Busy week – recap! ✨

Hello hello hello!

First of all, Happy Friday!!! We made it through the week!

It’s been a long time since I have been able to sit down and blog. Honestly, I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve even been able to sit down and BREATHE! It’s been such a busy week, I had a two-day training at work Tuesday and Wednesday and yesterday I had a presentation I had to do which was sooooo stressful for me. So I’ve been at work past 5 everyday and it’s been so tiring. I finally get to work from home today and next week will be much more calm where I can go back to my regular hours.

To be honest, I feel so drained that I don’t even know what to do with my life right now. The only thing I’ve been consistently doing is working out and eating right which is a huge plus and is most likely the reason I was able to get through this week!

I want to talk about how working out has affected my mood! I feel much more energized and my sleep is a lot better. I have been taking melatonin at night this week to make sure I am able to fall asleep because I had to get up so early for work, but working out has also tired me out which is a good thing! Working out has also let me clear my mind of my stresses. It felt so good to exercise  after my training days this week because I was stuck in a room all day from 8-5pm and it was mentally draining. As soon as I got to the gym, it’s like everything was out of my head and I felt more relaxed and clear-minded. The weather is still crap here, but I still have the motivation to walk out to my garage and workout even if it’s super cold during the walk! So I have to say exercising and being consistent with it is one of the best choices I’ve made this month!

Let’s get into the topic of public speaking. I absolutely HATE it!! It makes me so stressed out and I’m literally a mess until it’s over with. I’ve hated it ever since college and it’s never gotten easier for me. In yesterday’s presentation, I didn’t even have to stand up, but I was shaking so bad and probably stuttering. I just hate being the center of attention and I hope I don’t have to do another presentation for a really, really long time. Does anyone have any good tips on getting past this? It seems like whatever I do, I’m still as nervous as always.

I’m getting back into blogging after this busy week, so today I’m sitting down and writing a list of the future topics I’ll be talking about. I would love to hear what everyone’s favorite thing I blog about is! I know I’m all over the place, it’s hard for me to choose just one group of topics. I love talking about everything! Let me know in the comments 🙂

This weekend I am taking a lot of time to RELAX after this long, stressful week! I think I’ll do a bath bomb and a face mask with my husband. That always helps me relax and clear my mind. Tonight, my bff’s and I are having a girls night which is going to be lots of fun! We haven’t had one in a while, well I guess our Galentine’s counts, but we went out for pizza. It’ll be fun and a much needed girl time! Saturday, my husband and I will probably go to this game night at his friends house and Sunday will be stay at home and do nothing day (as usual) because Sundayz are for chilling and doing absolutely NOTHING 🙂

There’s my very long update and I need a vacay :b talk to you soon!

Plans & goals for the weekend! 🌿

Hello & good morning!

Having a nice cup of coffee and writing out my plans and goals for the weekend. I write my goals for the week in a notebook every Sunday or Monday and sometimes I forget to write stuff I want to do for the weekend. So this will be helpful!

Goals and things I have to do:

  • Set up patio set and lights – this has been something we have been working on for about 2 weeks now, it’s just a lot of work cleaning out our backyard, but we should be able to set it up today if not tomorrow
  • Clean my car and truck – have been meaning to clean the inside for a week now, but I have been waiting for Mirhad to go dump the stuff we threw in the back of the truck from the garage so it’s all clear so I can clean it easier
  • Clean stuff from alley way – I don’t think anyone is going to come by from the city to clean it (THANKS A LOT) even though it’s their property, how annoying. So I think we will either clean the stuff closest to us or not do anything and put up a fence lol
  • Vlog – I haven’t vlogged in so long 😦 so I want to do that this weekend
  • Read – I’ve been meaning to sit down and read, but this week was a blur lol
  • Meditate at least 1x this weekend – my goal has been to do it 3x this week with Mirhad, but we both haven’t had time
  • Find a box to keep my old bills in – it’s just nice to have it organized and if I ever need to pull one out, I know where to find it
  • Grab the bonfire from my moms house – this could’ve easily been done like 100 times this week, but we’re so lazy -.- so that definitely needs to happen this weekend because we want to do bonfires!!! 
  • Wash more winter clothes – so I’ve taken all my winter stuff out and washed at least half, the other half needs to be done and Mirhad’s winter stuff too!
  • Organize our closet – clean it out and put away all summer stuff and put in all winter stuff woohoo!

So it’s a pretty long list, but nothing on there takes more than a day to do. The closet and washing clothes will probably be the lengthiest, but it’s gotta get done! 


  • Friday 
    • I am working until 3ish and then I will do some chores around the house
    • Going to make a healthy lunch
    • Possibly have my niece and nephew sleep over tonight
    • Mirhad will hopefully start putting up the lights in the yard
    • Start organizing the closet 
  • Saturday
    • Have to go over to my sister in laws around 10am to help her with something – guess I can’t really say it on here until I post pics so until then hahaha
    • Going to my best friends parents house around 5ish, will chill there for a bit and then head home, not sure what we’ll do after… maybe a bonfire?!?!!? 😀
    • Maybe I can get Mirhad to wash some laundry this day 
  • Sunday
    • Hopefully by this time, I’ll have all my chores done so I can CHILL on a Sunday for once
    • Planning to just light a candle, watch a movie, and chill
    • Will probably wash more laundry on this day

So that’s pretty much my weekend, not too much going on! 

Monday feelz + what I did this weekend!

Good morning and happy Monday!

Recap of my weekend: 

It’s Sunday and I tried my best to wake up this morning at like 7-8am so I could get more out of my day, but instead I couldn’t do it and woke up at 10:30. Makes me really sad since I have to go to work tomorrow and my whole day will be spent there. I really wish I had a cool work schedule like I work 3 days and then I’m off 3 days. That would be nice, but I am thankful that I am able to work from home sometimes and that I can be very flexible with my schedule. 

On Saturday we cleaned up some of the garage – who would’ve thought this would be a LONG process?! We don’t even have that much stuff so it’s like this should’ve been able to get done in a couple of hours lol. So I think today we’re going to finish cleaning it and might possibly put up the lights and set up the patio with the fire pit. Last night would’ve been a great time to make a bonfire, but Mirhad fell asleep right after he came back inside from cleaning the garage (typical) lol. 

Looks like the rest of this week will be pretty chilly and dry so that’s good at least that we won’t have rain. I think there’s nothing worse than it being cold outside + raining, at that point we don’t even want to leave the house Speaking of chilly weather, I’m about to bring out all of my winter stuff so I can wash my sweaters and wear them this week! Yay, I’ve put it off since this place can go from 50 degrees to 90 real quick, but the time has come!

I tried a pumpkin flavored coffee yesterday from Starbucks for the first time ever. We tried the pumpkin spice latte and the pumpkin spice frappucino or something like that. I thought the frap was too sweet for me, but the latte was perfect. I love pumpkin pie so I expected the latte to taste like that, so I was pretty happy when it was close! Glad I got to try it though, so now I can buy pumpkin spice latte creamer and put that in my coffee. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, so I’m glad I didn’t buy it beforehand and possibly risk not liking it and throwing it away. 

I also bought Nescafe coffee, I decided to try something besides the Keurig. To be honest, the Keurig coffee doesn’t stay hot for long, but this one has since I pour boiling hot water into it. I like the flavor and I think it’s stronger than Keurig’s coffee too. 

I really want to go somewhere for the winter to sled/ski, but everything is so expensive. I was actually looking yesterday and I may have come up with a great idea. Need to see with everyone when they’re available etc., 


Went to work today and it was way too hot inside so I went outside to get some fresh air literally 5x, it was too much. I was having like heat flashes and stuff, it was so weird. Hopefully it’s not like this tomorrow! 

Today will just be a chill day, we got no sleep last night. I think it was because of the heat that was on, so the house couldn’t get cool even after we turned it off. I might go buy some melatonin to help us sleep better and maybe get silk sheets or whatever to keep us cool. Planning what to make today to eat, thinking of something with steak. This morning I was going to wake up at 5 and make some rice and chicken, but since I had horrible sleep I couldn’t get up. Going to try again tomorrow though, hoping I can get into that habit.

So since this is a VERY long post, I’ll stop here.

See ya! 🙂

Sunday activities + plans! 🍁


Happy Sunday!!! I just did something that took so much courage, I shared my Dallas video from Youtube on Facebook… took days to convince myself to just do it, but there are so many reasons why I hesitated. They’re really all dumb, I even watched a Youtube video with the title, “PLEASE START A YOUTUBE CHANNEL – YOUR EXCUSES NOT TO ARE STUPID.” I thought about sharing it for like an hour this morning, came across this video which motivated me to share it + motivated me to continue making Youtube videos. Here’s the link to that video:


Anyways, she had some really good points and basically it made me realize that ANY excuse I had for not starting a channel and making videos are STUPID. What am I afraid of?? Nothing anymore! 🙂 

Little bit of a rant, but I’m done now. Woke up a little earlier this morning, had a delicious cup of coffee, and have been doing stuff that revolves around my blog and channel. Later we’re supposed to go eat with Mirhad’s dad and after I think we’re going to meal prep for the week. Mirhad starts school tomorrow (last semester yay!) and I know he’s already dreading it lol. I really wanted to ride bikes today, but it’s blazing hot outside, you can barely breath and we’re under a heat advisory thing until Tuesday. 

Can’t wait to get this week of work over with, 3 day weekend coming up!! Woohoo! Which means 4 day work week 😀 so I am looking forward to that. 

That’s all really for today, see ya! 🙂

It’s about that time… Sunday!

Hi there!

I wish I could say lazy Sunday today, but it won’t be lazy at all 😦 so Mirhad didn’t sleep ALL night, I woke up at 4am and noticed his ass was in the office working so I told him to go to sleep right now and I’m not sure when he went but he claimed he slept for like 3 hours. Knowing him, he will probably be tired ALL DAY which will be annoying, but I told him he better not say once that he’s tired lol.

Today at 1, we’re going to my moms cousins house to visit them for the first time since we got married. In the Bosnian tradition, you have to visit all family when you get married and invite them back over (if you want) so now we have to spend months doing that. Last night one of Mirhad’s older cousins came over and honestly I thought it would be kind of awkward because they’re older and I didn’t know if there would be any good conversation, but we actually had a lot of fun. The lady was like, “I’m having so much fun, trust me if I was bored I would’ve drank my coffee and said thanks goodbye!” She’s so funny, so they ended up staying longer than we/they thought they would, but it was fun for sure. They are very talkative, open, and lively so that helped. We ended up taking a picture together, they insisted. Here’s the pic below:


Yesterday we also had a nice BBQ at my best friend Sanela’s house. It was delish and we ended up drinking coffee the Bosnian way, it was actually fun 🙂 Here’s a picture of the cute little coffee cup set we used. 


So cute! I need to get myself a set like this, her mom is in Bosnia so I asked her if she finds any cute ones to bring me some back 🙂

What else? I have work tomorrow, but it’s supposed to rain the rest of the week after Monday so I may end up working from home for the rest of the week. I hate driving in the rain because there’s always an accident and people drive crazy even if it’s raining so it’s pretty dangerous and I’d rather not be stuck in traffic for an hour. Hopefully I can just do that this week! 

I might go shopping later, if I can drag Mirhad to come with me. I still need a work planner, it’s so hard finding one that fits all of my needs, but hopefully I find something today before work this week. 

Bye 🙂

Lazy Sunday.. not really

Hi there!

Happy Sunday! Really wish I had one more day off to relax this weekend, I am not ready for this week of work!!! I can’t imagine how hard it will be for me to wake up tomorrow morning 😂 but on the bright side, it’s almost my birthday and in 4 days we will be going to Dallas woohoo!!!!!! 😀

Today I woke up around 9 and made some pancakes while Mirhad went to Lowe’s and got something for our pantry. Our pantry is too deep inside the wall so it gets cluttered so easily and we finally found a great solution that he’s going to fix today. I deep cleaned the whole house and it feels so nice. I took a shower afterwards and then was able to finally watch the latest episode of Younger and OH MY GOSH THIS EPISODE WAS SERIOUSLY THE BEST BECAUSE FINALLY THAT’S ALL I AM GOING TO SAY. I can’t wait for Tuesday!!!!!!!!! It’s gonna be GOOD. But yeah, I am just chilling out now waiting for Mirhad to start fixing the pantry 🙂

I think he is going to take me to get my birthday present tonight so I am excited (I obvi know what it is so I am even more excited) but even though I know what it is, I am still going to be surprised 😂

Will bring my computer to Dallas so I can wake up and blog, so more posts coming soon!

That’s all for now, see ya! 🙂 

A day in Great Sand Dunes National Park!

So we spent our Sunday driving to the Sand Dunes and it was beautiful, but VERY windy. So windy that we couldn’t handle it so we just went back to the car while we waited on Ermin and Anel’s attempt to walk to the top. Ermin gave up within 15 minutes and Anel made it to the top, but he was destroyed by the sand hahaha. When we saw him walking towards the car, we all just started laughing because the sand literally destroyed his front part of the sock, I’ll have to post a picture so it’s bigger than the rest because it’s just too funny.


Like I literally cried from laughter, it was the highlight of this trip.

Here are the rest of the pics 🙂

We weren’t able to take many because of the wind, but we still managed to get a couple of good ones! Beautiful views, beautiful place, just a really hard hike!

April 29, 2018 – Sunday!


Happy happy Sunday! Wish it could be one of those lazy Sundays, but we have lots of work to do!! Yesterday we bought our bed, two desks, and two chairs for our office. We picked up one table and chair yesterday and the rest we have to pick up today. The desk is so hard to put together, so I am not looking forward to the next one lol. Also, we got a king bed and I’m praying it fits into our room hahaha. Should’ve probably measured it before we picked one 😐 

Currently ATM I am drinking coffee and probably going to watch a show until I’m done with my coffee.. might watch This is Us because it has been a while. So this weekend has been busy overall and we have done a lot in the house. Put in our living room furniture, put up our TV, called for internet (YASS), and put in our carpet. This one guy is going to finish our granite countertop in the kitchen in the next 2 weeks and that’s the final step. What’s left is to basically furnish the house and clean up the outside of it like power washing the siding, cleaning the garage out, and planting flowers. Little things like that which we have been wanting to do for a while now, but since it wasn’t nice outside until this month we had to put it off.

I have a test this Wednesday so I need to start studying for it tomorrow or today if possible and then next Thursday (May 10th), I have my last exam for financial management yessss! I’m so happy and excited to almost be done! Then soon after that, life officially starts (outside of school). Can’t believe that soon I will be living in my own home 🙂 🙂 

Countdown Clock:

  • 13 days until graduation
  • 17 days until we’re married
  • 25 days until Colorado trip

Ah, I can’t wait, especially for that trip!!! Of course I’m excited for everything else that comes before that, but I haven’t been on a trip since October and I really love heading out for a little bit and getting a change.

But yeah, that’s about it. I have to go work on the house! See ya! 

My Bridal Shower 🌸

Hi there!

I had my bridal shower on Sunday April 22, 2018 and I wanted to post some pictures from the event! I had a lot of fun and I hope my guests did too!

The decorations were soooo cute and the cake was beautiful. Everything was just the way I wanted it and without my close family and friends, it wouldn’t have been as great as it was! I’m thankful for all of the people who were there with me until the end. Love you all! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Sunday April 8, 2018

Happy Sunday Funday!!!!

Had a great night of sleep and woke up in a good mood. This morning I ate the usual – a thin everything bagel with an egg and mayo and then of course an orange afterwards. Now I am drinking coffee ❤ after I am done drinking my coffee, I am going to continue working on my homework and start studying for my test that’s in a couple of days. I need to get this finance math down so I can kill this test.

Yesterday we finished almost everything in the house, Mirhad’s parents will just go finish the rest of the basement today. My dad will look at the basement when he’s back to see if anything else needs to be put over the wall like cement or something and then we focus on the kitchen!

Tomorrow my parents come back, yay!!!!! I’m excited, I can’t wait to see them 🙂 🙂 🙂

Okay, so I am going to go study and do my homework, see ya!!! 😀