Styles I want to try in 2019

Hey guys!

One of my goals this year is to really get into fashion and to try out new styles. Since Spring is just around the corner, I’m already thinking about what kind of outfits I want to buy and wear. I’ve gotten some inspiration from Pinterest and want to organize it! I am thinking of outfits I could wear to work and also on vacations or just casually if I go somewhere. I rarely wear colors and am planning on incorporating them into my outfits.

So I decided the best thing to do is make a new board on Pinterest and have everything I like in there. I’ve been using boards a lot lately and it really organizes everything nicely. 

Here’s the link to my board: Spring Style 2019

The problem with our city is that Spring can turn into summer weather real quick so sometimes it just depends on what you can wear. It’s usually cold in the office, so I will most likely be wearing cardigans/jeans from Spring into Summer. But there are a lot of cute outfits I’ve found and I cannot wait to use these as inspiration! I will continue adding more stuff into this board as I find more outfits, so keep an eye out! 

Does anyone else use Pinterest to organize their ideas? What do you do for outfit inspiration? Let me know below, would love to try some new things out as well! 🙂




My favorite things about Spring! 🌷

Hey guys!

Since Spring is right around the corner, I wanted to list some of my favorite things about Spring in no order whatsoever to get me excited for it! 

  • That Spring smell! All of those flowers blooming and that fresh air finally making a comeback after months of cold, crisp air
  • Spending time outside – there is nothing better than knowing you can go outside and just enjoy the sun, even if you don’t have anything planned
  • Picnics  – I think they are the best in the Spring and Fall seasons because of all the beautiful colors
  • Flowers blooming – of course can’t forget about all of those beautiful flowers coming out and making your house or the park colorful 
  • Road trips – this is possible anytime of the year pretty much, but when it’s nicer outside it’s much easier to take a fun weekend trip
  • Better mood – nice weather brings more positivity! People are much happier when it’s Spring 
  • Daylight Savings goes away – the day is longer and you don’t feel like you have to take a nap when it hits 4-5pm 
  • The market – all fruits and veggies are out and super fresh! I always get excited for the new season to pick up some fresh fruit and veggies 
  • You can open your windows – in the house or even in your car and it feels SO good!
  • Trees – the trees start getting their green colors back and your neighborhood doesn’t look like a ghost town

What are some of your favorite things about Spring? 🙂