My 2019 Vision Board!

Hi all!

I finally got around to finishing my vision board and it’s not the very best, but it’s perfect for me! This time I just put a bunch of pictures/quotes that will motivate me for this year. Last year, I had a lot of pictures of my husband/family and random things, but this way is better. 

vision board 2019 v2 jpeg.jpg

Here’s my vision board – I won’t go through each one, but I’ll explain some of them.

Let’s start from the top. A lot of those are about calmness and mindfulness which is something I’d love work on a lot this year. The picture of the woman is about me wanting nicer skin and getting better with my makeup skills. And of course I added something about my husband because he is #1 🙂 As you can see there are a couple things on here about him! 

In the second row, I have a picture of the Kindle which explains me wanting to read more this year. I can happily say that I have read SO much since I have gotten it! Family of course is important so I had to add something about that in here! We are planning to go to NYC this summer, so I added a picture of Central Park in there. And the last one I will mention in this row is the quote, “No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.” I often get discouraged when I attempt to make some food that I’ve never made before or sometimes even food I’ve made multiple times and it doesn’t turn out the way I thought it would. This is a great quote because it’s true, I will get better with time! 

The third row is just all quotes, so I’ll pick 2-3 that stand out right now. I really want to get rid of any clutter and just make our living space very simple. The picture with Pooh says, “sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” This is referring to my niece and nephew 🙂 And the last one I will mention in this row is the very first quote, life really is precious.

In the fourth row, I have the state of California map because it is one of the best states in my opinion and this map shows a lot of cool places to visit in CA! The woman in the bikini is my fitness goal and it’s very realistic for my body type since I don’t want abs or anything muscular. I feel like I could achieve this in 2019. I used to find really fit people with abs and make them my motivation, but it was too unrealistic and would take YEARS to happen. The picture of the palm trees and beach is a very special place in my heart 🙂 ❤ And the last one is about working out, eating well, and being patient. I’m not patient enough and this is a good reminder to be!

And for the last two sections, I’ll just talk about 4-5 of them. I added a couple things about traveling because that’s what I’m most looking forward this year and there is a picture in Disney Land because we are planning to go there! The pictures are because I want to take lots and lots of pictures going forward, that is the best way to remember good memories. I NEED to drink more water daily, it’s a huge struggle for me, but I am going to make it a habit. The picture of the hair is because I want long, healthy hair. And the last one I will mention is the plant, I want more plants in my house because plants give off good energy and fresh air.

There you have it, my 2019 vision board! I tried to be as realistic as possible and I think I can for sure accomplish most, if not all of these goals on my board.

Did you make a vision board for 2019? What are your top three things on there? 🙂