Why I switched back to a Macbook Pro 💻

Good morning you guys! 

Happy Saturday!!! I’m so happy it’s the weekend! Do you guys have any fun weekend plans? I have a couple things to do, but will mostly stay at home because they are saying there is a huge snowstorm coming. In the meantime, I wanted to share why I switched back to a Macbook Pro! 

A couple months ago, I bought a Mac desktop computer and I LOVED it! It’s been something I’ve wanted for years and after I got my full time job, I figured why not just get it? So I did and I gave my old Macbook Pro to my little sister. I had that one since I started college, so it’s been a good 4 years since I bought it. It worked fine and everything, but I just really wanted this Mac computer! I thought it would help a lot with blogging and making videos. Which it did, but it wasn’t for me. 

It’s been about 3 months since I’ve had the Mac and I finally decided that right now, I need a laptop. I can’t take the desktop to the living room and use it, it’s impossible. The only place I could use it in would be in my office and I only go in there if I’m working from home. Which is why a lot of my blog posts were only posted when I worked from home. After work, I was too tired to go into the office and work on my blog which resulted in barely blogging. 

After a couple weeks of thinking about this, I decided to switch back over to a Macbook Pro. The problem was that I couldn’t keep both, so I had to sell my Mac. I ended up giving it to my sister and the next day I went and got myself the newest Macbook. I thought about just getting the basic version, but the price difference wasn’t that much of a big deal, so I was able to get the one with the touch bar. It’s really nice, the keyboard feels awesome, and it’s super fast. I’ve never felt happier to have my Macbook back. Safe to say, I’m in love with my computer once again! 

The Mac was a great computer, worked nicely with editing videos and stuff like that. There was no issues with it besides only being able to stay in one spot. Which I of course knew before I bought it, but I didn’t know how much I’d need the capability of being able to move around and bring it with me wherever I go. Needless to say, I made a mistake when purchasing it and I’m glad I was able to fix it quickly! Now I’m able to bring my computer with me on future vacations and anywhere I want! It feels nice to take it to the living room when I get tired of sitting in my office. I also started taking it to work and in my free time I write when I can so it’s just really a win-win! 

Maybe in the future when I’m able to afford both and I live in my dream city I could purchase a Mac again if I need to, but for now this Macbook has my heart ❤ 

Has anyone else made a mistake like this? Where you quickly realized you shouldn’t have bought something and kind of regret it? At one point, I just kept it to myself because my husband would’ve said, “I told you so!” Which he did… I should’ve taken his advice 🙂

Gatlinburg, Tennessee Road Trip! 🚗

Hi there!

Two weekends ago, we took a family trip to Gatlinburg pretty much up in the Great Smoky Mountains. It’s winter so obviously there isn’t greenery everywhere, but we were lucky to see some! And we also got to see snow very high up in the mountains.

The trip started on Friday when we left at 5am. I wasn’t even tired when I was getting up that morning, I was too excited for this trip even though I knew we had a long 7 hours ahead of us. We spent those 7 hours talking about random stuff and looking at the things we were driving past. My dad had some cool stories for us if we drove past something he remembered when he used to be a truck driver. The hours flew by and by the time we knew it, we were already approaching Gatlinburg. I forgot that this place was high up in the mountains and I got a little scared because my dad was driving – he’s not a bad driver, I just only trust myself when it comes to driving up in high elevations.

It took about 45 minutes to drive up to our cabin and when we finally got there, we couldn’t believe the views! It was a bunch of cabins built by each other, but far enough in between each other where you had your own privacy, so it was perfect. We found our cabin and as soon as we parked, I walked over to look at the views. There was some snow at the top so I was taking a bunch of pictures and everyone wanted pictures with that in the background. We had a little photoshoot and then started bringing our stuff inside.

The place was beautiful, so nicely decorated. I felt like a little kid running around saying “wow” to all of the stuff in there. I was super excited about the pool table and the jacuzzi because I already knew we’d be spending a lot of time with both of those. I took out my camera and started recording everything and everyones reactions. I think the first thing we did after unpacking was chilling in the jacuzzi and drinking some wine. It was so relaxing! It was a little chilly outside, nothing too cold, but perfect for the temperature of the jacuzzi. The views were great and the wine was great. My dad had a cold and was on medication and he couldn’t drink wine so we had to get him sparkling juice without alcohol. That was the funniest part since he is a huge wine fan! He still enjoyed it though.

We spent the next day exploring and driving around to see what cool stuff we could find. We went to a wine store and bought some really good wine and drove into this park that had a pretty river. We spent our nights playing pool and being competitive in UNO. UNO was so much fun and it was hilarious to see my parents play it as well. My sister was the sassiest one there, so we had to watch out for her! On our way back home, we stopped in Nashville to try some BBQ. It was good, but Texas BBQ still has my heart!

This was a great trip where lots of memories were made and lots of fun was had. Anytime with my family is a great time!!

Here are some pictures 🙂

2018 Reflection! 🌟

2018 was filled with lots of love, happiness, and craziness. So many memories and fun things we did so I want to take a moment and look back on every month and write down something I did! And these might be some little things, but they’re good memories to look back on because I have a hard time remembering stuff! ❤


  • I rang in the new year as an engaged lady
  • We closed on our new home
  • Officially started buying renovation supplies for the house
  • Started my last semester of college
  • Tore down a wall in our house (for the first time) and it was super fun
  • Made a famous soup recipe from The Spaghetti Factory and it was 🔥
  • Started officially taking my blog seriously and committing time to it (I started in December of 2017, but just created one)
  • Got my bridal shower invitations made, printed out, and sent out to people


  • Bought a really cute pink purse combo (huge step because I only buy black purses so having a different color was new to me)
  • Saw Aleksandra Prijovic live in concert
  • Struggled with my finance classes (lol)
  • Booked my last appointment to take my braces off
  • Took my niece and nephew to Sky Zone and went to eat after – my nephew drank soda and was so hyper
  • Completed the tiles in the bathroom
  • Talked about our wedding and looked for wedding venues
  • Moved the gym from his parents basement into our garage


  • Took our niece to the movies to watch Peter Rabbit (such a good movie)
  • Painted our house
  • Put a new tub, toilet, and sink in our bathrooms
  • Someone stole our AC system outside at our new house (assholes)
  • Father in law got the kids new bunnies (we made sure to not attach ourselves to them otherwise we would take them home lol)
  • Added the flooring into our house
  • Got my braces off!!!!!
  • My dad left his power tool in one of the houses he sold so he was sad until they let him get it back lol
  • Went to Chicago with Ado and Nejla for a weekend (end of March, beginning of April)
    • They took us to a place called Steak 52 I think and it was super expensive but such a cool experience
    • Got drunk from a fish bowl at Sugar Factory
    • Visited the Nutella Factory in Chicago for the first time
    • Had a mimosa for brunch for the first time


  • Tore all the walls off in the basement
  • Made bosnian bread for the first time in a long time and it was delicious
  • Mirhad fell down the stairs in his basement and now has a huge scar on leg (lmao)
  • Started looking at furniture for our house
  • Had Husko’s chili for the first time (the best)
  • Made my party favors for the bridal shower and other decorations
  • Passed my second kidney stone – worst pain ever
  • Looked for my graduation outfit
  • Got my makeup done by my bff for my bridal shower
  • Had my bridal shower!!
  • Elma bought a snapchat geo filter made just for my shower ❤
  • Opened up gifts at home with the families instead of at the shower, it was more fun this way and my nephew had a blast trying to open all of the gifts before me
  • Put in our kitchen cabinets
  • Sanela’s fam bought us a TV
  • We picked the granite top for the kitchen
  • Dad installed a new door, but had to knocked down some of the wall to do it
  • Furnished our living room
  • Bought a bed set
  • Planted my first flowers 🌷


  • Searched for my Mosque wedding dress
  • Entered my last month of college
  • Had my graduation party (earlier bc we wanted to also celebrate my dads and sister birthdays)
  • Mirhad went to Boston for a couple of days
  • Went bike riding in Forest Park
  • Granite top was added to our kitchen
  • Ordered a graduation cap topper from Etsy and got it in the mail right before graduation
  • Got our kitchen completed including the appliances
  • Graduated college!!!
  • Got married a couple days later ❤
  • Mirhad walked the stage at his graduation, but actually just now graduated a couple days ago
  • My niece graduated pre-school, had a mini graduation
  • Went to Colorado with Mirhad, Ermin, Sanela, and Anel and had lots of fun
  • Mirhad had his eye surgery


  • We bought a puppy!
  • My sister went to a college prep camp for 2 weeks
  • We got a dining room set finally
  • Mirhad and Omer killed a wasps nest by our door
  • Celebrated our first Bajram as a married couple
  • Mirhad drove 4 hours to pick up our puppy
  • Had lots of fun, snuggles, and struggles with our pup and ended up having to give him away 2 weeks later
  • I started my new job
  • Went to a family picnic in St. James and fished


  • Mirhad was trimming the bushes in front of our house and accidentally trimmed the extension cord as well
  • Celebrated 4th of July in the park we’ve been going to for 3 years now
  • Went canoeing in Forest Park


  • Celebrated my birthday and went home earlier from work
  • Went to Dallas, TX for my birthday weekend
  • Tried Texas BBQ for the first time
  • Went swimming on a rooftop pool
  • Sat in a Tesla for the first time
  • Made my fall wreath
  • Went to a Card’s game
  • Made a coffee bar
  • Surprised my nephew with a birthday cupcake and a mini trampoline


  • Attended one of my best friends brothers wedding
  • Chilled on a hammock with Mirhad and ate fruit
  • Ate a spongebob ice cream
  • Attended another friends wedding
  • Went on our trip to Seattle, San Fran, Yosemite, and Vegas
  • Celebrated Mirhad’s birthday in the West Coast


  • Decorated pumpkins and put them in front of the house
  • Got a patio set
  • Took some photos in a pumpkin patch
  • Tried a pumpkin spiced latte for the first time ever
  • Watched our friends get engaged
  • Surprised Zana with a baby shower
  • Searched for fall leaves in every park and took lots of pics
  • Had a picnic in Forest Park


  • Put up my Christmas tree
  • Had our first sleepover with my niece and nephew
  • Dyed my hair dark brown
  • Heard a car crash into the river by our house (scary)
  • Parked our car in the garage for the first time (after it was all cleaned out)
  • First snow at this house
  • Had Friendsgiving at our friends house
  • Got this super cute purse from my hubs


  • Celebrated my nieces 6th birthday
  • Got to meet baby Adnan
  • Got Mirhad Airpods for his New Years present
  • 2 of my bff’s graduated college
  • Went to Chicago for a weekend to see the lights
  • Finished wrapping all presents and put them under the tree

And now as this year is about to wrap up, I wish everyone a very happy and safe New Years! Hoping for lots of happiness, love, and adventures in 2019! ❤


Friday + rants + photoshoot! 🎃

Good morning!

Ugh, I did it again.. I said I was going to blog 3x this week and here I am on a Friday morning blogging for the first time since Monday. Why has it been so hard to get back into everything again?!!? I feel like my life is flying by but I can’t do one thing I’ve been meaning to do. I need to figure it out before I go months and months doing the same thing. Maybe this weekend I can get back on track since we’re doing a major thing by cleaning out the garage and backyard. That way at least that will get me in the groove and maybe I’ll end up deep cleaning the whole house hahaha (hopefully).

So enough of my rant, I woke up this morning and it was COLD outside, but I am NOT complaining. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that I love winter more than summer. Yeah, summer is cool and all, but I can’t deal with the humidity. It was so hot this summer that I pretty much spent it all at home lol except when we wanted to escape to Dallas to actually swim and relax. That was probably the only time I enjoyed summer. I mean, I like summer but not here because seriously it’s too hot to even breathe sometimes LOL.

I am loving this weather though! I made my coffee, put my fuzzy socks on, and put a hoodie on and boy am I happy! I don’t know, I guess I just like the warm cozy feeling?? I just imagine myself living in a cabin type house somewhere (not IN the mountains) but nearby so I can see the snowfall in the distance. Ugh goals… dreams… one day ❤ 

Today I have some meetings for work, only one of them is like an hour and a half long, but at least the others are fine. I’m learning more and more at work and I think I will be filling in a new position soon enough! 

I just put some banana bread in the oven to bake, should be done in about 15 minutes. Banana bread is probably one of my favorite sweet breads, if that’s what it’s called. Smells super good right now 😋

Yesterday we went to a pumpkin patch with some friends and he ended up taking some really fun shots of Mirhad and I. I just saw them and they’re SUPER cute ❤ I just uploaded a couple of them, one of them is funny because I’m holding Mirhad’s finger so I don’t tip over lol. But I really like them! Here’s that one 🙂 IMG_4394.JPG

This one is deff my favorite, besides the fact that I’m holding his finger, but it’s fine I still like it hahaha. 

But yeah that’s pretty much it, I HOPE I get to blog more this weekend. See ya! 🙂


Updates, updates, & more updates!

Good morning!!!

Happy October guys!!!!! Fall is finally here!!!! 😀 😀 😀 My favorite season is fall, so I’m all about this. Bring on the chilly weather!

I am finally back from my trip, but still not settled back in. Working from home today, this will give me a chance to wash some laundry and clean up in between. 

Update: I wrote this and then had a couple of meetings and in between I managed to make breakfast, clean the living room, clean the kitchen, and tidy up where needed. So now that I finally finished all of that, I can sit down and blog. I have one last meeting from 2-3pm and then after that I’ll work on some more stuff from work. 

I have to blog about my trip, but it might take a while because I have to transfer over a bunch of the pictures from my camera. I am super excited to write about it, it was seriously so much fun. A lot of driving, but totally worth it. Next time, I will for sure spend 2-3 days in one place instead of just 1 so I can relax too. My brain is still in vacation mode, so I need to get back to reality. Is it too early to start planning our next trip tho??? LOL. That reminds me, I need to see how many vacation days I have now since I just used 3 days!

Ok so I won’t start planning this anytime soon obviously…. but we mentioned going to Colorado to ski/sled with our parents in the winter, so that would be something I’d like to look out for. Of course, I’d have to confirm their vacations days and whatever, but something cheap would be nice. Don’t think we’d be able to afford Aspen, so maybe there’s another alternative. If you’ve been anywhere sledding/skiing in CO that’s not super expensive, please let me know! 🙂

I wrote a huge to-do list for this week, it’s just a mixture of things I want to get done. #1 priority is to clean out the garage, spray it down, and make the gym so we can work out before work/school in the morning. Especially when nicer weather is getting here, it would be amazing to work out before work and not have to drive to the gym. 

My featured photo is one I took in Seattle drinking coffee – well my husband took it and from that point I told him he is in charge of taking pics like this hahaha. It’s so cute, so I was like dude we need more of these!!!

Okay, vacation/travel post will be coming soon, till then just hear me babble about my life 🙂

See ya! 🙂



Sunday March 11, 2018


Happy Sunday, I AM BACK!!!! Had a rough past two or so weeks trying to wrap up everything for school before spring break and right now I’m just so happy I am done with three of my classes and that I don’t have to worry about anything for the next week. So there is SO MUCH I need to blog about and I can’t wait to do it. My mood has increased so much ever since I finished my last final Thursday night, I feel like I am free (only for a week I guess) but when I do go back to school I only have to worry about two classes and I can spend a lot of my time doing anything else I want like BLOGGING, YAY. Worked my ass off to complete my three online classes and it feels good to get those A’s ❤ ❤ 

So where do I begin?! I’m going to Chicago later this month with Mirhad and some friends who wanted to go for their birthday and right after that I will be going to LA for a couple of days for the Ellen Show and also to just hang out up there, can’t wait to get some sun.. I need it hahaha. I will make a blog post about how I found the best prices for this trip (it was a struggle, Cali is expensive). I’m also probably going to be doing a post about budgeting or I might incorporate that into the same posts. And then of course when I go on the trips, I will have the obligatory travel posts – travel necessities list, what I packed, the trip itself, etc., so that will be fun! 

It’s snowing today even though it was so nice yesterday…. typical. So since it’s snowing and I can’t sled on it, I’m spending the day in bed watching movies, catching up on my blogging, and just chilling. Well deserved!! Day light savings happened this morning so I woke up SUPER late, but it’s okay. I’m just so excited to be blogging again, I think it would’ve helped me deal with all of my stress if I was able to sit down and blog for 30 minutes, but I literally couldn’t even squeeze it in 😦

So what else happened??? I have a lot of house updates which I will talk about in a separate post. It’s almost time to start looking at furniture, that will be fun. 

Last night me and Sanela had a girls night and we drank some wine along with some salmon, crackers, and cheese (our favorite thing ever for a chill night) and we ended up getting some Angry Orchard because we weren’t really feeling the wine. Although Sanela did end up finishing it off 😂 We had fun catching up, I haven’t seen her in forever and I missed her so much so we had a lot of fun. We ended up making 6 podcasts last night 😂😂😂 It was very random, but it consisted of us talking about random things like what we were doing at the moment, video games, and the last 3 or so podcasts consisted of us talking about our vacation experiences. I think when we look back at these in a couple of years, we will appreciate them because some of the things I mentioned she forgot about so it’s a good refresher for the future! Good way to remember good memories. We are going to try to do them every week, but I need to figure out where it gets saved on your phone and how I will be able to find it later on, if it gets too difficult, we might just have to do videos instead. But yeah, podcasts are fun, maybe I can ask Mirhad to do one with me too 😀 

It’s almost Spring🌷so I will be changing my blog up a little bit, hopefully I will take some cool pictures on my trips and I could recreate my header, but without braces… OH YEAH I’M GETTING THEM OFF IN 9 DAYS WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! I can’t wait to take new pictures without them! I will deff be updating my blog though in terms of header photo, background, etc., not a lot of themes out there that have what I want (like what I have now) but if I find a good one I will change that too. 

So yeah, that’s all I can think of for now, I will be posting more soon 🙂 🙂



Wednesday Feb. 7, 2018


Good morning!!!!

We are almost to Friday y’all, happy happy Wednesday! Blogging a bit before I get ready for school. Deciding on something quick I want to eat so I’m not late to class, but I just found these “balanced snacks” that I bought at Sam’s like 2 weeks ago and my mom never put them in the fridge so I hope I can still eat them because I just put all of them in there hahaha. Last night we had a dusting of snow, was really hoping we get hit by a snow storm so school is cancelled all week, but no 😦

Today will consist of me studying for my financial management midterm that is tomorrow and working on some online homework/discussions because those need to be done too!

It’s super chilly outside, so I thought the image above^ was perfect.

Gotta go, see ya!



December 30, 2017

7:22 PM


Last night something amazing happened… the BEST moment of my life… I GOT ENGAGED!!!!!!! It was the best surprise ever and I didn’t expect it at all. Here are some pictures!!!! 

So this is how it went down.. Mirhad came over at like 5:50 PM and he said he wants to stay at my house for a little bit before we leave to go somewhere. So he showed me all of the stuff he took from my room when I wasn’t paying attention.. took some of my photos from the scrapbook I made and from my photo album. I laughed because of course I wouldn’t notice since I only add pics in when I have printed them but I haven’t done that in a while! (little did I know that he had a huge proposal planned but due to some mistakes that were not his fault, he had to take everything down 😦 but the real proposal was AMAZING<3)

So anyways finally he’s like let’s go! I’m putting my shoes on and I turn on the outside light and I see some red light and I’m like ??? but I just assumed that was from that holiday decoration we have on the front door. So I thought nothing else of this. We open the door and I see some lights and a big heart in the front and I’m like omg what is this.. and he says “it’s the first surprise of the night” and I go out and I’m amazed at how pretty it is ❤ He tells me to step inside of the heart so I do and he gives me a kiss, but I hear something and I look over and I see Irhad standing with a camera??? I’m like omg he scared me, Mirhad was like “it’s just Irhad look over at me”. And then he realizes he forgot to get the polaroid camera from my room!!!! So he’s like wait let me go get it real quick so he’s leaving, but then he stops and he’s like wait let me do this first – and he goes to the window and brings out a little box and gets down on one knee….. and he tells me he loves me so much and that I make him so happy. He then asks me to marry him and I say of course bebo!!!! I’m literally about to bawl so I just hug him so hard and we’re there just hugging. Then he’s like omg the ring!!!! So he puts the ring on my finger and I literally couldn’t stop hugging and kissing him. The ring is BEAUTIFUL ❤ it’s the one I wanted and I am in love with it, but I am more in love with my new fiance ❤ ❤ ❤

After that he went to get the polaroid and Irhad took a picture of us and then he had us reenact it so he could get some more pictures. Literally can’t thank him enough for capturing that special moment for us.

I couldn’t be happier!! We are finally engaged and I am so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life! ❤ I love you, Mirhad. You make me the happiest girl in the world.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 11/29/17 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤