2018 Reflection! ๐ŸŒŸ

2018 was filled with lots of love, happiness, and craziness. So many memories and fun things we did so I want to take a moment and look back on every month and write down something I did! And these might be some little things, but they’re good memories to look back on because I have a hard time remembering stuff! โค


  • I rang in the new year as an engaged lady
  • We closed on our new home
  • Officially started buying renovation supplies for the house
  • Started my last semester of college
  • Tore down a wall in our house (for the first time) and it was super fun
  • Made a famous soup recipe from The Spaghetti Factory and it wasย ๐Ÿ”ฅ
  • Started officially taking my blog seriously and committing time to it (I started in December of 2017, but just created one)
  • Got my bridal shower invitations made, printed out, and sent out to people


  • Bought a really cute pink purse combo (huge step because I only buy black purses so having a different color was new to me)
  • Saw Aleksandra Prijovic live in concert
  • Struggled with my finance classes (lol)
  • Booked my last appointment to take my braces off
  • Took my niece and nephew to Sky Zone and went to eat after – my nephew drank soda and was so hyper
  • Completed the tiles in the bathroom
  • Talked about our wedding and looked for wedding venues
  • Moved the gym from his parents basement into our garage


  • Took our niece to the movies to watch Peter Rabbit (such a good movie)
  • Painted our house
  • Put a new tub, toilet, and sink in our bathrooms
  • Someone stole our AC system outside at our new house (assholes)
  • Father in law got the kids new bunnies (we made sure to not attach ourselves to them otherwise we would take them home lol)
  • Added the flooring into our house
  • Got my braces off!!!!!
  • My dad left his power tool in one of the houses he sold so he was sad until they let him get it back lol
  • Went to Chicago with Ado and Nejla for a weekend (end of March, beginning of April)
    • They took us to a place called Steak 52 I think and it was super expensive but such a cool experience
    • Got drunk from a fish bowl at Sugar Factory
    • Visited the Nutella Factory in Chicago for the first time
    • Had a mimosa for brunch for the first time


  • Tore all the walls off in the basement
  • Made bosnian bread for the first time in a long time and it was delicious
  • Mirhad fell down the stairs in his basement and now has a huge scar on leg (lmao)
  • Started looking at furniture for our house
  • Had Husko’s chili for the first time (the best)
  • Made my party favors for the bridal shower and other decorations
  • Passed my second kidney stone – worst pain ever
  • Looked for my graduation outfit
  • Got my makeup done by my bff for my bridal shower
  • Had my bridal shower!!
  • Elma bought a snapchat geo filter made just for my shower โค
  • Opened up gifts at home with the families instead of at the shower, it was more fun this way and my nephew had a blast trying to open all of the gifts before me
  • Put in our kitchen cabinets
  • Sanela’s fam bought us a TV
  • We picked the granite top for the kitchen
  • Dad installed a new door, but had to knocked down some of the wall to do it
  • Furnished our living room
  • Bought a bed set
  • Planted my first flowersย ๐ŸŒท


  • Searched for my Mosque wedding dress
  • Entered my last month of college
  • Had my graduation party (earlier bc we wanted to also celebrate my dads and sister birthdays)
  • Mirhad went to Boston for a couple of days
  • Went bike riding in Forest Park
  • Granite top was added to our kitchen
  • Ordered a graduation cap topper from Etsy and got it in the mail right before graduation
  • Got our kitchen completed including the appliances
  • Graduated college!!!
  • Got married a couple days later โค
  • Mirhad walked the stage at his graduation, but actually just now graduated a couple days ago
  • My niece graduated pre-school, had a mini graduation
  • Went to Colorado with Mirhad, Ermin, Sanela, and Anel and had lots of fun
  • Mirhad had his eye surgery


  • We bought a puppy!
  • My sister went to a college prep camp for 2 weeks
  • We got a dining room set finally
  • Mirhad and Omer killed a wasps nest by our door
  • Celebrated our first Bajram as a married couple
  • Mirhad drove 4 hours to pick up our puppy
  • Had lots of fun, snuggles, and struggles with our pup and ended up having to give him away 2 weeks later
  • I started my new job
  • Went to a family picnic in St. James and fished


  • Mirhad was trimming the bushes in front of our house and accidentally trimmed the extension cord as well
  • Celebrated 4th of July in the park we’ve been going to for 3 years now
  • Went canoeing in Forest Park


  • Celebrated my birthday and went home earlier from work
  • Went to Dallas, TX for my birthday weekend
  • Tried Texas BBQ for the first time
  • Went swimming on a rooftop pool
  • Sat in a Tesla for the first time
  • Made my fall wreath
  • Went to a Card’s game
  • Made a coffee bar
  • Surprised my nephew with a birthday cupcake and a mini trampoline


  • Attended one of my best friends brothers wedding
  • Chilled on a hammock with Mirhad and ate fruit
  • Ate a spongebob ice cream
  • Attended another friends wedding
  • Went on our trip to Seattle, San Fran, Yosemite, and Vegas
  • Celebrated Mirhad’s birthday in the West Coast


  • Decorated pumpkins and put them in front of the house
  • Got a patio set
  • Took some photos in a pumpkin patch
  • Tried a pumpkin spiced latte for the first time ever
  • Watched our friends get engaged
  • Surprised Zana with a baby shower
  • Searched for fall leaves in every park and took lots of pics
  • Had a picnic in Forest Park


  • Put up my Christmas tree
  • Had our first sleepover with my niece and nephew
  • Dyed my hair dark brown
  • Heard a car crash into the river by our house (scary)
  • Parked our car in the garage for the first time (after it was all cleaned out)
  • First snow at this house
  • Had Friendsgiving at our friends house
  • Got this super cute purse from my hubs


  • Celebrated my nieces 6th birthday
  • Got to meet baby Adnan
  • Got Mirhad Airpods for his New Years present
  • 2 of my bff’s graduated college
  • Went to Chicago for a weekend to see the lights
  • Finished wrapping all presents and put them under the tree

And now as this year is about to wrap up, I wish everyone a very happy and safe New Years! Hoping for lots of happiness, love, and adventures in 2019! โค


Published by


Just a 23 year old living her life!

4 thoughts on “2018 Reflection! ๐ŸŒŸ”

  1. Sounds like such a wonderful year. Congrats on everything! I am totally missing summer now and that rooftop pool sounds like the best thing ever, LoL.

    Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

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