Day off! ๐ŸŒฟ

Good morning!

Happy Labor Day, do I even say that? Don’t know, but I said it anyways! A lot of people are off today and I am one of those people (thankfully). Feels nice to not have to go to work today and to have a shorter week. This week will be a rough one and I will be so happy on Friday when it’s all over lol. At least I get to work from home a lot of the days so that’s nice.ย 

Have to clean the house today, this weekend has been crazy so everything is a mess, but until then I just want to chill out and relax a bit. We have to go grocery shopping today too.

22 more days until the trip!!! I even made a little widget that has a countdown for me, not that I need another one or anything ๐Ÿ˜€ I cannot wait to get out of here for a little bit, get away from all work related stress and just enjoy my time where I love to be the most with the person I love the most โค Since this is a trip that requires a bit more planning, I need to write a to do list + things I need to buy + things I need to pack. Thinking I may do that today or sometime this week if I have time.ย 

This weekend was good, went out with my friends Saturday night and it was really fun. The bridal shower + wedding were fun, too. I am just so tired from this weekend lol. I need like a weekend to recover.ย 

Going to go start writing those lists, see ya! ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Thursday Vibes ๐Ÿ

Good morning!!!

Working from home today and tomorrow, just enjoying my time working with my hubby. This morning we had french toast with strawberries for breakfast and it was delish. Tomorrow we officially start back up on keto (yes we didn’t end up going back on it on Monday, shit happens) but it’s okay. I know we can do this and we will!

Currently drinking my first cup of coffee and writing this post. Today I have plans to:

  • Blog + Vlog
  • Go grocery shopping
  • Plan out our trip –> figure out the flight and car rental details
  • Put up fall decor

Putting up the fall decor today because pretty much for the past couple days it has been around 50-60 degrees in the morning so I think that officially calls for putting up fall stuff!!! Woohoo!! I love the fall weather, just not looking forward to winter lol. They’re the worst here, not worst than Chicago, but close. I wish we could go to Fall and then skip over winter and go straight to Spring. That would be nice ๐Ÿ™‚

Speaking of Chicago, I really want to take Mirhad when it’s SUPER cold like in the winter so he can see how I felt a couple years ago when I went with my family hahaahah. Plus I kind of miss Chicago, but I only miss it in the summer. Winter is brutal there. If I lived there, I would not leave my house, even for work lol.

I still need to find a song to use for my Dallas video, it’s so hard choosing something. I just want to show the finished video to Mirhad, it’s my first one I ever made and it’s probably shitty, but who cares. I think I’m going to research how to make good vlog videos and stuff like that so I can start uploading to Youtube finally.

So I go back and forth with having an Instagram for my blog, I feel like I could possibly get more traffic that way and more readers, but every time I do make one, I end up deleting it for some reason. Don’t know why, I’ll try again!ย 

But yeah, that’s all for now. I’ll probably end up making an Instagram and link it to my homepage. See ya later! ๐Ÿ™‚

Wednesday April 4, 2018 ๐ŸŒฟ

Hello there!

Happy Wednesday! It’s been a cold day, but the sun has been out so it doesn’t seem as gloomy and cold as it is. This morning I went to class and then went grocery shopping. Got lots of good food and I’m excited to make something for dinner tonight. I might make a recipe and post it on here! Either I make something up of my own or I find something online and try to make it.. we’ll see. When I came back from grocery shopping, I cleaned everything out of my fridge, threw away anything that was old, and organized it. Feels good!!!! It looks nice but I know by tomorrow it won’t look like that hahahah. Then I cleaned the rest of the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Made some lunch after that and now I’m here!

Going to work on the house around 5 again today and then come back and make dinner. I might look at my homework assignments or I might just leave it for tomorrow, we’ll see. But my new goal is to watch an episode ofย This is Usย everyday, that way I can at least finish that show and start another one.ย 

Now I am researching how to get rid of spiders in the basement and keep spiders/bugs away from my house. I like the idea of putting mulch around the house, it would make it more appealing too. Here’s some links I found.ย

I like the idea of mulch and I can also spray the holes and window corners with peppermint oil mixed with water since spiders apparently hate the scent of peppermint?

I think this is also a good idea, it makes the house more appealing plus spiders hate cedar mulch apparently so this may work.ย 

If anyone knows any other remedies for getting rid of spiders and keeping them away, please let me know!ย 

See ya! ๐Ÿ™‚

January 5, 2018

12:03 AM


Happy Friday!

So I am very late on blogging today so I am going to skip over the 4th completely and start fresh for today.

So yesterday (Jan. 4), we signed off on our house officially and today at 10 am, we will have our keys ๐Ÿ˜€ Also, we found a kitchen appliance set and we will go purchase it later!!!!! I really like the color and think it will go so nice with our white kitchen cabinets. This one is a really good deal especially because it’s all on sale. Here’s a pic of the set:


So yeah, I’ll just start out by talking about what todays plans are..

  • Change locks on house after we get the key
  • Purchase kitchen appliance set
  • Pick up laminate flooring either today or Saturday
  • Buy the bathroom sink we found on sale at Lowe’s (if it is still there)
  • Start visualizing the house
  • Blog
  • Go grocery shopping

Today will be a very busy day, let’s see what I can accomplish ๐Ÿ™‚
