Took a break – why it’s important!

Good morning guys!

It’s been a while and that’s because I decided to just take a mental break from all social media. I think it’s super important to step back and take a couple days to yourself by staying off the internet. There’s so many benefits to this, but I think the best benefit is getting to spend time with whoever you want without worrying about whether you’re missing out on something online. Because in reality, you aren’t. Nothing should be more important than being/living in the moment. 

I went online briefly to make my Women’s Day post, but for the rest of the break I spent a lot of time with my husband. I also caught up on Game of Thrones (I’m late I know) and we went rollerskating a lot! The weather has been good, not consistently, but good enough for us to get outside. We just got our skates recently so we’re still learning, but it feels great to pick up some speed and just exercise. Saturday was one of the best days weather wise. It was about 65 degrees and it rained in the morning, but by 1-2pm it was warm and sunny. Didn’t rain the rest of the day, so we took it to our advantage and went skating for an hour at the park in the afternoon. We went on an actual trail, we’ve been practicing on a parking lot the first couple of times. Saturday felt like spring and I don’t think my soul has been that happy in such a long time. It’s been a LONG winter, guys. 

Another plus to a social media break is that you get a lot more free time. Instead of being on my phone or computer for a couple hours, I was able to do other things like some chores I’m behind on or things I’ve been wanting to do but never have had time for. It also gave me more time to sit down and read. I always choose between browsing through Reddit or reading a book on my Kindle right before I go to bed. I usually end up browsing Reddit and the last couple of days I’ve been reading instead. It’s a good decision to make! 

Anyways, moral of the story is that mental breaks are much needed and everyone should take them as often as they can and as often as they’d like. Everything will be there right when you get back and you won’t miss out on much!

Does anyone else do this? I try to do it every once in a while, but I think I’ll be doing it way more often.