My Spring Cleaning List! ðŸ§¹

Hey guys!

Spring is coming which means it’s almost that time for spring cleaning! Since it’ll be the first time we’ve been in our new home when it’s spring, I feel like I need to make the ultimate cleaning list. There is sooooo much to do and I really love opening up the windows when it’s nice outside and just enjoying the breeze. It makes cleaning THAT much better. Making this list will also make my life easier because I don’t have to sit down in a couple of weeks and think about it, it’ll just be here! FYI, long list ahead! 🙂


  • clean all of the windows including the little area between the net and the window
  • take down my curtains and washing them so they smell fresh
  • put away anything left from the winter and bringing out any spring stuff
  • deep clean the bathrooms (sink, toilets, showers, floors)
  • re-organize the pantry
  • dust off surfaces in the whole house
  • re-organize shoe closet
  • move all furniture and clean underneath it
  • wipe down all floor moldings
  • wipe down dust from picture frames + mirrors
  • vacuum and Swiffer the floors including all corners and edges
  • organize office closets
  • re-arrange the den
  • vacuum the basement + laundry room
  • wash bed covers/pillow cases/pillows from bedroom + guest bedroom
  • freshen up and re-arrange guest bedroom
  • re-organize closet that has all my house stuff 
  • wipe down ceiling fans 
  • clean any shoes that got dirty from winter
  • wipe down the basement stairs + basement hallway
  • wash the doors from scuff marks
  • dust the office bookcase
  • freshen up living room furniture and wash the pillows from the couch
  • clean the tiles in the shower
  • replace any light bulbs that are missing in the rooms
  • change air filter
  • clean the microwave + dishwasher + oven 
  • re-organize plastic containers, buy new ones if needed
  • clean + organize kitchen drawers
  • clean out cabinets + re-organize
  • clean coffee machine + coffee bar area.. re-organize coffee mugs (maybe buy the shelf I’ve been wanting above it)
  • clean under the sink
  • clean dining room table (wipe down any dust from chairs)
  • clean out bathroom shelves 
  • put in new bathroom floor matts after cleaning the bathroom floors
  • re-organize makeup table, throw out any old, expired items
  • add shelves to the laundry room and set it up
  • get rid of any clutter like old food and things we don’t want
  • put away winter clothes and bring out spring clothes (wash them) + re-organize closet
  • organize office desk and throw out any unnecessary things

Now, the outside is a whole different story. There is so much to do and since it’s been a long winter, there is a lot of fallen branches and stuff we need to clean up.


  • clean off driveway with water hose
  • do any paint touch ups around the door and front steps etc.,
  • clean the grill
  • clean out garage so I can park the car
  • throw out any clutter from the garage, sell it if possible
  • clean out gutters
  • replace broken awning
  • put new lightbulbs in areas where the lights went out
  • trim trees/bushes
  • cut down trees if needed since they are very dry and can fall 
  • get rid of any bugs outside the house (plus add bug spray) and clean out rock area by front door 
  • wash my car (this is sooooo needed)

I think that’s everything.. wow that’s A LOT! But it needs to get done, so I’m going to take my time and break it out into sessions throughout the weekends! Especially since it’s not 100% warm outside yet and the weather is unpredictable, we can’t really do all the outside stuff, but I can do some of the inside cleaning! I’m excited though, spring cleaning can be fun if you make it fun! 🙂

Does anyone else use a spring cleaning list to help you remember what you need to do? Lists in general are super helpful for me, so this will be a HUGE plus. Anything I missed that you recommend needs to be done for spring?? Let me know in the comments 🙂

Hello March! 🌼

Good morning!!

Happy Friday guys! 

I woke up this morning feeling very refreshed and looked outside my window only to find more ice on the ground. I had great sleep and then I realized it’s March and got super excited! The weather forecast is showing that it will get much warmer after the 8th of March. So glad the winter is finally going away and I can enjoy some fresh air. Speaking of a new month, that means we have some goals to write out! 

Goals for March:

  • Learn a new sport (already have one on mind, will make a video about it)
  • Lose 10-15 pounds 
  • Start vlogging – post first video on Youtube 
  • Be consistent with my blog posts
  • Make a laundry routine so we don’t fall behind on laundry
  • Share my blog, be more open about it 
  • Workout 5x a week
  • Sleep 8 hours every night and wake up at 5 am every morning
  • Go to bed earlier
  • Clear up my acne scarring/skin 
  • Spend time outdoors as much as I can as soon as it gets warmer outside
  • Read at least 1 book
  • Get back into writing my to-do lists
  • Save money from every paycheck for our future vacations
  • Buy our Disneyland and Universal Studios tickets before the end of the month
  • Work on myself, mentally and physically
  • Only buy new clothes if I lose weight 
  • Have at least 3 date nights with my husband 
  • Spend less time on my phone and more time with my husband 

That sounds like a pretty good list and things I can for sure accomplish! I didn’t want to make it too goal heavy because sometimes it gets unrealistic, but I know that I could do a bunch of these. And even if I only do 50% of this list, it’s still something! 

Do you have any goals for March? How do you write them out and make sure you get them done? Let me know in the comments 🙂

My favorite things about Spring! ðŸŒ·

Hey guys!

Since Spring is right around the corner, I wanted to list some of my favorite things about Spring in no order whatsoever to get me excited for it! 

  • That Spring smell! All of those flowers blooming and that fresh air finally making a comeback after months of cold, crisp air
  • Spending time outside – there is nothing better than knowing you can go outside and just enjoy the sun, even if you don’t have anything planned
  • Picnics  – I think they are the best in the Spring and Fall seasons because of all the beautiful colors
  • Flowers blooming – of course can’t forget about all of those beautiful flowers coming out and making your house or the park colorful 
  • Road trips – this is possible anytime of the year pretty much, but when it’s nicer outside it’s much easier to take a fun weekend trip
  • Better mood – nice weather brings more positivity! People are much happier when it’s Spring 
  • Daylight Savings goes away – the day is longer and you don’t feel like you have to take a nap when it hits 4-5pm 
  • The market – all fruits and veggies are out and super fresh! I always get excited for the new season to pick up some fresh fruit and veggies 
  • You can open your windows – in the house or even in your car and it feels SO good!
  • Trees – the trees start getting their green colors back and your neighborhood doesn’t look like a ghost town

What are some of your favorite things about Spring? 🙂

Tuesday morning + updates!

Hi there!

It’s almost noon and I am having my first cup of coffee. Work started at 7:45am this morning (WFH) and I didn’t need coffee that early for energy, I’m surprised! I mean I don’t even need it right now for energy, I just love coffee lol.

Yesterday, we went to the gym at 6am and so we woke up at 5:45am which was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in a while. Waking up at 6 for work is hard enough, but that 15 mins early than usual was horrible lol. BUT I do have to say that I did feel better throughout the day and I wasn’t really tired. It’s much easier to go to the gym earlier when I am WFH, but on the days I have to go into the office it’s tricky because I like to go in at 7:30 so like when would I even make time to get ready + eat + go to the gym?! It would be crammed, so I think on those days we’ll just work out after work/school. 

We have been trying to get into the routine of working out daily, for multiple reasons of course, but mainly to get our heart pumping and blood running through our veins! Hopefully we can keep it going, it’s really hard to get into a routine, but anyone can do it! 

I made a to-do list for today and I am trying to keep it small otherwise I probably won’t get everything done. The good thing is that I can just move it to tomorrow and it’ll get done 🙂 

Our trip is pretty much done planning with the flights/cars/where we’re staying parts. The only thing left to do for me is to write it out in my notebook so it’s all laid out in front of me and I know what’s going on. Today I am going to go look at carry on suitcases for us – we literally only own one suitcase and my mom borrowed it for her trip to Bosnia. So we need 2 since this trip is 5 days long and I just want to bring my own stuff. We usually can fit both of our stuff together, but oh well.. what if we go to DSW in Dallas (the best) and buy some more shoes (LOL Mirhad) like where are we going to fit them if we don’t have two suitcases?! 😜

I also need to return my diffuser because it’s way too big. I liked the old one I had, but I gave it to my sister – she still needs to buy essential oils for it since I took mine with me. This one is good because of the size, but it’s too much work flipping it upside down to remove the water and add the essential oils. Before I just opened the top and added it – simple. So I am going to look for another one today too. 

Hmm, what else?? On Sunday, we had the BEST weather so far. I got to open up all of the windows and the breeze was so nice. It’s pretty much going to be in the 70’s for the next 2 weeks, except maybe like 2 days where it’s mid 80’s. But I’m not complaining, this weather is great! Trying to convince Mirhad for us to exercise outside today by playing soccer or something just so we can enjoy the weather (if you’re reading this Mirhad, plz let’s go). 😀

See ya! 🙂


2018 Goals & The 52 Lists Project

So I bought this book called the 52 List Project from Marshall’s today and it’s basically a year of weekly journaling inspiration. On the back it says “Create 52 lists, one for every week of the year, that will help you discover the beauty, joy, creativity, and power you already have! Get ready to celebrate, enjoy, and take ownership of your life, as each week of the year becomes more thoughtful and vibrant.” I bought a similar book like this for Sanela when she got a new job, but hers is about happiness. I really like this one because it’s all about goals and listing things. I looked through it and some of the things are really interesting to write about. So each week I will have a new topic to write about. This will be fun!

The first page says “List your goals and dreams for this year.” So I wanted to write them on here, too. This way I can have it in multiple places to look back on!

  • Move into my new house with Mirhad
  • Graduate college
  • Get married
  • Read more books –> at least 12 this year*
  • Get to a healthy weight & stay there –> be comfortable in your own body, don’t lose weight just to be skinny, lose weight to be healthy for yourself and for your future self
  • Travel A LOT
  • Up my water intake –> I have many water bottles that measure the water so drink a couple of those a day
  • Volunteer @ the bunny shelter often
  • Spend more time with my family –> I already do, but I just need to continue doing it
  • Renovate my dream home –> make my house how I’ve always dreamed of having it
  • Go to health check-ups –> 2x a year
  • Save money –> as soon as I start working, create a financial plan
  • Take a road trip across the USA 
  • Take pictures every day
  • Floss
  • Go to bed earlier, wake up earlier –> I always stay up late and end up waking up around 10, feels like most of my day is taken up by sleeping.. wake up earlier and make the most of the day
  • Try something new or do something (go explore) –> once a month
  • Spend more time outside 
  • Learn more –> documentaries, a course, etc.,
  • Prepare my food –> for work, for school, always have a plan of what to eat so I don’t end up eating random junk
  • Eat fruit & vegetables more –> incorporate this into my diet


So far, that’s what I have. I will probably add more!