April 29, 2018 – Sunday!


Happy happy Sunday! Wish it could be one of those lazy Sundays, but we have lots of work to do!! Yesterday we bought our bed, two desks, and two chairs for our office. We picked up one table and chair yesterday and the rest we have to pick up today. The desk is so hard to put together, so I am not looking forward to the next one lol. Also, we got a king bed and I’m praying it fits into our room hahaha. Should’ve probably measured it before we picked one 😐 

Currently ATM I am drinking coffee and probably going to watch a show until I’m done with my coffee.. might watch This is Us because it has been a while. So this weekend has been busy overall and we have done a lot in the house. Put in our living room furniture, put up our TV, called for internet (YASS), and put in our carpet. This one guy is going to finish our granite countertop in the kitchen in the next 2 weeks and that’s the final step. What’s left is to basically furnish the house and clean up the outside of it like power washing the siding, cleaning the garage out, and planting flowers. Little things like that which we have been wanting to do for a while now, but since it wasn’t nice outside until this month we had to put it off.

I have a test this Wednesday so I need to start studying for it tomorrow or today if possible and then next Thursday (May 10th), I have my last exam for financial management yessss! I’m so happy and excited to almost be done! Then soon after that, life officially starts (outside of school). Can’t believe that soon I will be living in my own home 🙂 🙂 

Countdown Clock:

  • 13 days until graduation
  • 17 days until we’re married
  • 25 days until Colorado trip

Ah, I can’t wait, especially for that trip!!! Of course I’m excited for everything else that comes before that, but I haven’t been on a trip since October and I really love heading out for a little bit and getting a change.

But yeah, that’s about it. I have to go work on the house! See ya!