A day in Great Sand Dunes National Park!

So we spent our Sunday driving to the Sand Dunes and it was beautiful, but VERY windy. So windy that we couldn’t handle it so we just went back to the car while we waited on Ermin and Anel’s attempt to walk to the top. Ermin gave up within 15 minutes and Anel made it to the top, but he was destroyed by the sand hahaha. When we saw him walking towards the car, we all just started laughing because the sand literally destroyed his front part of the sock, I’ll have to post a picture so it’s bigger than the rest because it’s just too funny.


Like I literally cried from laughter, it was the highlight of this trip.

Here are the rest of the pics 🙂

We weren’t able to take many because of the wind, but we still managed to get a couple of good ones! Beautiful views, beautiful place, just a really hard hike!

Tuesday March 13, 2018

Good morning!!

I got no sleep last night, I fell asleep at 5:30 am and I am so tired right now. I tried to wake up at 8:30 and had to snooze for another hour. I don’t know what happened, but I just couldn’t fall asleep and my back hurt. And then my nose started randomly bleeding so it was a weird night. I heard someone get up to go to the bathroom at like 4 and I knew it was my mom so I went down there and she put a heating pad thing for aches on my back 😂😂

So today around 12ish I am going to go finish painting the house, hopefully. Wish I was done with it so we can go buy laminate and kitchen cabinets, but hopefully tomorrow 🙂

I’m watching This is Us and it’s pretty good so far, it has an interesting plot. I’ve been seeing it everywhere so I thought I would give it a try!

Last night when I couldn’t sleep, I looked through old facebook messages between me and Sanela and it was sooooo cringey, but funny. It was so weird to see how we use to talk and type 😂 Such funny memories I never would have remembered if I didn’t see those messages and that was 8 YEARS AGO. Time flies man!!! 2010…. feels like it was 3-4 years ago, but literally 8 years wow.

Hmm, what else? Nothing, I guess?? Bye!