2018 Reflection! 🌟

2018 was filled with lots of love, happiness, and craziness. So many memories and fun things we did so I want to take a moment and look back on every month and write down something I did! And these might be some little things, but they’re good memories to look back on because I have a hard time remembering stuff! ❤


  • I rang in the new year as an engaged lady
  • We closed on our new home
  • Officially started buying renovation supplies for the house
  • Started my last semester of college
  • Tore down a wall in our house (for the first time) and it was super fun
  • Made a famous soup recipe from The Spaghetti Factory and it was 🔥
  • Started officially taking my blog seriously and committing time to it (I started in December of 2017, but just created one)
  • Got my bridal shower invitations made, printed out, and sent out to people


  • Bought a really cute pink purse combo (huge step because I only buy black purses so having a different color was new to me)
  • Saw Aleksandra Prijovic live in concert
  • Struggled with my finance classes (lol)
  • Booked my last appointment to take my braces off
  • Took my niece and nephew to Sky Zone and went to eat after – my nephew drank soda and was so hyper
  • Completed the tiles in the bathroom
  • Talked about our wedding and looked for wedding venues
  • Moved the gym from his parents basement into our garage


  • Took our niece to the movies to watch Peter Rabbit (such a good movie)
  • Painted our house
  • Put a new tub, toilet, and sink in our bathrooms
  • Someone stole our AC system outside at our new house (assholes)
  • Father in law got the kids new bunnies (we made sure to not attach ourselves to them otherwise we would take them home lol)
  • Added the flooring into our house
  • Got my braces off!!!!!
  • My dad left his power tool in one of the houses he sold so he was sad until they let him get it back lol
  • Went to Chicago with Ado and Nejla for a weekend (end of March, beginning of April)
    • They took us to a place called Steak 52 I think and it was super expensive but such a cool experience
    • Got drunk from a fish bowl at Sugar Factory
    • Visited the Nutella Factory in Chicago for the first time
    • Had a mimosa for brunch for the first time


  • Tore all the walls off in the basement
  • Made bosnian bread for the first time in a long time and it was delicious
  • Mirhad fell down the stairs in his basement and now has a huge scar on leg (lmao)
  • Started looking at furniture for our house
  • Had Husko’s chili for the first time (the best)
  • Made my party favors for the bridal shower and other decorations
  • Passed my second kidney stone – worst pain ever
  • Looked for my graduation outfit
  • Got my makeup done by my bff for my bridal shower
  • Had my bridal shower!!
  • Elma bought a snapchat geo filter made just for my shower ❤
  • Opened up gifts at home with the families instead of at the shower, it was more fun this way and my nephew had a blast trying to open all of the gifts before me
  • Put in our kitchen cabinets
  • Sanela’s fam bought us a TV
  • We picked the granite top for the kitchen
  • Dad installed a new door, but had to knocked down some of the wall to do it
  • Furnished our living room
  • Bought a bed set
  • Planted my first flowers 🌷


  • Searched for my Mosque wedding dress
  • Entered my last month of college
  • Had my graduation party (earlier bc we wanted to also celebrate my dads and sister birthdays)
  • Mirhad went to Boston for a couple of days
  • Went bike riding in Forest Park
  • Granite top was added to our kitchen
  • Ordered a graduation cap topper from Etsy and got it in the mail right before graduation
  • Got our kitchen completed including the appliances
  • Graduated college!!!
  • Got married a couple days later ❤
  • Mirhad walked the stage at his graduation, but actually just now graduated a couple days ago
  • My niece graduated pre-school, had a mini graduation
  • Went to Colorado with Mirhad, Ermin, Sanela, and Anel and had lots of fun
  • Mirhad had his eye surgery


  • We bought a puppy!
  • My sister went to a college prep camp for 2 weeks
  • We got a dining room set finally
  • Mirhad and Omer killed a wasps nest by our door
  • Celebrated our first Bajram as a married couple
  • Mirhad drove 4 hours to pick up our puppy
  • Had lots of fun, snuggles, and struggles with our pup and ended up having to give him away 2 weeks later
  • I started my new job
  • Went to a family picnic in St. James and fished


  • Mirhad was trimming the bushes in front of our house and accidentally trimmed the extension cord as well
  • Celebrated 4th of July in the park we’ve been going to for 3 years now
  • Went canoeing in Forest Park


  • Celebrated my birthday and went home earlier from work
  • Went to Dallas, TX for my birthday weekend
  • Tried Texas BBQ for the first time
  • Went swimming on a rooftop pool
  • Sat in a Tesla for the first time
  • Made my fall wreath
  • Went to a Card’s game
  • Made a coffee bar
  • Surprised my nephew with a birthday cupcake and a mini trampoline


  • Attended one of my best friends brothers wedding
  • Chilled on a hammock with Mirhad and ate fruit
  • Ate a spongebob ice cream
  • Attended another friends wedding
  • Went on our trip to Seattle, San Fran, Yosemite, and Vegas
  • Celebrated Mirhad’s birthday in the West Coast


  • Decorated pumpkins and put them in front of the house
  • Got a patio set
  • Took some photos in a pumpkin patch
  • Tried a pumpkin spiced latte for the first time ever
  • Watched our friends get engaged
  • Surprised Zana with a baby shower
  • Searched for fall leaves in every park and took lots of pics
  • Had a picnic in Forest Park


  • Put up my Christmas tree
  • Had our first sleepover with my niece and nephew
  • Dyed my hair dark brown
  • Heard a car crash into the river by our house (scary)
  • Parked our car in the garage for the first time (after it was all cleaned out)
  • First snow at this house
  • Had Friendsgiving at our friends house
  • Got this super cute purse from my hubs


  • Celebrated my nieces 6th birthday
  • Got to meet baby Adnan
  • Got Mirhad Airpods for his New Years present
  • 2 of my bff’s graduated college
  • Went to Chicago for a weekend to see the lights
  • Finished wrapping all presents and put them under the tree

And now as this year is about to wrap up, I wish everyone a very happy and safe New Years! Hoping for lots of happiness, love, and adventures in 2019! ❤


Lazy Sunday.. not really

Hi there!

Happy Sunday! Really wish I had one more day off to relax this weekend, I am not ready for this week of work!!! I can’t imagine how hard it will be for me to wake up tomorrow morning 😂 but on the bright side, it’s almost my birthday and in 4 days we will be going to Dallas woohoo!!!!!! 😀

Today I woke up around 9 and made some pancakes while Mirhad went to Lowe’s and got something for our pantry. Our pantry is too deep inside the wall so it gets cluttered so easily and we finally found a great solution that he’s going to fix today. I deep cleaned the whole house and it feels so nice. I took a shower afterwards and then was able to finally watch the latest episode of Younger and OH MY GOSH THIS EPISODE WAS SERIOUSLY THE BEST BECAUSE FINALLY THAT’S ALL I AM GOING TO SAY. I can’t wait for Tuesday!!!!!!!!! It’s gonna be GOOD. But yeah, I am just chilling out now waiting for Mirhad to start fixing the pantry 🙂

I think he is going to take me to get my birthday present tonight so I am excited (I obvi know what it is so I am even more excited) but even though I know what it is, I am still going to be surprised 😂

Will bring my computer to Dallas so I can wake up and blog, so more posts coming soon!

That’s all for now, see ya! 🙂