A day in Great Sand Dunes National Park!

So we spent our Sunday driving to the Sand Dunes and it was beautiful, but VERY windy. So windy that we couldn’t handle it so we just went back to the car while we waited on Ermin and Anel’s attempt to walk to the top. Ermin gave up within 15 minutes and Anel made it to the top, but he was destroyed by the sand hahaha. When we saw him walking towards the car, we all just started laughing because the sand literally destroyed his front part of the sock, I’ll have to post a picture so it’s bigger than the rest because it’s just too funny.


Like I literally cried from laughter, it was the highlight of this trip.

Here are the rest of the pics 🙂

We weren’t able to take many because of the wind, but we still managed to get a couple of good ones! Beautiful views, beautiful place, just a really hard hike!

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Just a 23 year old living her life!

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