Happy Thanksgiving + weekend plans! 🦃


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Just wanted to write a quick post about my week/weekend! We had a nice Friendsgiving on Wednesday night, so we ended up not doing anything yesterday which was totally fine because I literally just relaxed. I took paid time off today because I wanted to have a 4 day weekend and just relax. So far, it’s been super relaxing and I am hoping to extend that to the next two days as well! 

We went shopping today and I got some good stuff and I also did some online shopping. I’ll have a post about everything soon and also when the rest comes in! I mostly went to two actual stores and the rest was online. I wasn’t looking for anything particular, but I did need some new stuff so the things I did get were perfect. I did wait for Ulta’s online sale to start at 5pm and their website crashed for a good 45 minutes before I was able to even access it. That was super annoying, but I’m glad the items I wanted didn’t sell out. 

Our Friendsgiving was so fun and the food was so delicious! We just chilled and hung out after that, so it was a nice night. I’m actually craving all of that food right now, especially the turkey!! Makes me want to cook now after seeing that picture. 

Super glad I took PTO today because after the last week and a half, I really needed a huge break from everything especially work. I’m looking forward to the next 2 days I’ll have off next month. Speaking of that, I cannot believe that in a couple days it’ll be December and then we’ll be a month away from 2019! Like holy crap!!!!! This year FLEW BY! Seriously, it feels like I only moved into my new house and got married like 2 months ago tops… time slow down plz 🙂

Also, I think I already mentioned this, but I HATE the new post thing for WordPress.. does anyone know how to get back to the old one? This one is too much for me!

Tomorrow it’s going to be 62 degrees surprisingly, so I plan to spend a lot of time outside (hopefully) and maybe get a nice workout in. But like I said, I just want to RELAX 🙂 

But yeah, that’s it for now! Black Friday haul post coming soon!!! 

Black Friday Deals I’m interested in! 🛍

In the past years, I never really had any items I waited for to go on sale for Black Friday. I don’t this year either, but I do have some things I have my eye on. So here’s my little list of items I hope to buy this week!

Coach outlet is having 70% off everything online and in stores. I feel like I need a new purse, or at least a new backpack I could carry my laptop in to work. I did see some backpacks on there, but nothing really caught my eye. I might go to the outlet mall and see if I could pick one out there. Besides a backpack, I really liked these two purses and I think they were each under $100. Hoping to grab at least one this year! 

Next on my list is makeup. I saw that Ulta had a lot of stuff being advertised on their website for Black Friday. I

I want to grab a mascara, specifically the IT one, I got a sample for my birthday and it honestly is one of the best mascaras I’ve ever tried and that’s a steal for $10! The Mario Badescu spray trio is a great deal since I’m almost out of mine at home. I love the rose and cucumber one and have never tried the lavender one. Plus, if they’re small enough, I could take them on trips! 

These two sets would be a great gift for my little sister. I know she doesn’t own any of these items and they’re a great deal. The MAC fix + spray is amazing and the HOOLA bronzer is one of the best bronzers I own. Overall, I feel like they’re both a good deal and would make for a great present for anyone!

I’ve heard great things about the Dermalogica brand and if it could possibly help with my acne/acne scarring, that would be worth it! The Microderm device is something I have wanted for a looooong time, but it’s always so expensive. It’s still pretty pricey at $99, but if this actually gets rid of my acne scars, it would be worth the $99. Any reviews on this? And last but not least, the entire YES TO brand is 50% off. I love their masks and lip scrubs so I will stock up on some goodies and maybe make a few of them gifts! 


Haven’t found an ad for this, but I am hoping Charming Charlie has some kind of a deal on accessories because I need some new hoop/dangly earrings. I’ve heard in the past they usually have a good Black Friday sale, so I hope I can grab a couple pairs. I went the other day to buy some, but I thought why not just wait to see if they have a sale?

Walmart always has something I want like for example a onesie. I need a new one as the only one I have is with penguins on it, think I outgrew it!

On the ad, I only found 2 things noteworthy. This deal for the soundbar isn’t too bad especially when you get small corner speakers as well. We’ve been wanting one since we got our TV, it really does make a difference. I already have a Fujifilm mini camera, but just wanted to point out that this is such a good deal especially when you get a case, album, stickers, and film. I had to buy everything separately besides the film. Last thing I want from Walmart is the new Call of Duty game, it’s $60 right now, but it should go on sale for like $40, so I am waiting for that! Super excited!

So that’s pretty much my list. If I find anything else I will add to it! I will be mainly buying presents this year, so hopefully I find some other goodies for our parents! 

February 4, 2018 ✨

12:57 PM

Good morning!!!

Still morning for me because I am still kind of waking up. Cleaned my room and put my laundry to wash – I really need to stop pushing that off bc eventually I run out of clothes and then I’m stuck washing so much laundry in one day 😐 Anyways, I have a lot of stuff to do today (school wise) and I am freaking out. Even though I literally did so much homework last week so I wouldn’t have to this weekend, it somehow still piled up!!!! Week 8, where are ya???? About to update my planner so I know what’s going on this week, I know I have an exam and I think another one online so I got some note catching up to do. It’s pretty cold outside today so that means I’m not leaving my house which is a good excuse to stay in my room and do all of this stuff lol. 

Re-cap of this weekend:

  • Aleksandra Prijovic concert was not good, not because of her singing she actually sang well, but because of the atmosphere of concerts. I think this is my last concert I’m going to go to for a really long time. I have no desire to see anyone else live. I’m just sick of the same things happening every time a concert is held in the same place.. people pushing and shoving CONSTANTLY, drunk people everywhere spilling their drinks and throwing their beers on the floor to crack into tiny pieces (one in which I stepped on), and the fact that there is little kids basically drunk (teens). So annoying so I just refuse to deal with it anymore. I didn’t have fun at all and I wish I didn’t go, but whatever. Lesson learned!
  •  Think I need a mental vacation from everyone, maybe even a real one lol. Sometimes I really wish I could drive to Colorado by myself and just chill in the mountains alone, listening to the peace and quiet of nature, enjoying the views. But no, obviously I can’t do that because school and my parents would freak out. I’m going to figure out if I can go somewhere for Spring Break bc I’m going to need this soon.
  • School sucks. Yes, all my homework and assignments are mostly from my online class, BUT there is SO FREAKING MUCH OF IT. It is like a never-ending cycle. I finish something for one class and then I have the same work load for the next class, and then the next. And then my classes I actually go to in person, I literally have an assignment due every week and it’s shit I’m so confused about, like I kind of get it but it’s not 100% yet. Which is why today will be spent learning that.
  • Rosemary Essential Oil actually helps you concentrate and focus which is super crazy. I’m sitting here writing this and I’m going super hard. I look over and my diffuser is on, this is amazing. Thank God for things like this because sometimes ya need it!!
  • Caught up on Riverdale and was reminded of why I love this show so much. Even tho it’s cringy sometimes, it’s so good. Latest episode had me screaming bc of the ending…. no words. Can’t wait to see what the hell happened on Wednesday!!!! Also Bughead are back together, hell yeaaaaaaaa.
  • Went to IKEA yesterday with Sanela so she could buy a table for her basement, it looks amazing BTW and I ended up buying myself a little side table. Looks so cute and it’s very useful because now I have more room for stuff I put besides my bed. I use to use this storage box thingy which was very cute, but this is better. Pic below.


  • Also went to Marshal’s yesterday and got some clothes. Mainly sweats because I literally have none. The one I did have Emma took so I needed these. I also bought a shirt that is sleeveless but has a hood, it’s really cute. And I also bought a really pretty OPI nailpolish called Berry something I forgot the other part, but it’s so pretty. 
  • Oh yeah, almost forgot! On Friday I went to the outlet mall with Elma and Vildana bc Elma needed some tights for the concert and I’ve been wanting to go to Coach to buy a purse since they didn’t have anything good at Tj-Maxx or Marshal’s. I ended up getting a really good deal (always good deals at the outlet Coach store) and I got a purse with a wristlet and a little thing I can put my cards in if I didn’t want to carry a purse or something. The bundle was $159 and that’s amazing because the purse alone is $295. I think it’s very useful for traveling. It is like a berry color and to my surprise, it matches the nail-polish I got yesterday hahahaha. I’ve been wanting a new purse for a while anyways and Mirhad wanted to get me a present for New Years since he never did! Great for work too. 


Yeah that’s pretty much it. Need to go work now!

See ya!!!!!