Happy Tuesday! :)

Good morning!!!!

Woke up at 7 this morning to do something for work (have to put something together every other Tuesday for a meeting the following day) so I’ve been up for about an hour and 30 min. Finished my thing for work about 15 mins ago and made myself a cup of coffee. I’m trying to cut down on sugar from like creamers and stuff like that, so this time I only used real brown sugar, milk, and whipping cream. It actually doesn’t taste bad at all!

So the plan is to work out today, probably around 9ish. Was going to work out yesterday, but I came home and fell asleep lol. But it’s okay, I’ll do it eventually hahaha. Today is a bit colder outside, so I’ll have to bundle up to go out there.ย 

What else?? I GOT MY SD CARD WITH ALL MY PICS AND FOOTAGE!!!!! WHICH MEANS I’LL 100% BE FINISHING THE BLOG POST TODAY AND STARTING ON MY VIDEO TO UPLOAD TO YOUTUBE!! WOOHOO!!!! I’ve been waiting for it and I made Mirhad go get it last night after class at 10ย ๐Ÿ˜‚ย so I’l be doing that as soon as I’m done with this post.ย 

This weekend was super busy, we had a surprise baby shower for my sister in laws sister in law hahaha. She was totally surprised and it was so sweet. Can’t wait to meet that little munchkin! After the baby shower, we went to my bff’s parents house and chilled there for a bit. Her mom made delicious food (as always) and we just stayed until like 9ish when Sanela left for the Djani concert. Overall, it was a fun but busy day. Hoping next weekend I can take more time to relax than anything.

This week will probably fly by, so I’ve made a quick to do list and wrote it in my journal. Hope I can cross off A LOT so I don’t have to move it to next week lol. Have been eating healthy and already feel better. I just want my skin to improve, it’s such shit right now. I always forget to do face masks, but it’s my goal to do one weekly. Also need to put a mask on my hair too, as it feels pretty dry sometimes.ย 

So this is a quick post as I’m eager to start doing the other things, talk to you soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

Where have I been for the last week?!

Hello hello!

Happy Monday! I just got finished updating my blog and trying to make it look like Halloween and October themed. So far I like it, but I may end up changing it later. I am working from home today, haven’t gotten in the groove of blogging every day like I use to which makes me sad. I need to get back into it! I was planning on starting on my travel post yesterday and today, but I didn’t have time. I think I will start after writing this post though. I need to look through the photos on my camera first and then pick and choose which to put on here! The one on my header now is from that trip to Yosemite ๐Ÿ™‚

So what’s been going on since I last blogged?? LOTS! Well, nothing too dramatic, but just some little updates here and there. Let’s see….. we finally bought a patio set and it was actually pretty cheap – $69 for 4 chairs, a nice glass table, and an umbrella. It’s perfect for us right now. I dream of the days I can wake up earlier and drink coffee outside sitting on my patio and enjoying some fresh air. And that day may be coming sooner than I thought! We can’t set it up until we clean out the garage and that little alleyway thing between our house and our neighbors because there are way too many mosquitos and bugs. So we have to clean all of that first so we can spray down the backyard and so I am able to park my car in the garage finally ๐Ÿ™‚ this weekend was too hot to work outside, but next weekend it will be perfect weather to spend a whole Saturday cleaning it out and power-washing it. So I am looking forward to that.

What else? Hm, we bought some cool lights to put in the backyard too, so at night it can be pretty when we’re sitting out there. I also got a fire pit from my parents that’s really nice so we can have bonfires. It will be the perfect hangout spot! Even if it’s cold outside, I still see myself sitting out there with the fire going wrapped up in a blanketย ๐Ÿ˜‚

I’ve been working on my Pinterest a lot and have even posted one photo on there the other day which is a great start. It’s also been a struggle to host my own website outside of wordpress, it takes a lot of time and it’s hard for me to find that time. Hopefully I can finish it before the end of this year.

I started making a weekly to do list of things I want to accomplish from Monday-Sunday and it’s been working well. Sometimes I don’t finish stuff on there and if it’s not a huge deal I’ll add it to next week. But blogging at least 3x this week is on there, hopefully this helps me get back into the groove.ย 

Mirhad discovered that my camera is super good and is learning how to use it correctly which means he will be my photographer for everything!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ Woohoo, finally! Apparently I chose a pretty good one so I’m glad for once I did something right LOL. So pics will be happening more often now ๐Ÿ™‚

I think that’s it for this update, hopefully the travel blog will be up by the end of this week. It’s on my list!ย 

See ya! ๐Ÿ™‚