Hello December! ❄️❄️

Hello all!

Happy Monday! Have been wanting to write a December post since the first day of December, but the weekend slipped away from me and now we’re here. I already know this month will fly by, just like November did, but it is one of my favorite months. Everyone is in the holiday cheer, yes it’s COLD, but there are perks to that such as blankets, hot chocolate, etc. So December will be a great month, I have lots going on! My bff’s birthday is coming up, my husband is graduating, my other two best friends are graduating and having parties, I’m going to a baby shower, Christmas, and New Years! So yes, lots of events coming up!!! I feel like I haven’t had this much going on since the beginning of 2018 when I had my bridal shower, went on a couple trips, got married, graduated, and started my new job. I’ll have to write a separate post where I reflect back on 2018 and the great memories that were made, that sounds like it’d be fun. Oh and one more exciting thing to note! My sister-in-laws, sister-in-law had a baby!!! A little baby boy this morning! He is so precious and tomorrow after work we’re going to go meet him! I’m super excited!

So pretty much this whole month will be slow at work, so it won’t be that stressful yay! A lot of people will be taking vacations so the office will be pretty empty which gives me a chance to work from home more AND blog more! Still trying to get up at 5am everyday to make a routine for myself, but it was obviously hard to do when I had the flu so I will keep trying. The goal is to wake up with enough time to blog, eat breakfast, workout, and drink coffee or tea before heading out for work. That way I get a good start to my morning and accomplish a couple things while I’m at it. 

I am currently on keto and didn’t give up last week even when I was sick, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY want some cookies. I hope I don’t give in, I know I’m stronger than this! But it’s so hard 😦 I guess what is motivating is that December will fly by and I’ll have one more month of keto to do. Trying to do only 2 months (until February) and trying to lose as much weight as I can so I can be at a healthy weight for my height. And after that I’ll switch to a normal, balanced diet with a little bit of every food group. 

I already put up my tree, I moved it to an even better place in my house, I’ll have to upload some pictures soon. So far, there are 3 presents underneath it! One of my goals for 2019 is to start taking more pictures, whether that be of nature, the city, or people. Also want to start recording more of my life to have for memories. So taking pictures of my tree will be a great start! 

Until next time! 

Happy Tuesday! :)

Good morning!!!!

Woke up at 7 this morning to do something for work (have to put something together every other Tuesday for a meeting the following day) so I’ve been up for about an hour and 30 min. Finished my thing for work about 15 mins ago and made myself a cup of coffee. I’m trying to cut down on sugar from like creamers and stuff like that, so this time I only used real brown sugar, milk, and whipping cream. It actually doesn’t taste bad at all!

So the plan is to work out today, probably around 9ish. Was going to work out yesterday, but I came home and fell asleep lol. But it’s okay, I’ll do it eventually hahaha. Today is a bit colder outside, so I’ll have to bundle up to go out there. 

What else?? I GOT MY SD CARD WITH ALL MY PICS AND FOOTAGE!!!!! WHICH MEANS I’LL 100% BE FINISHING THE BLOG POST TODAY AND STARTING ON MY VIDEO TO UPLOAD TO YOUTUBE!! WOOHOO!!!! I’ve been waiting for it and I made Mirhad go get it last night after class at 10 😂 so I’l be doing that as soon as I’m done with this post. 

This weekend was super busy, we had a surprise baby shower for my sister in laws sister in law hahaha. She was totally surprised and it was so sweet. Can’t wait to meet that little munchkin! After the baby shower, we went to my bff’s parents house and chilled there for a bit. Her mom made delicious food (as always) and we just stayed until like 9ish when Sanela left for the Djani concert. Overall, it was a fun but busy day. Hoping next weekend I can take more time to relax than anything.

This week will probably fly by, so I’ve made a quick to do list and wrote it in my journal. Hope I can cross off A LOT so I don’t have to move it to next week lol. Have been eating healthy and already feel better. I just want my skin to improve, it’s such shit right now. I always forget to do face masks, but it’s my goal to do one weekly. Also need to put a mask on my hair too, as it feels pretty dry sometimes. 

So this is a quick post as I’m eager to start doing the other things, talk to you soon! 🙂

Goals for May 💫

Wanted to do a post about my goals for May since I have a lot going on next month!

  • Graduate college
  • Get married and have a ceremony at the Mosque that following Saturday
  • Move in on the 16th
  • Have a BBQ with close family and friends at our house for a little marriage celebration on the 19th
  • Go to Mirhad’s college graduation
  • Go to Medina’s kindergarten graduation
  • Go on a trip to Colorado
  • Be on the keto diet until we go to Colorado
  • Lose at least 10 pounds in the month of May
  • Decorate my home
  • Be happy, don’t let little things get in the way of happiness – whatever it is, it’s not worth the stress and in the end it won’t matter
  • Blog A LOT!!!! Blog my whole journey of what’s coming next month
  • Prepare myself for my new job that will be starting in June
  • Create a great office workspace at home
  • Get all of my bills in order
  • Get rid of my kidney stones
  • Eat healthy, cook often (in new home)