Monday Feb. 19, 2018


I’m back, had a busy weekend, but I am back and ready more than ever to blog!!! Happy Monday, I hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to this new week that is ahead of us!

I’ve started using Spark to make some cool stuff and my featured image is something I created with the help of a cool background on Spark. It looks so pretty!

So this week I have the usual homework from all of my classes, but I think I am going to get a head start on some of my projects that are due in 2ish weeks.. since Spring Break is right around the corner, that means final projects and finals are coming for my online classes! I’m happy it’s almost over, I can’t wait to enjoy the other half of my semester just focusing on two classes, YAY!

I went to class this morning and then I drove Mirhad to school and went to pick up my sister so we could go to Forever 21. They are having a 50% off clearance sale and we grabbed some cute stuff. Think I will make a post later showing what I bought! Wasn’t much, but I know they will have another sale soon like this with all of their winter stuff so I’ll be waiting for that, too.

After I pick up Mirhad from school in a little bit, I am going to work out.. for the first time in like 2 months lol. I hate that I start working out and then I stop for a long time, I need to stop doing that. This time it’s serious, working out EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I’m excited to start though, I need something to wake me up and something to get me tired. Also need to focus on becoming more healthy physically because it’s super important at my age! After that, I am going to maybe work on some homework or I might not do any and save it for tomorrow and instead work on my video for best moments of 2017. I’ll see what I feel like doing!

It’s been raining all day and it sucks, it’s very gloomy. Think it’s going to rain pretty much all week, but at least it’s not super cold.

But yeah, that’s pretty much it forreal… seeee yaaaaaa!

February 6, 2018

10:04 AM

Good morning!!!!

Happy Tuesday 😀 I’m in a great mood, got good sleep. Going to get a lot of stuff done today 🙂 about to update my planner with the things I need to do today. I am struggling hard with my financial management material, so I have to go extra hard at trying to learn it so I know it well for the test, ugh 😦

Think I will maybe give out some of the invitations to my bridal shower today or tomorrow, like half and the other half another day. Honestly, I just want to send them out so I don’t have to worry about doing it later, since school piles up on you like no other!!!

Why is coffee sooo good??? It just tastes so amazing and it is such a needed thing in the morning for me, it gives me an extra boost and it tastes good! I put this vanilla creamer with a latte foaming thing – SUPER good.

I really can’t wait until next week is done with so I’m over all of these exams lol. Oh yeah, we booked a hotel for my bachorlette so that’s exciting. I’m excited for that, just going to hangout with my friends and have some fun. Not doing anything crazy, wish spas were cheaper so we could all go hahaha. But at least they have hella good food where we’re going.. lots of good places 😋

I need to find some time in between this studying to write down some wedding venues I’m interested in so we can choose one. I really want to do something different, but I don’t want it to be too expensive since I’m not paying for it our parents are. I’ll see what I can find soon 😀

Ummm, yeah that’s pretty much it for now. Gotta post my self love challenge later today.

See ya!


February 5, 2018 ❄️

3:32 PM


Happy Monday (or not so happy???)… no, HAPPY MONDAY. Have to be positive even if it’s Monday 🙂 As the image says above ^ “Monday, Positive Mind, Positive Vibes, Positive Life.” 

Been doing lots of homework today, currently at the library working – it’s super peaceful here. Had a nice vanilla latte earlier this morning from SB 😋 . I have a lot of homework to finish today. But I am first going to write my to-do list for this week!

To-do list and goals for the week of February 5th: 

  • Microeconomics homework (turn in Wednesday)
  • CSIS homework (due Friday)
  • Finish 2 Marketing discussions today (2/6 of them today, then 2 each other day + replies)
  • Write my Financial Management notes to prepare for Thursday’s exam
  • Finish Financial Management homework (due tomorrow)
  • Investments midterm (due Thursday)
  • Investments discussion + reply (due Thursday)
  • Investments Chapters 11 & 12 quizzes (due Sunday)
  • Marketing assignment week 4 (due Sunday)
  • Marketing quiz (due Sunday)
  • Prepare notes for Micro exam, learn the material 
  • Pass out invitations for bridal shower
  • Eat healthy
  • Work out at least 3x this week
  • Take a break in between working on assignments to clear mind (try to meditate)
  • Drink lots of water
  • Read a chapter of Night 

Gotta come back and cross these out as I finish them (hopefully lol). Mainly just homework but this keeps me on track, I like to write it here and in my planner. Helps to have it multiple spots in case I don’t have one of them. 

That’s pretty much that… see ya! 🙂 


February 1, 2018 ♥️

9:27 AM

Good morning!!!!!

It’s February ♥️ ♥️ I’m excited that we’re one month closer to graduating and one month closer to moving into our new house!!! On the other hand, it means exams are coming soon lol.. not excited about that. But I guess I can be excited about the fact that we are almost on week 4 in my online classes, so 4 more weeks and I am FREE lol. I will only have 2 classes to worry about 🙌🏼

Drinking coffee currently, thinking about what makeup look I should do today?? Wish I had a good camera to take pics of my makeup but it always looks bad when I try to take a picture of my eyes and stuff. Maybe one day when I have better lighting. Can’t wait till I get to make my own makeup room, it’s going to have super good lights!! 😀 

I have class at 1:30 today and then I have to finish my investments assignment. I might go look for some heels for the concert (maybe). I kind of want closed-toed shoes but I have a lot of pairs so maybe I’ll choose one of those. I need to go to Elma’s to try on some pants to see if any fit me for the concert, too. 

Finished my marketing assignments last night at like 9ish…barely. Lol, took me forever to just sit down and focus on it. I did everything in my power not to hahahah 😂 but I’m glad it’s done and over with! I also need to workout today seriously ****

I’ll post outfit ideas maybe later tonight or tomorrow if I remember. That’s pretty much it, see ya!