Happy Thanksgiving + weekend plans! 🦃


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Just wanted to write a quick post about my week/weekend! We had a nice Friendsgiving on Wednesday night, so we ended up not doing anything yesterday which was totally fine because I literally just relaxed. I took paid time off today because I wanted to have a 4 day weekend and just relax. So far, it’s been super relaxing and I am hoping to extend that to the next two days as well! 

We went shopping today and I got some good stuff and I also did some online shopping. I’ll have a post about everything soon and also when the rest comes in! I mostly went to two actual stores and the rest was online. I wasn’t looking for anything particular, but I did need some new stuff so the things I did get were perfect. I did wait for Ulta’s online sale to start at 5pm and their website crashed for a good 45 minutes before I was able to even access it. That was super annoying, but I’m glad the items I wanted didn’t sell out. 

Our Friendsgiving was so fun and the food was so delicious! We just chilled and hung out after that, so it was a nice night. I’m actually craving all of that food right now, especially the turkey!! Makes me want to cook now after seeing that picture. 

Super glad I took PTO today because after the last week and a half, I really needed a huge break from everything especially work. I’m looking forward to the next 2 days I’ll have off next month. Speaking of that, I cannot believe that in a couple days it’ll be December and then we’ll be a month away from 2019! Like holy crap!!!!! This year FLEW BY! Seriously, it feels like I only moved into my new house and got married like 2 months ago tops… time slow down plz 🙂

Also, I think I already mentioned this, but I HATE the new post thing for WordPress.. does anyone know how to get back to the old one? This one is too much for me!

Tomorrow it’s going to be 62 degrees surprisingly, so I plan to spend a lot of time outside (hopefully) and maybe get a nice workout in. But like I said, I just want to RELAX 🙂 

But yeah, that’s it for now! Black Friday haul post coming soon!!! 

Thursday April, 5 2018

Good morning!

Happy Thursday! It’s going to be 60 degrees today. I am in such a good mood this morning, I woke up earlier around 8 am and for some reason my mood is great and I’m happy. So I’m thankful for my good mood this morning 😀 I toasted a bagel thin, these thin bagels I got from Walmart.. this one is an everything bagel and it is so yummy. Then I made an egg and put it in the bagel and there was my delicious breakfast. Of course with oranges and a coffee on the side. Nothing better than coffee in the morning to start your day! 

Today I have class around 1:30 and then I have to wait until Mirhad gets back so we can go to Lowe’s and get the bug bombs and bug spray to put in and around the house today. Since it’s a really nice day, maybe we can clean up around the house. But this warm weather won’t last long 😦

Last night I made dinner and as I was peeling the potatoes, I sliced into my finger. I can’t even type with it right now 😐 but the food was super good! Here’s a pic…


I also made bread for the first time and it actually turned out so good and soft! I’ll probably post a recipe and how I made it. Next time I just won’t add the egg wash. The bread:


It was all super delicious and the potatoes were SO SOFT, my favorite!!!! 

So yeah, since it’s nice outside today hopefully I can spend some time outdoors and get some fresh air. Wish I had a bike to ride hahaha. Stuff I want to do today:

  • Finish quiz that’s due tomorrow
  • Buy flower pot to transfer this flower into so it doesn’t die
  • Buy Keurig holder for my mom
  • Spray house with bug spray and put bug bombs

I think I’m going to go to class tomorrow to get help with the micro homework, but we’ll see!

That’s it for now.. bye! 🙂 

LA Trip Planning


So I am going to LA to go to the Ellen Show and explore LA for the second time! I spent a couple of days researching the best places to stay at and finding the cheapest plane tickets.

So first, I checked Frontier Airlines to see their prices, I know they usually have good ones. This is what I found:

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So as you can see, the prices are fine, but the problem is how long you will be traveling just to get to LA. The first one is taking me to Orlando and will take 14 hours and the second one is taking me to Denver (<3) and is much shorter than the first one, BUT the flight is just way too late. If I am going somewhere, I like to leave super early in the morning and arrive in the morning so I’m not wasting my whole day traveling! The returns were even worse, the first one would take me to Denver again, but this one takes 18 HOURS to get back home!!! So crazy, especially when there is a 6+ layover, I don’t know if I’d be able to sit at an airport for that long.. and the second one takes 9 hours, which is like 3 more than it should so it isn’t terribly bad, but it’s an overnight flight. So Frontier let me down, on to the next!

I figured I might as well try Travelocity and see if I could get a bundle deal that would include hotel + flight because that’s what I ended up doing the first time I took Mirhad to LA about 2 years ago was it??? I’ll have to check on that time. Anyways, the prices went from $600-$1,200+ a person for flight and hotel which I mean isn’t bad if you paid $600 for each person, but I just wasn’t finding a good place to stay at. I’m really picky when it comes to where I have to sleep while traveling just because I need for it to be clean in order to stay there. So these are examples of what was available on Travelocity:

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I really wanted to stay in the Beverly Hills – Hollywood area just because I am familiar with that area from my last trip, but it was hard to find a hotel that was a good price, in a good area, and clean looking. Last time I went, I booked with Mama Shelter and I loved it there, it was such a cool scene.. I looked into booking there again, but it was a little too expensive for me so I passed. Plus, it’s always cool to stay at different places if you’re visiting the same place again!

So by this time, I went to check Airbnb’s and they had a lot of nice ones! So I checked for Airbnb’s around Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Santa Monica, and Venice Beach.

So I mean they had a lot of choices, the part that was difficult was finding a good price. Yes, it’s LA, yes it’s California, so I didn’t expect anything super cheap. My main concern was making sure I was in a safe part of LA, I know there are some parts you deff need to avoid and after doing some research I knew where to stay away from.

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Reddit was very helpful because I got real insight from real people. Obviously, wherever you go, act normal and don’t act obnoxious to the point where you draw bad attention to yourself. Anything can happen anywhere, but if I’m in a good neighborhood, then I’m happy! So, I looked around for a couple of days until I finally found one that was like $80 a night, which is a steal! It’s in a great area, it’s around everything I need to be around, and it’s cozy and clean! A++++++.

But I couldn’t book this without finding a way to get there first, obviously! So I went back on Travelocity and searched for some cheap tickets. I ended up finding a good deal, but I had to move my trip back one day which was fine anyways since we’ve been there before we now know exactly what we want to do.

Overall, this trip ended up being $600 cheaper than it was in the course of those couple of days of searching for good deals. So it ended up being about $550 per person for flight and Airbnb, which is a great deal. I think I paid maybe $200 more the last time I went? Glad we got it to a good price so we can spend our money on doing cool activities. We won’t be renting a car since we won’t stay longer than 4 days, but hopefully one day we can come back and stay a little longer and explore out of LA into more mountain areas!

If you plan on going to LA or anywhere for a trip, make sure to browse around for a couple of days (if possible) because prices really do change and if you search too quickly, you might find something cheaper later but you might not be able to cancel it. And don’t forget to always make sure you are staying in a good area, surrounded by lots of places to go eat!

Chicken with quinoa and vegetables recipe


I made up this recipe a couple of weeks ago so it’s my own recipe which is pretty awesome! So here we go!

So here are all of the ingredients: quinoa (I bought the one from Walmart that you cook in the bag in the microwave for 4 min), 1 and a half cup of mixed vegetables (this has corn, carrots, green beans, and peas), handful of spinach, garlic, 1 cup of heavy whipping cream, and I used 9 chicken tenderloins (they’re really small, forgot to take a picture of the chicken)


Vegetables should be cooked first, brought to a boil and then let it cook for 5-8 minutes


Peel two pieces of garlic like this


Then dice them up to tiny pieces


Next, prepare the chicken. Cut them up into little pieces like this and then season it


Heat up a pan and let the chicken cook for a bit, I added water to mine so it was softer and didn’t burn as quick while waiting for the other food


Next, add that garlic into a pan with oil (I use olive, any kind works)


After the garlic changes color a bit, add in the spinach


Let the spinach cook for a minute or two (it cooks super fast)


Add in 1 cup of heavy whipping cream, stir


Add in the chicken, and vegetables you drained, and then mix it all


Add in the quinoa and let it cook for another 1-2 minutes


And that’s it! Finished product ^^^ super tasty 🙂