Busy week – recap! ✨

Hello hello hello!

First of all, Happy Friday!!! We made it through the week!

It’s been a long time since I have been able to sit down and blog. Honestly, I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve even been able to sit down and BREATHE! It’s been such a busy week, I had a two-day training at work Tuesday and Wednesday and yesterday I had a presentation I had to do which was sooooo stressful for me. So I’ve been at work past 5 everyday and it’s been so tiring. I finally get to work from home today and next week will be much more calm where I can go back to my regular hours.

To be honest, I feel so drained that I don’t even know what to do with my life right now. The only thing I’ve been consistently doing is working out and eating right which is a huge plus and is most likely the reason I was able to get through this week!

I want to talk about how working out has affected my mood! I feel much more energized and my sleep is a lot better. I have been taking melatonin at night this week to make sure I am able to fall asleep because I had to get up so early for work, but working out has also tired me out which is a good thing! Working out has also let me clear my mind of my stresses. It felt so good to exercise  after my training days this week because I was stuck in a room all day from 8-5pm and it was mentally draining. As soon as I got to the gym, it’s like everything was out of my head and I felt more relaxed and clear-minded. The weather is still crap here, but I still have the motivation to walk out to my garage and workout even if it’s super cold during the walk! So I have to say exercising and being consistent with it is one of the best choices I’ve made this month!

Let’s get into the topic of public speaking. I absolutely HATE it!! It makes me so stressed out and I’m literally a mess until it’s over with. I’ve hated it ever since college and it’s never gotten easier for me. In yesterday’s presentation, I didn’t even have to stand up, but I was shaking so bad and probably stuttering. I just hate being the center of attention and I hope I don’t have to do another presentation for a really, really long time. Does anyone have any good tips on getting past this? It seems like whatever I do, I’m still as nervous as always.

I’m getting back into blogging after this busy week, so today I’m sitting down and writing a list of the future topics I’ll be talking about. I would love to hear what everyone’s favorite thing I blog about is! I know I’m all over the place, it’s hard for me to choose just one group of topics. I love talking about everything! Let me know in the comments 🙂

This weekend I am taking a lot of time to RELAX after this long, stressful week! I think I’ll do a bath bomb and a face mask with my husband. That always helps me relax and clear my mind. Tonight, my bff’s and I are having a girls night which is going to be lots of fun! We haven’t had one in a while, well I guess our Galentine’s counts, but we went out for pizza. It’ll be fun and a much needed girl time! Saturday, my husband and I will probably go to this game night at his friends house and Sunday will be stay at home and do nothing day (as usual) because Sundayz are for chilling and doing absolutely NOTHING 🙂

There’s my very long update and I need a vacay :b talk to you soon!

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Just a 23 year old living her life!

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