Things that keep me organized ðŸŒ»

Hi all!

For me to function correctly and get stuff done, I need to be organized. So, I’ve decided to share some tips on things that keep me organized!

  • Use a planner
    • I like to plan out my days when I can or at least have an overview of my schedule. It helps me organize my day and remind me of anywhere I need to be. Sometimes if I don’t know what I am doing for the day or don’t have some type of a schedule, I start freaking out and feel like I lost control of my day or it’s going to waste doing nothing
  • Write a to-do list everyday
    • Writing to-do lists helps me figure out what needs to be done, whether that list is for the day, the week, or for the month. This is also a good reminder for things you have been meaning to do, but always forget about
  • Creating a relaxing workspace/environment
    • Writing a to-do list and writing in your planner is fine to anywhere, but what really gets my brain flowing is if I am doing this stuff in a relaxing environment. I like to clear my desk or area I am sitting in and light a candle if possible, get myself a cold glass of water and begin thinking. This helps me personally get my brain flowing and it kind of helps improve my memory as well for some reason, I remember things much better

Those are really the top 3 things I do to keep myself organized. I think the key to getting stuff done, even goals is organization. Maybe some people can be unorganized and do it, but for me.. I need to have my shit together 🙂



January 5, 2018

12:03 AM


Happy Friday!

So I am very late on blogging today so I am going to skip over the 4th completely and start fresh for today.

So yesterday (Jan. 4), we signed off on our house officially and today at 10 am, we will have our keys 😀 Also, we found a kitchen appliance set and we will go purchase it later!!!!! I really like the color and think it will go so nice with our white kitchen cabinets. This one is a really good deal especially because it’s all on sale. Here’s a pic of the set:


So yeah, I’ll just start out by talking about what todays plans are..

  • Change locks on house after we get the key
  • Purchase kitchen appliance set
  • Pick up laminate flooring either today or Saturday
  • Buy the bathroom sink we found on sale at Lowe’s (if it is still there)
  • Start visualizing the house
  • Blog
  • Go grocery shopping

Today will be a very busy day, let’s see what I can accomplish 🙂
