It’s about that time… Sunday!

Hi there!

I wish I could say lazy Sunday today, but it won’t be lazy at all 😦 so Mirhad didn’t sleep ALL night, I woke up at 4am and noticed his ass was in the office working so I told him to go to sleep right now and I’m not sure when he went but he claimed he slept for like 3 hours. Knowing him, he will probably be tired ALL DAY which will be annoying, but I told him he better not say once that he’s tired lol.

Today at 1, we’re going to my moms cousins house to visit them for the first time since we got married. In the Bosnian tradition, you have to visit all family when you get married and invite them back over (if you want) so now we have to spend months doing that. Last night one of Mirhad’s older cousins came over and honestly I thought it would be kind of awkward because they’re older and I didn’t know if there would be any good conversation, but we actually had a lot of fun. The lady was like, “I’m having so much fun, trust me if I was bored I would’ve drank my coffee and said thanks goodbye!” She’s so funny, so they ended up staying longer than we/they thought they would, but it was fun for sure. They are very talkative, open, and lively so that helped. We ended up taking a picture together, they insisted. Here’s the pic below:


Yesterday we also had a nice BBQ at my best friend Sanela’s house. It was delish and we ended up drinking coffee the Bosnian way, it was actually fun 🙂 Here’s a picture of the cute little coffee cup set we used. 


So cute! I need to get myself a set like this, her mom is in Bosnia so I asked her if she finds any cute ones to bring me some back 🙂

What else? I have work tomorrow, but it’s supposed to rain the rest of the week after Monday so I may end up working from home for the rest of the week. I hate driving in the rain because there’s always an accident and people drive crazy even if it’s raining so it’s pretty dangerous and I’d rather not be stuck in traffic for an hour. Hopefully I can just do that this week! 

I might go shopping later, if I can drag Mirhad to come with me. I still need a work planner, it’s so hard finding one that fits all of my needs, but hopefully I find something today before work this week. 

Bye 🙂

Tuesday March 13, 2018

Good morning!!

I got no sleep last night, I fell asleep at 5:30 am and I am so tired right now. I tried to wake up at 8:30 and had to snooze for another hour. I don’t know what happened, but I just couldn’t fall asleep and my back hurt. And then my nose started randomly bleeding so it was a weird night. I heard someone get up to go to the bathroom at like 4 and I knew it was my mom so I went down there and she put a heating pad thing for aches on my back 😂😂

So today around 12ish I am going to go finish painting the house, hopefully. Wish I was done with it so we can go buy laminate and kitchen cabinets, but hopefully tomorrow 🙂

I’m watching This is Us and it’s pretty good so far, it has an interesting plot. I’ve been seeing it everywhere so I thought I would give it a try!

Last night when I couldn’t sleep, I looked through old facebook messages between me and Sanela and it was sooooo cringey, but funny. It was so weird to see how we use to talk and type 😂 Such funny memories I never would have remembered if I didn’t see those messages and that was 8 YEARS AGO. Time flies man!!! 2010…. feels like it was 3-4 years ago, but literally 8 years wow.

Hmm, what else? Nothing, I guess?? Bye!