Tips for happier flying and a more enjoyable flight! ✈️

We all get excited to go on a vacation and if we get to fly out somewhere we know that eventually it gets boring on the plane. On my last trip, we had a four hour plane ride and I was losing my mind half way through it. I wish I had a list of things that would’ve improved that flight and made it more enjoyable which is why I am making a list of tips for future reference and for anyone else out there that gets bored on flights 🙂

  • Download games on your phone/iPad
  • Listen to some nice, relaxing music – since you usually don’t have Wifi on a plane unless you pay for it, I download a playlist on Spotify to use offline
  • Have a comfy pillow or blanket with you
  • Bring a coloring book or download a similar app on your phone
  • Bring your favorite snacks if you don’t like what they serve on the flight
  • Meditate – I have an app called Headspace that is great for this
  • Use essential oils to relax you
  • Make yourself comfortable
  • Bring a notebook and write down your thoughts, plans, goals, or lists
  • Read a good book
  • Plan out your week/trip if you haven’t already or a future trip
  • Buy a crossword puzzle book – I got a set of 3 game books that had Sudoku, word search, and a crossword
  • Clean up your phone – delete apps you don’t use, organize your pictures, clean out your contacts list, etc.,

So that’s my list, what do you do on a plane to make it more fun or relaxing? 🙂

It’s about that time… Sunday!

Hi there!

I wish I could say lazy Sunday today, but it won’t be lazy at all 😦 so Mirhad didn’t sleep ALL night, I woke up at 4am and noticed his ass was in the office working so I told him to go to sleep right now and I’m not sure when he went but he claimed he slept for like 3 hours. Knowing him, he will probably be tired ALL DAY which will be annoying, but I told him he better not say once that he’s tired lol.

Today at 1, we’re going to my moms cousins house to visit them for the first time since we got married. In the Bosnian tradition, you have to visit all family when you get married and invite them back over (if you want) so now we have to spend months doing that. Last night one of Mirhad’s older cousins came over and honestly I thought it would be kind of awkward because they’re older and I didn’t know if there would be any good conversation, but we actually had a lot of fun. The lady was like, “I’m having so much fun, trust me if I was bored I would’ve drank my coffee and said thanks goodbye!” She’s so funny, so they ended up staying longer than we/they thought they would, but it was fun for sure. They are very talkative, open, and lively so that helped. We ended up taking a picture together, they insisted. Here’s the pic below:


Yesterday we also had a nice BBQ at my best friend Sanela’s house. It was delish and we ended up drinking coffee the Bosnian way, it was actually fun 🙂 Here’s a picture of the cute little coffee cup set we used. 


So cute! I need to get myself a set like this, her mom is in Bosnia so I asked her if she finds any cute ones to bring me some back 🙂

What else? I have work tomorrow, but it’s supposed to rain the rest of the week after Monday so I may end up working from home for the rest of the week. I hate driving in the rain because there’s always an accident and people drive crazy even if it’s raining so it’s pretty dangerous and I’d rather not be stuck in traffic for an hour. Hopefully I can just do that this week! 

I might go shopping later, if I can drag Mirhad to come with me. I still need a work planner, it’s so hard finding one that fits all of my needs, but hopefully I find something today before work this week. 

Bye 🙂

February 5, 2018 ❄️

3:32 PM


Happy Monday (or not so happy???)… no, HAPPY MONDAY. Have to be positive even if it’s Monday 🙂 As the image says above ^ “Monday, Positive Mind, Positive Vibes, Positive Life.” 

Been doing lots of homework today, currently at the library working – it’s super peaceful here. Had a nice vanilla latte earlier this morning from SB 😋 . I have a lot of homework to finish today. But I am first going to write my to-do list for this week!

To-do list and goals for the week of February 5th: 

  • Microeconomics homework (turn in Wednesday)
  • CSIS homework (due Friday)
  • Finish 2 Marketing discussions today (2/6 of them today, then 2 each other day + replies)
  • Write my Financial Management notes to prepare for Thursday’s exam
  • Finish Financial Management homework (due tomorrow)
  • Investments midterm (due Thursday)
  • Investments discussion + reply (due Thursday)
  • Investments Chapters 11 & 12 quizzes (due Sunday)
  • Marketing assignment week 4 (due Sunday)
  • Marketing quiz (due Sunday)
  • Prepare notes for Micro exam, learn the material 
  • Pass out invitations for bridal shower
  • Eat healthy
  • Work out at least 3x this week
  • Take a break in between working on assignments to clear mind (try to meditate)
  • Drink lots of water
  • Read a chapter of Night 

Gotta come back and cross these out as I finish them (hopefully lol). Mainly just homework but this keeps me on track, I like to write it here and in my planner. Helps to have it multiple spots in case I don’t have one of them. 

That’s pretty much that… see ya! 🙂 


February 4, 2018 ✨

12:57 PM

Good morning!!!

Still morning for me because I am still kind of waking up. Cleaned my room and put my laundry to wash – I really need to stop pushing that off bc eventually I run out of clothes and then I’m stuck washing so much laundry in one day 😐 Anyways, I have a lot of stuff to do today (school wise) and I am freaking out. Even though I literally did so much homework last week so I wouldn’t have to this weekend, it somehow still piled up!!!! Week 8, where are ya???? About to update my planner so I know what’s going on this week, I know I have an exam and I think another one online so I got some note catching up to do. It’s pretty cold outside today so that means I’m not leaving my house which is a good excuse to stay in my room and do all of this stuff lol. 

Re-cap of this weekend:

  • Aleksandra Prijovic concert was not good, not because of her singing she actually sang well, but because of the atmosphere of concerts. I think this is my last concert I’m going to go to for a really long time. I have no desire to see anyone else live. I’m just sick of the same things happening every time a concert is held in the same place.. people pushing and shoving CONSTANTLY, drunk people everywhere spilling their drinks and throwing their beers on the floor to crack into tiny pieces (one in which I stepped on), and the fact that there is little kids basically drunk (teens). So annoying so I just refuse to deal with it anymore. I didn’t have fun at all and I wish I didn’t go, but whatever. Lesson learned!
  •  Think I need a mental vacation from everyone, maybe even a real one lol. Sometimes I really wish I could drive to Colorado by myself and just chill in the mountains alone, listening to the peace and quiet of nature, enjoying the views. But no, obviously I can’t do that because school and my parents would freak out. I’m going to figure out if I can go somewhere for Spring Break bc I’m going to need this soon.
  • School sucks. Yes, all my homework and assignments are mostly from my online class, BUT there is SO FREAKING MUCH OF IT. It is like a never-ending cycle. I finish something for one class and then I have the same work load for the next class, and then the next. And then my classes I actually go to in person, I literally have an assignment due every week and it’s shit I’m so confused about, like I kind of get it but it’s not 100% yet. Which is why today will be spent learning that.
  • Rosemary Essential Oil actually helps you concentrate and focus which is super crazy. I’m sitting here writing this and I’m going super hard. I look over and my diffuser is on, this is amazing. Thank God for things like this because sometimes ya need it!!
  • Caught up on Riverdale and was reminded of why I love this show so much. Even tho it’s cringy sometimes, it’s so good. Latest episode had me screaming bc of the ending…. no words. Can’t wait to see what the hell happened on Wednesday!!!! Also Bughead are back together, hell yeaaaaaaaa.
  • Went to IKEA yesterday with Sanela so she could buy a table for her basement, it looks amazing BTW and I ended up buying myself a little side table. Looks so cute and it’s very useful because now I have more room for stuff I put besides my bed. I use to use this storage box thingy which was very cute, but this is better. Pic below.


  • Also went to Marshal’s yesterday and got some clothes. Mainly sweats because I literally have none. The one I did have Emma took so I needed these. I also bought a shirt that is sleeveless but has a hood, it’s really cute. And I also bought a really pretty OPI nailpolish called Berry something I forgot the other part, but it’s so pretty. 
  • Oh yeah, almost forgot! On Friday I went to the outlet mall with Elma and Vildana bc Elma needed some tights for the concert and I’ve been wanting to go to Coach to buy a purse since they didn’t have anything good at Tj-Maxx or Marshal’s. I ended up getting a really good deal (always good deals at the outlet Coach store) and I got a purse with a wristlet and a little thing I can put my cards in if I didn’t want to carry a purse or something. The bundle was $159 and that’s amazing because the purse alone is $295. I think it’s very useful for traveling. It is like a berry color and to my surprise, it matches the nail-polish I got yesterday hahahaha. I’ve been wanting a new purse for a while anyways and Mirhad wanted to get me a present for New Years since he never did! Great for work too. 


Yeah that’s pretty much it. Need to go work now!

See ya!!!!!