My favorite things about Spring! 🌷

Hey guys!

Since Spring is right around the corner, I wanted to list some of my favorite things about Spring in no order whatsoever to get me excited for it! 

  • That Spring smell! All of those flowers blooming and that fresh air finally making a comeback after months of cold, crisp air
  • Spending time outside – there is nothing better than knowing you can go outside and just enjoy the sun, even if you don’t have anything planned
  • Picnics  – I think they are the best in the Spring and Fall seasons because of all the beautiful colors
  • Flowers blooming – of course can’t forget about all of those beautiful flowers coming out and making your house or the park colorful 
  • Road trips – this is possible anytime of the year pretty much, but when it’s nicer outside it’s much easier to take a fun weekend trip
  • Better mood – nice weather brings more positivity! People are much happier when it’s Spring 
  • Daylight Savings goes away – the day is longer and you don’t feel like you have to take a nap when it hits 4-5pm 
  • The market – all fruits and veggies are out and super fresh! I always get excited for the new season to pick up some fresh fruit and veggies 
  • You can open your windows – in the house or even in your car and it feels SO good!
  • Trees – the trees start getting their green colors back and your neighborhood doesn’t look like a ghost town

What are some of your favorite things about Spring? 🙂