Hello March! 🌼

Good morning!!

Happy Friday guys! 

I woke up this morning feeling very refreshed and looked outside my window only to find more ice on the ground. I had great sleep and then I realized it’s March and got super excited! The weather forecast is showing that it will get much warmer after the 8th of March. So glad the winter is finally going away and I can enjoy some fresh air. Speaking of a new month, that means we have some goals to write out! 

Goals for March:

  • Learn a new sport (already have one on mind, will make a video about it)
  • Lose 10-15 pounds 
  • Start vlogging – post first video on Youtube 
  • Be consistent with my blog posts
  • Make a laundry routine so we don’t fall behind on laundry
  • Share my blog, be more open about it 
  • Workout 5x a week
  • Sleep 8 hours every night and wake up at 5 am every morning
  • Go to bed earlier
  • Clear up my acne scarring/skin 
  • Spend time outdoors as much as I can as soon as it gets warmer outside
  • Read at least 1 book
  • Get back into writing my to-do lists
  • Save money from every paycheck for our future vacations
  • Buy our Disneyland and Universal Studios tickets before the end of the month
  • Work on myself, mentally and physically
  • Only buy new clothes if I lose weight 
  • Have at least 3 date nights with my husband 
  • Spend less time on my phone and more time with my husband 

That sounds like a pretty good list and things I can for sure accomplish! I didn’t want to make it too goal heavy because sometimes it gets unrealistic, but I know that I could do a bunch of these. And even if I only do 50% of this list, it’s still something! 

Do you have any goals for March? How do you write them out and make sure you get them done? Let me know in the comments 🙂

February Reflections 🌹

Good morning guys! 🙂

February has gone by so fast and I can’t believe that tomorrow is March 1st! I thought I’d take some time to reflect back on February and see if I accomplished anything I wanted to accomplish.

February felt like it went by quickly, but in the moment it was passing by so slow! I spent the beginning of the month attempting to get back into a diet of some sort and a workout routine. Well, I can say that I’ve got both of them down. Which is surprising because I feel like I’ve been trying to do that for the past three months. I think my whole mindset changed.. summer is only what, three months away? I need to get in shape and actually follow a healthy diet plan. My husband and I decided to get back on Keto so we could get that boost of weight loss and then after we have gotten to our goal weight, we will switch back to a normal diet. Keto for me is fine for a short-term weight loss option, but I don’t really like doing it for a long period of time. Plus, spring/summer is going to be here soon and I love fruit way too much to miss out on that! We have a nice market close to us here with the freshest of fruits and we always miss out because we’re on a diet. And since we have a trip coming up at the end of May and possibly end of April, I want to look and feel my best! So hopefully by our next trip I will be exactly where I want to be. I just wished I started earlier, but at least I started now!

I didn’t get to blog as much as I did this month, so that will be one of the things I will be focusing on next month. March is slightly busy for a couple days at work because we have some events going on, but aside from that it won’t be too bad. That will give me a lot of time to focus on myself and not be so stressed out. 

Also hoping that March will be much warmer than February. I am SO tired of the cold and have never been more excited for Spring to arrive! This winter feels like the longest one we’ve had in forever and from what I remember, didn’t the ground hog say we’re going to have an early Spring?!?! Warmer weather makes me so much more productive and I’m so ready for those picnics in the park with my husband 🙂

Aside from all of that, I think it was a pretty good month. There were some long weeks, but I had fun. January and February always seem like they pass by the quickest and I always forget about what happened in those two months! It’s like it’s a blur after New Years until summer! Hoping for March to be filled with lots of happiness, fun, smiles, and time outside! 

How do you guys feel like February was?! Did it pass by as quickly as it felt like for me? Do you have any cool plans for March? Let me know in the comments!! 🙂


Side note: Our trip is in 85 days!!!!! It seems so far away, but it’ll be here in no time! I need to make a countdown on here 🙂