Friday, weekend plans, & coffee! ðŸ’«

Good morning!

I am working from home today, I feel like I just need to work from home once a week for a change of scenario. It keeps me motivated. Anyways, I also woke up this morning feeling sick so it is a good thing I am working from home. Hope whatever this is passes by Monday.

The other day I bought some glass coffee mugs (well 2) and they are so cute. I have been making coffee in them and it looks like a professional capuccino that was made in a coffee shop!

Planning to go shopping this weekend if I get any better. Hopefully I do because I need some new clothes in general and for the trip.

Sanela and I are getting our nails done Tuesday and we decided to go once a month and just treat ourselves because WHY NOT?! I think we deserve it 🙂 so that will be fun, I am excited! I’m thinking about doing something like these colors:

Nails #1

Nails #2

Nails # 3

Nails #4

I wonder if they would be able to do some of these designs with gel polish or if it is only with acrylics? Super cute anyways!

I am looking for a book to read, so I am browsing Amazon to see recommendations, if you are reading this and have any good book recommendations, please let me know! 🙂

I also bought a camera recently, the Canon G7X Mark II and I am loving it! I bought it to vlog and record memories of my husband and I so I don’t have to pull out my phone all of the time and I also have just wanted a camera for such a long time. So I decided to go ahead and try this one, so far it is AMAZING. The quality, size, and basically everything is so great. I did a lot of research before buying this camera so I knew I would love it! I was also thinking about possibly starting a Youtube channel, not sure what it would be about? I could do makeup, daily life activities, traveling, etc,. I guess it would primarily be about my life and I am not focused on having a bunch of followers, just want to share my videos! 🙂

That’s all for now, I may blog again today, if not tomorrow then for sure because I want to possibly do a camera review? Or maybe a travel packing list for a short weekend trip like the one we are going on!

Until next time! 🙂 ✨