Target Finds!

Hi all!

Went to Target the other day and found some goodies in the $5 and less section and let me tell ya I have been SLEEPING on this section!!!! Why didn’t I look here before?! Well, now I know and will be checking more often.

I was so inspired by this YouTube video where this lady goes to Target and finds all of these cute items, and that’s when I thought of the idea of making a coffee/cocoa bar. I was able to grab a few things for it and also something to start my picture collage in our bedroom. Since we moved our dining room set into the corner of our living room, we have this partially empty den and don’t know what to do with it yet. We know we want to add two sofa chairs or a couch eventually, but the space is a little awkward because we have that pretty window that goes out a bit. So it’s tough to set up two couches there which is why I think two nice sofa chairs would look good there. We also moved our living room table here. The goal of this den is for it to be a space where we can unplug, drink coffee, and read or talk. With no electronic distractions. Which is why I think it’s essential the coffee bar is perfect.

I bought two pieces of decoration to hang right above the bar.


I think it looks super cute and much better than before. The next things I want to find at Target are these glass jars that come with scoops. I’d love to put cocoa and marshmallows in two of them and sit them on the table next to the coffee machine. I also went this tier basket so I can use that to add some stuff in like cocoa mugs and make a few other decorations.

For our bedroom, I found this really cute 3 piece picture set which I will put in the middle of the pictures we already have in our room. It’s pretty empty in general, only one side has pictures. I still have some picture I want to print out, but I need to buy bigger frames since I want to make those a little bigger than the rest.


Update: Put these two pictures up, I think it looks adorable!


Hoping to go to another Target this week to see if they have anything the others didn’t. Hopefully I can find more of what the lady had in her YouTube video. There was a really cute picture that would be perfect for the kitchen. The quote said, “the dishes can wait… life won’t.” I thought that was sooooo cute! There was also this cute home sign, so I am super excited to go see what the other Target has!

Stay tuned for more Target finds and more of my home updates! 🙂


Good morning!

Happy happy Friday! I’m only super happy because this has been like the longest week ever and I am just ready to not work for 2 days hahaha. I’m working from home (work from home Friday’s ofc) and just finished a great cup of coffee.

I gave Mirhad a great idea of making a coffee bar at our house. We found some inspiration from Pinterest and will be going today after work to buy the table we want and some other decorations. Can’t wait to see the outcome! I will document 🙂

Mirhad’s gma is coming over for coffee today, so before she comes we need to go buy her a present. We’re just going to have some coffee with her for a little bit and then whenever she wants to go back home we’ll take her. It’ll be fun since she hasn’t been over yet!

I’m just super excited to add something new to the house, it really has been coming along great. Just taking things one at a time.

I really want to start a Youtube channel, but I don’t know where to start lol. I don’t know if I want to start out with a makeup video or maybe the Dallas video I am making? This makes me want to work on my videos using a Mac desktop, it would be so much easier than my laptop, but Mirhad would kill me if we bought that hahahaha.

Mirhad has a haircut @ 1 so I want to go with him since the area he gets his hair cut in isn’t SUPER safe. I feel better if I’m there lol.

But yeah, I’ll try to update some more maybe tomorrow.

See ya! 🙂