Sunday March 18, 2018


This is a super late post, but it’s been a long weekend and I needed to write! So spring break is officially over, back to school tomorrow 😦 I wish it lasted a little longer, I feel like I didn’t get the mental break I deserved (maybe just three more days would’ve been perfect) but I have to go back. On the bright side, there is only 8 more weeks of school and I only have 2 classes to worry about which means I get to focus on my blog a lot, YAY! March, April, and May will be great months because there is so much going on. 2 weeks until Chicago and 3 weeks until LA ( I can’t wait, it’s been too long since I have left STL) so I have something to look forward to this month still. When I come back from LA, my bridal shower will be like 2-3 weeks away and honestly I’m not crazy excited about it, but that will pass quickly and by then I should be decorating my house?! We’ll see if we can finish everything. Speaking of the house, we are about to start putting in the flooring. It’s going to be so beautiful – the flooring, not the part where we have to do it all ourselves 😦 but I think we will finish quick. 

I did some shopping in the last 3 days and was able to get some items that I have been wanting for a while. On Friday, I went to Ulta and Sephora to pick up some things I needed and have been wanting for a while now. 


From Sephora, I went and purchased Fenty Beauty foundation, I have been trying to buy this foundation for so long and every time I went to the Sephora closest to me, they were always out of my shade. They ended up giving me a small sample of some moisturizer and I had 400 beauty points so I picked up this Clinique moisturizing gel hydrant. I haven’t tried it out yet, but I love Clinique products so I am sure it will be nice. After that, I went to Ulta to buy my favorite Clinique moisturizer that I have been out of for over 2 weeks (it’s a shame I know, my skin has been sooooo dry) but I finally picked some up and my skin is thanking me 🙂 While at Ulta, I was able to get a sample of another Clinique moisturizer that was super expensive ($50) and I actually really like it, it’s super hydrating and I am layering it in with my other cream. I also bought a St. Tropez Gradual Tan Everyday Body Lotion. I usually use the foam one from that brand, but I haven’t had to use it since like senior year of high school. I wanted to try this out because it had a lot of good reviews and honestly within 2 days I saw some nice color. I skipped a day today and will just do it every other day so it doesn’t look bad. I feel like I just needed some color, I’m so pale. It just doesn’t look right with my dark hair and plus it’ll make me feel better about my upcoming vacations and the pictures I take. Ulta ended up giving me that sample size of St. Tropez Gradual Tan Glow Lotion, I haven’t tried it yet but thanks Ulta!!! Last thing I bought was the Purity Made Simple Face Wash. I love this face wash, I had it in a smaller bottle a while ago and it was a good face wash. It is a little pricey, but it’s good!

After my shopping, I headed over to Mirhad’s and we just hung out. I found this recipe for some wine/fruity drink and we decided to try it out. We made wayyyyy too much for two people and ended up dumping a lot of it down the drain, but it was pretty good. This would be nice for a backyard BBQ drink so I am going to save this recipe. Here’s how it turned out:


Yesterday we worked on the house and I literally did nothing the whole night besides laying in my bed and I guess it was fun to relax a bit.

Today, me and Mirhad went to go play tennis with Ermin and Dzenana, but it ended up being too cold for that so we decided to go bowling instead. After bowling, we went to eat at El Maguey’s and it was pretty good. I dropped everyone off at home and asked Sanela if she wanted to go shopping. I ended up buying white jeans which I haven’t had since high school, I’ve been looking for a good pair and I finally found one! I also bought this cute denim shirt, usually they look super weird on me, but this fit good. I bought this Real Techniques brush set, it’s pink and comes with 3 brushes for blush and highlight and with a beauty blender. Last thing I bought was a small book bag for my travels (for hiking in LA and just walking around, much easier than a purse) and it was only $25 and has plenty of space inside. It will be perfect to carry my stuff in on the plane, too. I think I might take it to Chicago as well since I will be walking around a lot. Here’s the book bag:


I might make a separate post about it since I want to go in depth about how much room it has inside. 

Tomorrow after class, I am going to catch up on my notes from micro so I can prep for my test next week (ugh already) and then I will do my micro homework. But before I do that, I am going to drink some coffee and blog 😀 I also need to email my teacher about not coming to Tuesday’s class because I will be getting my braces off!!!! 2 MORE DAYS!!!!

So yeah, that’s pretty much my whole weekend summed up, I’m excited for the next 8 weeks and can’t wait to blog all about it. 

Good night!!! ❤ 

February 4, 2018 ✨

12:57 PM

Good morning!!!

Still morning for me because I am still kind of waking up. Cleaned my room and put my laundry to wash – I really need to stop pushing that off bc eventually I run out of clothes and then I’m stuck washing so much laundry in one day 😐 Anyways, I have a lot of stuff to do today (school wise) and I am freaking out. Even though I literally did so much homework last week so I wouldn’t have to this weekend, it somehow still piled up!!!! Week 8, where are ya???? About to update my planner so I know what’s going on this week, I know I have an exam and I think another one online so I got some note catching up to do. It’s pretty cold outside today so that means I’m not leaving my house which is a good excuse to stay in my room and do all of this stuff lol. 

Re-cap of this weekend:

  • Aleksandra Prijovic concert was not good, not because of her singing she actually sang well, but because of the atmosphere of concerts. I think this is my last concert I’m going to go to for a really long time. I have no desire to see anyone else live. I’m just sick of the same things happening every time a concert is held in the same place.. people pushing and shoving CONSTANTLY, drunk people everywhere spilling their drinks and throwing their beers on the floor to crack into tiny pieces (one in which I stepped on), and the fact that there is little kids basically drunk (teens). So annoying so I just refuse to deal with it anymore. I didn’t have fun at all and I wish I didn’t go, but whatever. Lesson learned!
  •  Think I need a mental vacation from everyone, maybe even a real one lol. Sometimes I really wish I could drive to Colorado by myself and just chill in the mountains alone, listening to the peace and quiet of nature, enjoying the views. But no, obviously I can’t do that because school and my parents would freak out. I’m going to figure out if I can go somewhere for Spring Break bc I’m going to need this soon.
  • School sucks. Yes, all my homework and assignments are mostly from my online class, BUT there is SO FREAKING MUCH OF IT. It is like a never-ending cycle. I finish something for one class and then I have the same work load for the next class, and then the next. And then my classes I actually go to in person, I literally have an assignment due every week and it’s shit I’m so confused about, like I kind of get it but it’s not 100% yet. Which is why today will be spent learning that.
  • Rosemary Essential Oil actually helps you concentrate and focus which is super crazy. I’m sitting here writing this and I’m going super hard. I look over and my diffuser is on, this is amazing. Thank God for things like this because sometimes ya need it!!
  • Caught up on Riverdale and was reminded of why I love this show so much. Even tho it’s cringy sometimes, it’s so good. Latest episode had me screaming bc of the ending…. no words. Can’t wait to see what the hell happened on Wednesday!!!! Also Bughead are back together, hell yeaaaaaaaa.
  • Went to IKEA yesterday with Sanela so she could buy a table for her basement, it looks amazing BTW and I ended up buying myself a little side table. Looks so cute and it’s very useful because now I have more room for stuff I put besides my bed. I use to use this storage box thingy which was very cute, but this is better. Pic below.


  • Also went to Marshal’s yesterday and got some clothes. Mainly sweats because I literally have none. The one I did have Emma took so I needed these. I also bought a shirt that is sleeveless but has a hood, it’s really cute. And I also bought a really pretty OPI nailpolish called Berry something I forgot the other part, but it’s so pretty. 
  • Oh yeah, almost forgot! On Friday I went to the outlet mall with Elma and Vildana bc Elma needed some tights for the concert and I’ve been wanting to go to Coach to buy a purse since they didn’t have anything good at Tj-Maxx or Marshal’s. I ended up getting a really good deal (always good deals at the outlet Coach store) and I got a purse with a wristlet and a little thing I can put my cards in if I didn’t want to carry a purse or something. The bundle was $159 and that’s amazing because the purse alone is $295. I think it’s very useful for traveling. It is like a berry color and to my surprise, it matches the nail-polish I got yesterday hahahaha. I’ve been wanting a new purse for a while anyways and Mirhad wanted to get me a present for New Years since he never did! Great for work too. 


Yeah that’s pretty much it. Need to go work now!

See ya!!!!!


January 31, 2018

2:21 PM

Hello Wednesday!!!!

Wow, it’s the last day of January.. where has the month gone?! Seriously, New Years was like the other day?? So crazy how fast times flies and we forget to sit down and appreciate the little things in life. It’ll be summer by the time we know it, the winter again, and then another new year. It really flies by.

Sitting here finding the motivation within to finish my marketing assignments… I really wish I finished them yesterday lol. Tomorrow I have to finish the huge investments assignment and I am done – nope actually I have a micro assignment I have no idea how to do so that is what I will probably be doing Sunday hahaha. Have to start making myself food in like 45 mins and I think I’m going to share that recipe on my blog today!!! It’s one of my favorites 🙂

I changed the theme of my blog and honestly I don’t like it so I think I’m going to change it and try to mess with it some other time lol. The white is just too plain, I liked my mountain background 🙂

Ummmm so yeah, that’s pretty much it. Going to go start on this finally!

See ya!


January 7, 2018

12:31 PM


Happy Sunday, the most relaxing day of the week 🙂

8:31 PM

Weird that I got back on to edit this post exactly 8 hours later… lol.

Anyways, I finally went grocery shopping today so I can officially start eating clean 😀 right now I’m about to play some video games and hopefully write a couple more posts before I go to bed. Going to also watch an episode or two of Younger.

Today it was supposed to be an ice storm, but it ended up being 35-40 degrees with some rain so I guess we’re lucky it didn’t get bad. The East coast has horrible weather – the beaches freezing, floods (also frozen), and lots of snow. Hope the storm passes fast.

This week will be a productive week. I will get lots of stuff done. Tomorrow I will write my goals and to do list for the rest of this week!!

Now I’m going to go relax and play some games. Kind of sucks that I haven’t played much during this break, but that’s ok.

Bye! 🙂