and add the essential oils. Before I just opened the top and added it – simple. So I am going to look for another one today too. 

Hmm, what else?? On Sunday, we had the BEST weather so far. I got to open up all of the windows and the breeze was so nice. It’s pretty much going to be in the 70’s for the next 2 weeks, except maybe like 2 days where it’s mid 80’s. But I’m not complaining, this weather is great! Trying to convince Mirhad for us to exercise outside today by playing soccer or something just so we can enjoy the weather (if you’re reading this Mirhad, plz let’s go). 😀

See ya! 🙂


Tuesday + plans


Happy Tuesday! Just got home from work and I actually had a really good day! Going to work from home a day or two this week. I have this huge project I have to finish by Thursday and present it to my team, so I have lots of work to do tomorrow and Thursday till noon. 

It’s SUPER hot outside again today, like can it just be fall weather already?? Makes me not want to leave the house, but I really want to work out today. Ugh. I might just go take a run somewhere or go to the gym, we’ll see how I’m feeling lol.

I keep telling Mirhad we need to book the rest of our flights and we always forget, so I am making it a goal to do it by tomorrow night. The closer it gets the more excited I am!!! 🙂

I also need to go buy some outfits too, I really want some nice ripped jeans that won’t suffocate me hahaha. I’ll probably get them at American Eagle, I always find good jeans there and yeah they’re expensive, but they last for so long and are always SO comfortable! Plus, I can never find a good pair of jeans anywhere else that won’t fade or shrink after a couple washes. 

So yeah, that’s it! See ya! 🙂 


Hello all!

Happy Friday and Happy 3-day weekend for most of us! This 3-day is so much needed so I am super excited to be done with work soon and to start it already! 🙂 Work has been stressful and it got even more stressful today, so I am trying my best to stay calm and collected lol. I really wish I could do blogging/videos for a job, life would be so much better. Writing and creating stuff just lifts my mood and makes me feel great. 

After work today, I have to go look for 2 dresses to wear to 2 events this weekend, a bridal shower and a wedding. I have another wedding to go to next weekend, think I might just wear a jumpsuit to that one (if it fits lol) so we have some shopping to do today.

I think tonight we’ll go out to a fancy dinner. We have been watching Master Chef since yesterday and have not been able to stop watching it, IT’S SO GOOD. Chef Gordan Ramsey is a BEASTTTTT. This show makes us so motivated to make good food so we’re excited to do this during keto and also after!

So Spotify just made this thing that if you have their premium or student account, you get Hulu AND Showtime for free included within the price of Spotify. Which is AWESOME because Hulu is great and we’ve never had Showtime and I know they have a bunch of great content. Binge watching here I come!!!! 🙂 Shoutout to Spotify!

I am going to make another post probably right after this, I didn’t make one when I said I would the other day and I was disappointed in myself. I really want to make a set schedule of when to blog and not just when I am working from home. Maybe every other day or something, it would just be at different hours. But for sure I got something for today 🙂

So my school is like taking away my free subscription for Adobe through them 😦 so I am going to have to find another alternative or see how much it is monthly or yearly because I really like their spark app. I wanted to learn photoshop and to also use their video editing app. We’ll see what happens, but I have until September 7th to keep using it!

Okay, that’s all! Talk to you soon!!! 🙂