What I’m packing for my weekend getaway to New Orleans! ✈️

Good morning and happy Monday you guys! 

My trip to New Orleans is 24 days away and you know I always love to plan ahead with everything because it makes me feel more organized. So I thought I’d go ahead and think about what I’m packing for those 3 days especially since we decided to go to the beach! 

I think I’m going to bring 4-5 outfits total to wear out in case I need to change or I’m not feeling it. So for those I will have to go shopping for, but this is how I am imagining it to be. 

  • two dresses (need to buy some pretty ones)
  • pair of jeans
  • leggings
  • 4 pairs of shirts, can be casual or fancy 
  • 4 pairs of shoes
    • converse
    • wedges
    • sandals
    • flip flops for the beach
  • swimsuit (need to buy a new one from Target soon unless my old ones can fit)
  • beach cover-up
  • sunglasses (need to buy a nice pair because I just gave mine to my mom)
  • possibly a cute sun hat
  • my pjs (a shirt and shorts)
  • an outfit to travel in for the car ride

I think that’s about all the clothes/accessories I should be bringing since we will just be gone for 3 days. I always overdo it, but I guess you can never have too many back up clothes right?! 

Some of the other things I’ll probably pack in my purse or book bag is my Kindle for the car ride so I can read my book, my planner (maybe, not sure if I want to carry this around yet), chapstick, wallet, my camera + charger, phone charger, and my camera stick. Want to carry around a light book bag, so I’m either going to use one of my older ones or get myself another one! I have been eyeing this Coach one, but I’m not 100% sure if I want to buy it yet. 

What are some essentials you guys pack on a short trip like this? Should I bring anything else?! Let me know in the comments 🙂


February Reflections 🌹

Good morning guys! 🙂

February has gone by so fast and I can’t believe that tomorrow is March 1st! I thought I’d take some time to reflect back on February and see if I accomplished anything I wanted to accomplish.

February felt like it went by quickly, but in the moment it was passing by so slow! I spent the beginning of the month attempting to get back into a diet of some sort and a workout routine. Well, I can say that I’ve got both of them down. Which is surprising because I feel like I’ve been trying to do that for the past three months. I think my whole mindset changed.. summer is only what, three months away? I need to get in shape and actually follow a healthy diet plan. My husband and I decided to get back on Keto so we could get that boost of weight loss and then after we have gotten to our goal weight, we will switch back to a normal diet. Keto for me is fine for a short-term weight loss option, but I don’t really like doing it for a long period of time. Plus, spring/summer is going to be here soon and I love fruit way too much to miss out on that! We have a nice market close to us here with the freshest of fruits and we always miss out because we’re on a diet. And since we have a trip coming up at the end of May and possibly end of April, I want to look and feel my best! So hopefully by our next trip I will be exactly where I want to be. I just wished I started earlier, but at least I started now!

I didn’t get to blog as much as I did this month, so that will be one of the things I will be focusing on next month. March is slightly busy for a couple days at work because we have some events going on, but aside from that it won’t be too bad. That will give me a lot of time to focus on myself and not be so stressed out. 

Also hoping that March will be much warmer than February. I am SO tired of the cold and have never been more excited for Spring to arrive! This winter feels like the longest one we’ve had in forever and from what I remember, didn’t the ground hog say we’re going to have an early Spring?!?! Warmer weather makes me so much more productive and I’m so ready for those picnics in the park with my husband 🙂

Aside from all of that, I think it was a pretty good month. There were some long weeks, but I had fun. January and February always seem like they pass by the quickest and I always forget about what happened in those two months! It’s like it’s a blur after New Years until summer! Hoping for March to be filled with lots of happiness, fun, smiles, and time outside! 

How do you guys feel like February was?! Did it pass by as quickly as it felt like for me? Do you have any cool plans for March? Let me know in the comments!! 🙂


Side note: Our trip is in 85 days!!!!! It seems so far away, but it’ll be here in no time! I need to make a countdown on here 🙂




Vacation planning for May 2019 ✈️

Hi all!!!

This is a very exciting post for me because I’m going to write out our long 9-day trip that’s happening in May, day by day! We are calling it our honeymoon part 1 because there will be a part 2 eventually. We’ve been talking about going back to Santa Barbara for a while now and originally we were only going to go for four nights because everything was so expensive, but we found a way around it! We actually ended up making it a 9 day vacation and it wasn’t as expensive as it should’ve been. So here’s how we are planning it out.

Saturday May 25th to Sunday May 26th: Our flight leaves for LA at 5am and we will be there by 10am. We chose the LAX airport because it was much cheaper flying into LA than SB. That’s when we decided to go two days earlier than we planned and just stay in LA that weekend. We planned to go to the two parks in Disneyland and Universal Studios from the start, but just by making it a day trip from SB, but this is much easier and that way we have two full days to do whatever we want in LA. We also were able to find a cheap Airbnb right by Disneyland. But we are going to Disneyland and Universal Studios!!! I am SO pumped! It’s my first time so I’m acting like a kid, but I am too excited! 

Monday May 27th to Sunday June 2nd: We rented a car so we will drive that morning from LA to SB, take a nice long cruise by the coastline, and enjoy some road trip time together. Cannot wait to see the views by the ocean and the mountains, it will be beautiful! We decided to spend the next 6 days in Santa Barbara because we found a really cheap Airbnb so we were able to stay longer than we thought. This will give us time to really soak up SB and enjoy what their city has to offer. We haven’t planned out every single thing we are doing yet, but I will update when we do! On that Sunday, we will drive back to LA and spend some time there before our flight in the evening. This is going to be the longest we’ve ever stayed in California, it’s going to be great!

That’s what we have planned so far, we literally just booked all the Airbnb’s, bought the flight tickets, and rented the car just yesterday! In a month, we’re going to purchase the Disneyland and Universal Studios tickets since those can really be purchased at any time. 

Side note: I surprised Mirhad with this camera he has wanted so he could start filming (his dream is to be a director one day) and I went and bought it last night for him. He totally didn’t see it coming and had the best reaction! I told him this will be great for him taking pictures and videos of me on vacation 😂 Anyways, I’m happy he can finally use his own camera instead of mine and I know he is too! Hopefully he can learn how to use the camera like an expert by May so we can get some cool footage. Maybe by then my Youtube channel will be started?! 🙂

But yeah, that’s our trip planning. Has anyone else been to Disneyland or Universal Studios? Anything we HAVE to see?? Any recommendations for food in LA and Santa Barbara? I will do some research, but I’d love to hear from personal experience. 🙂

West Coast Road Trip Pt.3: San Francisco!

Hello hello!

Continuing on from my previous blog post, we woke up super early to go catch our flight to SFO. It was a short flight (yay) and the most craziest thing happened before we tried to land. So from the start, they were saying the plane that was supposed to take us to SFO was running late due to weather conditions back in SFO. I was worried right away about how this flight would be and it really wasn’t all bad until we were about to land. So all of a sudden it got super cloudy and foggy for a good 5-10 min. You could see the mountains and then a layer of clouds. All of a sudden after a couple of minutes of traveling through these clouds, we just see the ocean lol. It was a little bit scary and then we landed 5 seconds later! Anyways, finally in SFO and it’s SUPER cloudy. We had to go find the place to pick up our rental car and then we’d be on our way.

The first stop we made was to In n’ Out of course, it was soooooo good. We’ve tried it before and the mistake we always made was adding animal sauce or whatever it was and it didn’t taste good. But this time we just got regular burgers and fries and it was delish!


After we ate, we found out that they didn’t even clean our rental car, it was so filthy in the back so we went and returned it. They gave us a different better car and then we were on our way to go see the Golden Gate Bridge! It took maybe 30 min to drive there from the airport which wasn’t too bad, but we were trying to avoid those traffic times. The bridge was beautiful and the scenery surrounding it was so nice, but it was sooooo windy and cold! You could barely keep your eyes open for a picture!

After taking some pictures, we started driving towards one of our friends houses since we agreed to stay at their place for the night. It was about an hour away and we went through a lot of hills. It was a cool drive over there! When we arrived, their dog was waiting to greet us and ran back inside so we could meet her in there. She was so shy in the beginning, but got so comfortable with us that she was sad to see us go! Our friend Elvira got off work around 6 so we chilled with her brother Eldar until she came home. After that, we just went to drive around and explore downtown and saw some cool places. We got to see that cool street that’s super curvy, it was at night, but it was still awesome. We also went somewhere to a very high hill, but it was so foggy you couldn’t see anything. 

So after a quick day in SFO, we woke up the next day refreshed and ready for our road trip down to Yosemite! More in the next post 🙂



Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018

Good morning!

It is a BEAUTIFUL day!!!! It’s 69 degrees right now and by today it’s supposed to be 76 degrees!!!!!!!! OMG, hello Spring!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ It feels great, I opened up all of the windows in my room and am drinking some coffee! Right when the weather gets as nice as this, my mood instantly increases even if I didn’t have enough sleep – which I did, I got a good 9 hours of sleep for the 2nd night in a row!

Adisa texted me and said our class might be cancelled, which I would love because this weather is too nice to be sitting inside of a class today. If she does cancel, then I’m going to sit outside and work on my assignment for marketing and then read a good book. Times like this makes me wish I had a hammock to lay on outside hahaha. Deff going to make one in our house, we have to.

Later after Mirhad gets out of class, we are going to take Medina and Bracan to Sky Zone. I’m so excited bc we’ve never gone with them so it’ll be fun! Can’t wait to see Bracan jump 😂😂

OMG I totally forgot, I’m getting my braces off March 20th!!!! I have a last check-up appointment in 3 weeks and then that leaves 2 weeks til the 20th which is when they will be coming off!!! 😀 😀 😀 I’m so excited! I’ve been waiting for this day for over 2 years hahaha.

I’m about to do this journaling post for this Kindness Practice I signed up for and email it to Niki who is in charge of it! And then going to write in my weekly journal thing I got at Marshal’s.

Hopefully after I drop off Mirhad at school, I will know if class is cancelled so I can go home and not get ready for school. 🤞🏼

But yeah, that’s it for now. See ya laterrrrr!



January 10, 2018

11:50 AM

Good morning!!!

Happy Wednesday!

Today is a good day because for some odd reason (not really, we’re a bipolar city) it is 56 degrees here and tomorrow it will be 61 with some showers… amazing weather for the kind cold weather we’ve had for the last month. But next week seems like it will drop back down 😦 Anyways, we are blessed with some nice weather so might as well take advantage of it and go outside 🙂

Eating breakfast currently – 2 pieces of toast with jam, strawberries and bananas on the side, and a glass of orange juice. Really getting in my vitamins this morning!


Think I’m going to cross some stuff off my to-do list for this week and also do some financial research on moving to Colorado in the future – moving costs, house costs, and how much $ we would need to have to live there and how much we would need to move there. And of course, blog some more!

Before I do any of that, I have to go pay for the water to be turned on in my house, so till then I will watch Younger 🙂

Today will be a good day, see ya later!
