Hello December! ❄️❄️

Hello all!

Happy Monday! Have been wanting to write a December post since the first day of December, but the weekend slipped away from me and now we’re here. I already know this month will fly by, just like November did, but it is one of my favorite months. Everyone is in the holiday cheer, yes it’s COLD, but there are perks to that such as blankets, hot chocolate, etc. So December will be a great month, I have lots going on! My bff’s birthday is coming up, my husband is graduating, my other two best friends are graduating and having parties, I’m going to a baby shower, Christmas, and New Years! So yes, lots of events coming up!!! I feel like I haven’t had this much going on since the beginning of 2018 when I had my bridal shower, went on a couple trips, got married, graduated, and started my new job. I’ll have to write a separate post where I reflect back on 2018 and the great memories that were made, that sounds like it’d be fun. Oh and one more exciting thing to note! My sister-in-laws, sister-in-law had a baby!!! A little baby boy this morning! He is so precious and tomorrow after work we’re going to go meet him! I’m super excited!

So pretty much this whole month will be slow at work, so it won’t be that stressful yay! A lot of people will be taking vacations so the office will be pretty empty which gives me a chance to work from home more AND blog more! Still trying to get up at 5am everyday to make a routine for myself, but it was obviously hard to do when I had the flu so I will keep trying. The goal is to wake up with enough time to blog, eat breakfast, workout, and drink coffee or tea before heading out for work. That way I get a good start to my morning and accomplish a couple things while I’m at it. 

I am currently on keto and didn’t give up last week even when I was sick, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY want some cookies. I hope I don’t give in, I know I’m stronger than this! But it’s so hard 😦 I guess what is motivating is that December will fly by and I’ll have one more month of keto to do. Trying to do only 2 months (until February) and trying to lose as much weight as I can so I can be at a healthy weight for my height. And after that I’ll switch to a normal, balanced diet with a little bit of every food group. 

I already put up my tree, I moved it to an even better place in my house, I’ll have to upload some pictures soon. So far, there are 3 presents underneath it! One of my goals for 2019 is to start taking more pictures, whether that be of nature, the city, or people. Also want to start recording more of my life to have for memories. So taking pictures of my tree will be a great start! 

Until next time! 

Long weekend + the flu 🤒

Good morning!

Last post I talked about my Thanksgiving and that Friday I took work off. Well, Saturday was a very pretty day with a high of 62 degrees so later that night we went to a bonfire with some friends and it was nice. It wasn’t too cold, but it got chilly by 10pm. By the time we left, I was FREEZING. I just thought that it was just because I was by the fire and half of me was warm and half of me was cold. But as soon as I got into the car, my spine started hurting. It was the weirdest thing! After 15-20 mins, I started getting aches everywhere. When I got home, I was shaking uncontrollably and I felt like it was zero degrees in my house. I had Mirhad wrap me up in 4 blankets and give me Nyquil. That night I ended up having a fever which turned into the flu. I’ve been trying to get rid of it since then and haven’t gone into work with fear of getting everyone around me sick. I would hate that. So I’m not going in until my symptoms are gone.

Besides that darn flu, I haven’t been productive at all and it sucks!!! I’ve been trying to clean up little by little which is working, but I can see how weak I am and it’s weird because I haven’t had the flu since like 5 years ago. That time I didn’t get out of bed for 2 weeks and I feel like that would be the case with this if I didn’t have to work! 

I’m coming up with my 2019 goals list slowly, there are some good stuff on there so far! I have lots of plans for 2019 and I am super excited! I think it’ll be a great year 🙂 Anyone else start coming up with their 2019 goals??

Today we will try to leave the house and go grocery shopping for some items and see if we can pick up something as a gift for my moms bday that’s in 2 days! We also have our nieces bday coming up next week so we need to find her a gift soon too.

But yeah, that’s my quick update.. until next time when I have a quality post and when I’m not sick 🙂


Hello hello hello!!!!!!

Happy Thursday! I’m ECSTATIC this morning because we got our first snow!! 🙂 I can’t remember the last time we had good snow where we could actually go and sled and when things like school were actually cancelled. It’s so beautiful outside and I am just enjoying this as much as I can. Times like this make me realize how lucky I am to be alive and well and that I get to enjoy these moments. It really is all about the little things in life! 

Today I’m obviously working from home, no way was I going to drive up to work at 7am this morning with the roads the way they are! The best thing about this is that I got to wake up refreshed and I got to drink my coffee without rushing! I have the BEST views right now and it keeps getting better because it’s still snowing so much. 

Todays snow confirmed me wanting to live in Colorado 100%. This is why I’m so excited for the future!!!! Also, I’m supposed to go there again early next year, so I think I will run into some snow 🙂 🙂 🙂 

I have a couple things I want to do today besides work! I really want to go sledding when I’m done with work today and I want to find our next Airbnb for our vacation coming up. I do need to get a sled first though 🙂

Anyways, this was a quick little post because I just had to share that we got snow! Here are some pictures. 

Also, side note: I don’t like this new editor/publisher thing that WordPress changed… it’s too confusing. 

Friday + rants + photoshoot! 🎃

Good morning!

Ugh, I did it again.. I said I was going to blog 3x this week and here I am on a Friday morning blogging for the first time since Monday. Why has it been so hard to get back into everything again?!!? I feel like my life is flying by but I can’t do one thing I’ve been meaning to do. I need to figure it out before I go months and months doing the same thing. Maybe this weekend I can get back on track since we’re doing a major thing by cleaning out the garage and backyard. That way at least that will get me in the groove and maybe I’ll end up deep cleaning the whole house hahaha (hopefully).

So enough of my rant, I woke up this morning and it was COLD outside, but I am NOT complaining. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that I love winter more than summer. Yeah, summer is cool and all, but I can’t deal with the humidity. It was so hot this summer that I pretty much spent it all at home lol except when we wanted to escape to Dallas to actually swim and relax. That was probably the only time I enjoyed summer. I mean, I like summer but not here because seriously it’s too hot to even breathe sometimes LOL.

I am loving this weather though! I made my coffee, put my fuzzy socks on, and put a hoodie on and boy am I happy! I don’t know, I guess I just like the warm cozy feeling?? I just imagine myself living in a cabin type house somewhere (not IN the mountains) but nearby so I can see the snowfall in the distance. Ugh goals… dreams… one day ❤ 

Today I have some meetings for work, only one of them is like an hour and a half long, but at least the others are fine. I’m learning more and more at work and I think I will be filling in a new position soon enough! 

I just put some banana bread in the oven to bake, should be done in about 15 minutes. Banana bread is probably one of my favorite sweet breads, if that’s what it’s called. Smells super good right now 😋

Yesterday we went to a pumpkin patch with some friends and he ended up taking some really fun shots of Mirhad and I. I just saw them and they’re SUPER cute ❤ I just uploaded a couple of them, one of them is funny because I’m holding Mirhad’s finger so I don’t tip over lol. But I really like them! Here’s that one 🙂 IMG_4394.JPG

This one is deff my favorite, besides the fact that I’m holding his finger, but it’s fine I still like it hahaha. 

But yeah that’s pretty much it, I HOPE I get to blog more this weekend. See ya! 🙂


Where have I been for the last week?!

Hello hello!

Happy Monday! I just got finished updating my blog and trying to make it look like Halloween and October themed. So far I like it, but I may end up changing it later. I am working from home today, haven’t gotten in the groove of blogging every day like I use to which makes me sad. I need to get back into it! I was planning on starting on my travel post yesterday and today, but I didn’t have time. I think I will start after writing this post though. I need to look through the photos on my camera first and then pick and choose which to put on here! The one on my header now is from that trip to Yosemite 🙂

So what’s been going on since I last blogged?? LOTS! Well, nothing too dramatic, but just some little updates here and there. Let’s see….. we finally bought a patio set and it was actually pretty cheap – $69 for 4 chairs, a nice glass table, and an umbrella. It’s perfect for us right now. I dream of the days I can wake up earlier and drink coffee outside sitting on my patio and enjoying some fresh air. And that day may be coming sooner than I thought! We can’t set it up until we clean out the garage and that little alleyway thing between our house and our neighbors because there are way too many mosquitos and bugs. So we have to clean all of that first so we can spray down the backyard and so I am able to park my car in the garage finally 🙂 this weekend was too hot to work outside, but next weekend it will be perfect weather to spend a whole Saturday cleaning it out and power-washing it. So I am looking forward to that.

What else? Hm, we bought some cool lights to put in the backyard too, so at night it can be pretty when we’re sitting out there. I also got a fire pit from my parents that’s really nice so we can have bonfires. It will be the perfect hangout spot! Even if it’s cold outside, I still see myself sitting out there with the fire going wrapped up in a blanket 😂

I’ve been working on my Pinterest a lot and have even posted one photo on there the other day which is a great start. It’s also been a struggle to host my own website outside of wordpress, it takes a lot of time and it’s hard for me to find that time. Hopefully I can finish it before the end of this year.

I started making a weekly to do list of things I want to accomplish from Monday-Sunday and it’s been working well. Sometimes I don’t finish stuff on there and if it’s not a huge deal I’ll add it to next week. But blogging at least 3x this week is on there, hopefully this helps me get back into the groove. 

Mirhad discovered that my camera is super good and is learning how to use it correctly which means he will be my photographer for everything!!! 😀 Woohoo, finally! Apparently I chose a pretty good one so I’m glad for once I did something right LOL. So pics will be happening more often now 🙂

I think that’s it for this update, hopefully the travel blog will be up by the end of this week. It’s on my list! 

See ya! 🙂

Updates, updates, & more updates!

Good morning!!!

Happy October guys!!!!! Fall is finally here!!!! 😀 😀 😀 My favorite season is fall, so I’m all about this. Bring on the chilly weather!

I am finally back from my trip, but still not settled back in. Working from home today, this will give me a chance to wash some laundry and clean up in between. 

Update: I wrote this and then had a couple of meetings and in between I managed to make breakfast, clean the living room, clean the kitchen, and tidy up where needed. So now that I finally finished all of that, I can sit down and blog. I have one last meeting from 2-3pm and then after that I’ll work on some more stuff from work. 

I have to blog about my trip, but it might take a while because I have to transfer over a bunch of the pictures from my camera. I am super excited to write about it, it was seriously so much fun. A lot of driving, but totally worth it. Next time, I will for sure spend 2-3 days in one place instead of just 1 so I can relax too. My brain is still in vacation mode, so I need to get back to reality. Is it too early to start planning our next trip tho??? LOL. That reminds me, I need to see how many vacation days I have now since I just used 3 days!

Ok so I won’t start planning this anytime soon obviously…. but we mentioned going to Colorado to ski/sled with our parents in the winter, so that would be something I’d like to look out for. Of course, I’d have to confirm their vacations days and whatever, but something cheap would be nice. Don’t think we’d be able to afford Aspen, so maybe there’s another alternative. If you’ve been anywhere sledding/skiing in CO that’s not super expensive, please let me know! 🙂

I wrote a huge to-do list for this week, it’s just a mixture of things I want to get done. #1 priority is to clean out the garage, spray it down, and make the gym so we can work out before work/school in the morning. Especially when nicer weather is getting here, it would be amazing to work out before work and not have to drive to the gym. 

My featured photo is one I took in Seattle drinking coffee – well my husband took it and from that point I told him he is in charge of taking pics like this hahaha. It’s so cute, so I was like dude we need more of these!!!

Okay, vacation/travel post will be coming soon, till then just hear me babble about my life 🙂

See ya! 🙂



Thursday & what I’ve been doing!

Good morning!

Have been MIA since Monday lol, but I’m back. I’m working from home, drinking a cup of TEA – not coffee, and I am sick. Mirhad and I are both sick which sucks. I think I caught something from work and him (he was sick first) because we have similar, but different symptoms. I have a sore throat with a runny nose and a huge headache, he has a stuffy nose and kind of a sore throat. Well wait, now that I think about it, our symptoms are pretty similar hahaha. So yeah, I am sitting here waiting for my meeting, drinking my chamomile tea. If you’ve never had chamomile tea, you need to try it! It’s delicious and always makes me feel better just because of the smell. 

I made a to-do list for today, but who knows if I’ll even have the energy to do any of it. I still need to clean my car and we need to cut the grass and clean up the yard. I would say let’s save it for Saturday because it’ll be less hot outside, but Mirhad has an essay he has to do, so he may say let’s do it and end up not doing it. Our grass is SUPER tall, it grows like crazy. Seriously, I feel like everyone else can go 3-4 weeks without cutting it and it still looks fine and ours grows after like 1-2 weeks lol.

My parents came back from Europe late Tuesday night and they brought all kinds of stuff – some presents from family members and of course Chipsy (chips) and my favorite chocolate bars 😀 made my day. 

Going to for sure plan out my outfits this weekend and pack. I can’t believe the trip is 5 days away! Time passes by so fast, but I hope it slows down for our trip 🙂 

That’s all for now, bye! 🙂  

Gloomy days 🌧

Good morning!

Woke up with a huge headache this morning, so I decided to work from home. Got lots of work to do today, but I am trying to balance everything out so I am not super stressed about it. Today is a very gloomy day outside, it looks like it’s going to rain, but I don’t remember it being in the forecast. Yesterday it rained a lot when I was driving home and I had the biggest scare on the highway. There was a huge puddle you couldn’t see going onto the Express Lane ramp and my car just flew into it and I almost lost all control of my car. I thought I was going to end up hitting the median and the side concrete. It was super scary, but if I didn’t know how to control my car it could’ve been way worse.

Onto more exciting things, I officially submitted my PTO for our trip next month and I am SUPER EXCITED!!!! This will 100% be the best trip I’ll have ever gone on so far in my life. So excited to see all of these new cities and so excited to go back and visit Yosemite😍 I told Mirhad that I don’t know how he’s going to drag me home after this trip.. seriously hahahaha. It will be too nice to leave. I can’t wait to start planning it, I’m going to most likely make a blog post all about it! 

I’m in our office right now, I lit a candle and the whole atmosphere changed completely. I drank coffee earlier this morning and I’m waiting for Mirhad to wake up so we can eat breakfast together so I don’t make it and it goes cold for him (happens way too often, this dude never wants to get up) so till then I’ll be starving. I guess by then I can call it lunch, not breakfast lol. I can hear him snoring so loudly from here LOL. 

Today we need to go grocery shopping, I think we are almost out of eggs if not already and we need some other keto foods. We had a “cheat weekend” but we didn’t even cheat lol. So yesterday around lunch time we decided to extend it one more day so last night we ordered some Domino’s pizza and it was yummy! Back to keto today and going to go hard for the rest of this month and possibly into next because I really want to a bit stronger/lighter so it doesn’t slow me down when I hike. Usually when I gain some weight I can barely do a hike and I can’t even enjoy it properly since I get tired so easily. 

Not sure what else we’ll do today, but we’ll see later. Planning on making a post about my weekend!

Btw I usually get my featured images from spark, but sometimes I take them myself. Hoping to get into always posting my own! 

See ya! 🙂


Good morning!

Happy happy Friday! I’m only super happy because this has been like the longest week ever and I am just ready to not work for 2 days hahaha. I’m working from home (work from home Friday’s ofc) and just finished a great cup of coffee.

I gave Mirhad a great idea of making a coffee bar at our house. We found some inspiration from Pinterest and will be going today after work to buy the table we want and some other decorations. Can’t wait to see the outcome! I will document 🙂

Mirhad’s gma is coming over for coffee today, so before she comes we need to go buy her a present. We’re just going to have some coffee with her for a little bit and then whenever she wants to go back home we’ll take her. It’ll be fun since she hasn’t been over yet!

I’m just super excited to add something new to the house, it really has been coming along great. Just taking things one at a time.

I really want to start a Youtube channel, but I don’t know where to start lol. I don’t know if I want to start out with a makeup video or maybe the Dallas video I am making? This makes me want to work on my videos using a Mac desktop, it would be so much easier than my laptop, but Mirhad would kill me if we bought that hahahaha.

Mirhad has a haircut @ 1 so I want to go with him since the area he gets his hair cut in isn’t SUPER safe. I feel better if I’m there lol.

But yeah, I’ll try to update some more maybe tomorrow.

See ya! 🙂

Hello there! ✨

Good morning!!!

LONG TIME NO TALK! Seriously… it’s been probably almost a month since the last time I blogged?? Not sure, but I’ll check back on my last post. But seriously.. it has been a while and I even feel so weird writing again. I haven’t been in the greatest mood to blog, I feel like I lost my mojo (is that what it’s called? lol) like I have no motivation to blog every single day, but TBH, I do miss it. 

Currently, I am working from home, enjoying my second cup of coffee today. About to have a meeting at 2 so that will keep me occupied until 3 and then I might go to another 30 minute meeting and that’s it for my work day since I started working this morning at 7:30! Work is fun, I am lucky my best friend works at the same place I do so getting lunch with her everyday is lots of fun! ❤ 

We gave Thor away to a very nice lady who lives 2.5 hours away from us because we decided that we weren’t ready for a puppy yet, but we are deff going to adopt one in the future, let’s say 1-2 years? We just got married and we barely were seeing each other and hanging out throughout the day. I’d come home from work and just play and take care of Thor up until I was ready for bed and it would repeat like that everyday. He wasn’t a bad puppy, he was actually very smart and playful. Next time, we deff won’t get a puppy until we are 100% ready. I do miss him a lot, but I know this was the right decision. The very nice lady who has him now has been searching for a puppy for a long time, her golden retriever died 3 years ago and she has been searching for the perfect dog. It was like fate. I am glad that he is in great care by her, she even has family here so she will come visit with him and also said if we’re ever in the neighborhood we’re more than welcome to visit! So yes, it sucks that he isn’t ours anymore, but I know he’s having the time of his life 🙂 ❤ She sends me pictures all of the time so I get to watch him grow as well! Love and miss you forever Thori ❤ ❤ 

But since then we have just been getting our house in order. While we had Thor, we discovered a HUGE brown recluse spider. If you don’t know what that is, it is one of the most poisonous spiders in the Midwest. After that huge one came crawling from the corner towards where we were sitting with Thori in our office, Mirhad discovered another one in the bathroom. So needless to say, we freaked out.  He has spent the last few weeks exterminating them pretty much and we just find dead ones. The basement is the last place we need to take care of, but that will take lots of time.

Besides that, we have been finishing up the little things we have wanted to around the house and it feels good! We are using this white board we use to use to study with and put it in out kitchen/hallway area and that’s where we write our daily to-do list. Feels great when you can cross it all off at the end of the day. So we have been using that to keep track of everything around the house and I have got to say that it works so well! 

That’s it for now, will most likely post again today about future trips this summer!

See ya! 🙂