2018 Goals & The 52 Lists Project

So I bought this book called the 52 List Project from Marshall’s today and it’s basically a year of weekly journaling inspiration. On the back it says “Create 52 lists, one for every week of the year, that will help you discover the beauty, joy, creativity, and power you already have! Get ready to celebrate, enjoy, and take ownership of your life, as each week of the year becomes more thoughtful and vibrant.” I bought a similar book like this for Sanela when she got a new job, but hers is about happiness. I really like this one because it’s all about goals and listing things. I looked through it and some of the things are really interesting to write about. So each week I will have a new topic to write about. This will be fun!

The first page says “List your goals and dreams for this year.” So I wanted to write them on here, too. This way I can have it in multiple places to look back on!

  • Move into my new house with Mirhad
  • Graduate college
  • Get married
  • Read more books –> at least 12 this year*
  • Get to a healthy weight & stay there –> be comfortable in your own body, don’t lose weight just to be skinny, lose weight to be healthy for yourself and for your future self
  • Travel A LOT
  • Up my water intake –> I have many water bottles that measure the water so drink a couple of those a day
  • Volunteer @ the bunny shelter often
  • Spend more time with my family –> I already do, but I just need to continue doing it
  • Renovate my dream home –> make my house how I’ve always dreamed of having it
  • Go to health check-ups –> 2x a year
  • Save money –> as soon as I start working, create a financial plan
  • Take a road trip across the USA 
  • Take pictures every day
  • Floss
  • Go to bed earlier, wake up earlier –> I always stay up late and end up waking up around 10, feels like most of my day is taken up by sleeping.. wake up earlier and make the most of the day
  • Try something new or do something (go explore) –> once a month
  • Spend more time outside 
  • Learn more –> documentaries, a course, etc.,
  • Prepare my food –> for work, for school, always have a plan of what to eat so I don’t end up eating random junk
  • Eat fruit & vegetables more –> incorporate this into my diet


So far, that’s what I have. I will probably add more!