Sunday March 11, 2018


Happy Sunday, I AM BACK!!!! Had a rough past two or so weeks trying to wrap up everything for school before spring break and right now I’m just so happy I am done with three of my classes and that I don’t have to worry about anything for the next week. So there is SO MUCH I need to blog about and I can’t wait to do it. My mood has increased so much ever since I finished my last final Thursday night, I feel like I am free (only for a week I guess) but when I do go back to school I only have to worry about two classes and I can spend a lot of my time doing anything else I want like BLOGGING, YAY. Worked my ass off to complete my three online classes and it feels good to get those A’s ❤ ❤ 

So where do I begin?! I’m going to Chicago later this month with Mirhad and some friends who wanted to go for their birthday and right after that I will be going to LA for a couple of days for the Ellen Show and also to just hang out up there, can’t wait to get some sun.. I need it hahaha. I will make a blog post about how I found the best prices for this trip (it was a struggle, Cali is expensive). I’m also probably going to be doing a post about budgeting or I might incorporate that into the same posts. And then of course when I go on the trips, I will have the obligatory travel posts – travel necessities list, what I packed, the trip itself, etc., so that will be fun! 

It’s snowing today even though it was so nice yesterday…. typical. So since it’s snowing and I can’t sled on it, I’m spending the day in bed watching movies, catching up on my blogging, and just chilling. Well deserved!! Day light savings happened this morning so I woke up SUPER late, but it’s okay. I’m just so excited to be blogging again, I think it would’ve helped me deal with all of my stress if I was able to sit down and blog for 30 minutes, but I literally couldn’t even squeeze it in 😦

So what else happened??? I have a lot of house updates which I will talk about in a separate post. It’s almost time to start looking at furniture, that will be fun. 

Last night me and Sanela had a girls night and we drank some wine along with some salmon, crackers, and cheese (our favorite thing ever for a chill night) and we ended up getting some Angry Orchard because we weren’t really feeling the wine. Although Sanela did end up finishing it off 😂 We had fun catching up, I haven’t seen her in forever and I missed her so much so we had a lot of fun. We ended up making 6 podcasts last night 😂😂😂 It was very random, but it consisted of us talking about random things like what we were doing at the moment, video games, and the last 3 or so podcasts consisted of us talking about our vacation experiences. I think when we look back at these in a couple of years, we will appreciate them because some of the things I mentioned she forgot about so it’s a good refresher for the future! Good way to remember good memories. We are going to try to do them every week, but I need to figure out where it gets saved on your phone and how I will be able to find it later on, if it gets too difficult, we might just have to do videos instead. But yeah, podcasts are fun, maybe I can ask Mirhad to do one with me too 😀 

It’s almost Spring🌷so I will be changing my blog up a little bit, hopefully I will take some cool pictures on my trips and I could recreate my header, but without braces… OH YEAH I’M GETTING THEM OFF IN 9 DAYS WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! I can’t wait to take new pictures without them! I will deff be updating my blog though in terms of header photo, background, etc., not a lot of themes out there that have what I want (like what I have now) but if I find a good one I will change that too. 

So yeah, that’s all I can think of for now, I will be posting more soon 🙂 🙂
