Tuesday overview!

Good morning!

Happy Tuesday! It’s very hot and humid outside already and it’s almost 10am. Really want to go take a walk later today with Mirhad (if it’s not scorching hot outside) to just get some sun and some exercise. Working from home today, was going to go into work, but I just felt like working from home. Yesterday was one of the worst days at work, can’t really say on here, but I am doing something about it. Not going to sit around anymore and let people treat me the way I shouldn’t be treated. 

Anyways, have some stuff I need to get done today like booking our flights! Probably should’ve booked it a couple of days ago since now we’re like what 28 days away from the trip? So exciting! Lol I am excited even though we didn’t even officially book anything hahahaha. Today I also need to find an Airbnb for the 2 other places. Might make a post about that today if possible. 

I also want to sit down with Mirhad and see if we can get started on making the other blog website I want to create. He was in school yesterday so he’s so tired lol I’m not even going to try to wake him up today 😂 poor guy hahaha. If he can get through this last semester, he can do anything. 

Also planning on making another post today, it’ll be about something specific 🙂

That’s all for now, see ya! 🙂