DIY Fall Wreath

Hi all!

So I have done this 2 years in a row now where I make my own fall wreath. I get my supplies from the Dollar Store – this costs literally less than $10, everything is a dollar each. I always see really cute ones at Marshall’s and other stores, but I can’t justify spending $15-20 for one when I can easily make one in 30 minutes for under $10. 

The supplies:

Metal wreath and a bunch of leaves tied together:


From this point on, it’s fairly simple. I just wrapped it around the wreath and taped behind on the metal parts on the plastic pieces (not the leaves) and that way it just looked full of leaves and very colorful. I used hot glue last time, but this time I didn’t have any so tape worked just as well!

Here is the finished product. Took about 30ish minutes. 


Super pretty and super easy! Let me know if you try this. 







Good morning/afternoon!

Happy Tuesday, one more day until Wednesday which means we’re one step closer to Friday & the weekend!!! Nothing particularly going on, just want to relax with my hubby 🙂 

Went to work this morning until lunch time and then I decided to come home, just because I wanted to work from home. Also, my stomach is bothering me for some reason so it’s better that I am at home right now lol. So for the rest of the day I’ll work from here. Not sure what we’re going to do after work, but I think we should go grocery shopping because we haven’t in a while. Yesterday I just went to Aldi to grab some chicken and ground beef, so we still need some more items. 

I also got some stuff from the dollar store so I can make DIY fall stuff, I think I might do a tutorial on here or something. I am going to make a wreath to hang on the front door and maybe I’ll put something on the backdoor too. I can’t believe they already had their fall stuff out. I got so excited when I saw everything on Pinterest so I just went to see if they had it and I’m glad I did because the cashier said everything goes fast. I also got the cutest little glass pumpkins in white and gold. 

-Update: I just finished the wreath and will be writing a post about it very soon!!! It was super easy!

Well, I gotta go now. See ya soon! 🙂